The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 152: Killing the Two-Headed Dog

"Let me go! Here is help!" The two-headed dog realized that this time it was more dangerous than good.

He quickly called for help.

When Tu Yan heard his cry for help, he became even more furious.

Just go up and kick it!

The precise kick hit his 'most vulnerable part'!

"Scream! What are you calling! This place is far away from the Demon King's City! Think about it!"

Tu Yan grabbed the two heads of the two-headed dog and pulled hard.

"You felt so good just now, didn't you? Those Flügel girls also asked for help before they died!"

"How could you be in the Demon King's Castle, a Flügel?"

Perhaps he already knew that he was doomed this time, but the two-headed dog calmed down and began to analyze why he was tied up.

"None of your business!" Tu Yan raised his foot and stepped on one of the dog heads!

Instantly bloody and bloody!

The remaining dog head let out a miserable scream.

Tu Yan aimed at his throat and stabbed it with his hand.

His voice became mute for an instant.

"Are you feeling good?" Tu Yan murmured in a low voice, as if it was the whisper of a devil.

"Hey, what's this?" "A Dog" said intermittently, his voice sounded as if there were several shards of glass in his throat.

"Don't you understand the principle of the weak eating the strong? And the taste of those Flügels...hehehe."

The two-headed dog, whose face was covered in bruises and cramped in pain, actually showed a winner's smile.

Tu Yan sighed when he saw his appearance.

The anger in my heart somehow dissipated a lot.

Then he squatted in front of the two-headed dog and patted him on the shoulder.

"You are right, the weak will prey on the strong. Now that you are in my hands, you must know the consequences, right?"

"Kill or behead, whatever! I'm not afraid!\

,"Although the two-headed dog spoke nicely, his trembling fear could still be heard.

His two tied hands were shaking constantly, as if they were transmitting some message through the air.

"Don't worry, you won't die yet." After saying this, Tu Yan broke off the two-headed dog's hind limbs with all his strength!


The sound of bones breaking was accompanied by cruelty.

The two-headed dog with its hind limbs spread open placed its 'most vulnerable part' in front of Tu Yan.

Tu Yan grinned, raised his foot, and kicked! kick! kick!

A full blow!

kick! Step on it! tread!

There is only one goal!

The ‘most vulnerable part’ of the two-headed dog!

The two-headed dog's painful screams could not hide the fact that he had become a 'eunuch'.

After countless kicks, the two-headed dog could no longer bark.

But Tu Yan is still kicking! One kick! Try your best!

Dean watched silently.

Seeing that the two-headed dog was no longer alive, he walked forward and took Tu Yan's hand.

"Tu Yan. He seems to be dead."


Tu Yan sighed, and then took out the 'one hundred kilograms of mineral water'.

He carefully washed his feet and the areas on his body that were stained by flesh and blood.

After he got up, he looked at the two-headed dog that died in pain.

After a mouthful of spit hits him, he rides on Dean's back.

Flying towards the direction of ‘Wonderland’!

On the road, one person and one monster were speechless.

Say nothing.

In the end, it was Dean who spoke first.

"Tu Yan. What happened?"

"No, when I was on Earth, I rarely had the opportunity to see the atrocities committed by the mourning beasts, but just now in the Demon King's City..." Tu Yan told Dean about what he had just seen.

"Alas, this kind of thing also happens to the monster species. The mourning beasts are the enemies of all our races!" Dean swallowed his saliva and said consolingly.


After explaining the matter, Tu Yan's mentality obviously changed.

His gloomy expression also improved.

The difference was that his eyes were firmer, as if he had made a decision.

Time is fast, and they are about to resist the "Wonderland".

Looking from a distance, the woods in front of us seemed to be in a fight.

Explosions, smoke, and light continued to splash out.

When Dean saw this, he quickly flew over with all his strength!

After passing through the last tree, we came to the plain where the decisive battle took place.

Tu Yan jumped directly off of Dean.

In mid-air, he did not stop and took out Tiansuo Zhanyue.

‘Black Liuya Tu’!

Tu Yan quickly locked his target - Taotie!

A sprint skill quickly pulled Tu Yan back into shape and rushed directly in the direction of Taotie!

There was a 'crash' sound.

Originally Taotie was still fighting with Bai Ze.

But he was hit by this sudden blow and was knocked back several steps.

"Who!" Taotie roared angrily.

After taking a closer look, I realized that it was a wingless and transgendered Flügel.

"Flügels? Non-human species? And the elves just now, who are you! Isn't the great king over there on the earth? Why do you appear here!"

Taotie said doubtfully, and then his eyes quickly locked on all the races present.

Taking advantage of this time, Tu Yan also saw the situation of other people.

Bart and his companions are soaring in the sky, ready for support.

And Heerlen stood next to a tree, feinting with long-range attacks.

The main force is Baize.

His condition is not good.

Perhaps, as Taotie said, most of Bai Ze's power was eaten by Taotie.

Now Bai Ze is no match for Taotie.

Half of Bai Ze's body was bitten and bloody, and he was looking at Taotie with heavy breath.

"Heerlen! Take Bai Ze to heal!"

Tu Yan shouted.

Although it is called healing, in the absence of the doctor 'Mark'.

It is just a common bandage and application of herbs.

Bai Ze was relieved to see Tu Yan's arrival.

Change people! Fight again!

Tu Yan rushed directly towards Taotie.

At the same time, an 'Eye of the Illustrated Book' was thrown over.

Mourning Beast: Taotie

Level: 200

Strength: ? ? ?

HP: ? ? ?

Defense: ? ? ?

Speed: ? ? ?

Skills: ? ? ?

Affiliation: Eleventh of the Twelve Generals of Zang Beasts, high-level Zang Beasts. All twelve generals are high-level Zang Beasts, with their own consciousness and wisdom, commanding mid-level Zang Beasts and low-level Zang Beasts. They are the strongest twelve Zang Beasts.

Status: Infection Source

Still all question marks, we know that only Taotie is the eleventh of the twelve generals.

Tu Yan shook his left hand, and the "Demon Knife Thousand Blades" appeared in his hand.

Then he jumped and jumped towards the head of Taotie.

"Tu Yan! Be careful!" Bai Ze, who was behind him, shouted immediately.

But everything was too late!

Tu Yan, who jumped into the air, suddenly had two black eyes!

He couldn't see what was in front of him!

(Book recommendation: It's still a new author, you can also go and have a look.)

(If you like the theme of the end of the world, you can go and have a look.)

"The Strongest Awakening in the End of the World"

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