The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 151 The Incompetent Prince Charming

Tu Yan heard Taotie's voice and couldn't react for a while.

how to say.

Generally speaking, the voice of a huge beast like Taotie should be rough, bold, and extremely hoarse.

But Taotie's voice sounded strange.

Not only sharp, but also very thin.

Like a sissy talking with a tight voice!


Just a sissy!

This was in stark contrast to his appearance.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Taotie roared angrily.

She's like a 'shrew' who was sold out but doesn't receive any money.

Tu Yan also came to his senses.

He quickly knelt down on the ground and told the story about 'Cork' in detail.

"Lord Taotie, I am Kirk. I was previously ordered to perform the JH mission. Now that the mission is completed, I will come back to report."

"Oh? Then what did you bring me to eat?" Taotie seemed to be full and burped loudly and smelly.

Tu Yan's throat moved, and he even bit his tongue slightly to prevent himself from being fainted.

"Yes, but I met Bai Ze on the way! All the things I prepared were confiscated by him!"

"Bai Ze!? Isn't he locked in the prison by me? Why is he outside!"

Upon hearing the word 'Baize', Taotie's eyes burst out with golden light, and his aura was fully activated for a moment.

Tu Yan couldn't help but take a few steps back. ‘As expected of the Twelve Generals! With this strength, tsk tsk, I have to die a few more times. ’

The mourning beast attendants on the side became angry when they saw Taotie.

He quickly knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to beg for mercy.

"Lord Taotie! Yesterday, we discovered that Bai Ze had escaped."

"I came to report to you, but you said you didn't care about him, and then you continued to eat!"

"Oh, really?" Taotie frowned, thinking about what happened yesterday.

But after thinking about it, I still only think about what I ate yesterday.

"Forget it! No matter what, just run away. I've already disabled most of his skills, and he can't make any waves. He's hungry again."

Taotie's stomach was still so 'bulging', but he felt hungry again.

One was not happy, so he broke off all four of his legs and stuffed them in one go.

"Wow, my legs are so delicious."

When he was eating with gusto, the four legs that he had just torn off were reborn.

Tu Yan looked at the Taotie with his mouth wide open.

So cruel?

Although Tu Yan's immortal body is very similar to Taotie's 'regeneration ability'.

But even if Tu Yan was about to starve to death, he would not think of eating his own flesh.

Don’t even think about this kind of thing!

After being surprised, Tu Yan also thought of business.

After seeing that Taotie was not interested in Bai Ze's escape, Tu Yan did as Bai Ze told him from the beginning.

He took out the note given to him by Bai Ze.

"Lord Taotie! All the food I brought to honor you was snatched away by Bai Ze. I was so angry that I rushed to beat him, but I was no match for him."

"After being captured alive by him, I was ready to die. I didn't expect that he would give me a note and ask me to hand it over to you!"

When Taotie heard this, he also became interested and said, "Bring it."


Tu Yan quickly handed over the note he had prepared in advance.

Then he stepped back respectfully.

Taotie opened the note and looked at it carefully.

That expression seemed to have gone through a bombardment of complexity.

A trace of disdain; a trace of anger; a trace of knowing smile; and finally, deep disdain.

"Oh, where is it? Okay! I will eat you this time!"

After saying that, Taotie crumpled the ball of paper, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it.

"Damn it. I even eat paper," Tu Yan complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

"Keke, you can go, you have nothing to do here!" Taotie stood up and seemed to be ready to leave.

But instead of walking towards the door, he walked towards the darkness behind him.

Tu Yan also squinted his eyes, pretended to leave, and quietly watched his leaving figure.

Apparently, this basement has two entrances and exits.

After secretly memorizing the terrain of this basement, Tu Yan also returned to the original route.

On the way, he deliberately slowed down.

Avoid encountering gluttons on the way out.

Then he walked out of the basement.

From the oral conversation of the Castle Beast soldiers.

Tu Yan also overheard the information he wanted, "Master Taotie has left."

With a slight smile, Tu Yan walked out of the castle, stretched his limbs, and warmed up for the battle later.

Just as he was stretching his muscles.

A mournful beast not far away attracted his attention.

It was the two-headed canine beast that had defiled the Flügel and made rude remarks to him.

Tu Yan rubbed his tiger teeth with his flexible tongue, and then looked at the duration of the 'chameleon clothes'.

After a chuckle, he followed sneakily behind the two-headed dog.

This two-headed dog didn't know what happened, as if it was deliberately tempting Tu Yan to attack him.

He actually walked to a corner where no one would notice.

There is a huge cave next to it.

Seeing such a good opportunity, Tu Yan naturally would not give up. After quietly following up, he knocked out the two-headed dog with a knife!

Although Tu Yan had controlled his strength, his powerful strength points caused the slightest cracks to appear on the skull of the two-headed dog.

"Huh, fainted? It's not over yet."

Tu Yan showed a bloody and cruel smile.

After summoning the ‘AT force field’.

Tu Yan placed it on top of the ‘AT force field’.

Then he controlled the AT force field through his spiritual power and slowly lifted it into the air.

Flying slowly towards the mountain.

Fortunately, no one discovered the direction of this corner.

After safely transporting the two-headed dog to the other side of the mountain with the AT force field, Tu Yan also swaggered towards the gate of the tree wall.

At the same time, under careful control, the AT force field also carried the two-headed dog, made a big circle, and came to the front of the woods.

When Tu Yan walked out of the gate, he looked back and silently said in his heart, ‘Wait, I’ll blow you up next time! ’

When Tu Yan walked into the depths of the woods, he took off his ‘chameleon clothes’ and changed back to his original appearance.

Then he walked straight to the place agreed with Dean in advance.

Dean was already frightened and panicked.

Because in front of him, there was a dead beast floating.

It was the two-headed dog carried by the AT force field.

"Don't worry, he's unconscious."

Tu Yan walked forward and found some vines to tie up the two-headed dog.

"Uh, aren't we leaving yet? That Taotie seems to have gone."

"Wait a minute."

As soon as the voice fell, Tu Yan slapped the tied-up two-headed dog!

With a "crack", the bones on the cheeks were probably broken!

"Ah! Who is it! It hurts so much!"

The two-headed dog was also beaten to death and was wailing in pain.

"Me? Ha, an incompetent prince charming!"

Tu Yan roared, his eyes full of burning flames!

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