But the arrow was on the string and had to be shot. Tu Yan was going to just chop a few times.

But a burst of stimulating pain came.

Half of his body was bitten off!

"Hahaha, this is the first time I've seen such a fool, he actually rushed directly to my mouth."

Before he died, Tu Yan could only hear this laugh.

Bai Ze, who was being bandaged, regretted it. "Alas, I should have reminded Tu Yan earlier."

"It's okay, anyway, he can be resurrected again." Heerlen on the side looked indifferent.

"Yeah, I can't accept this perverted ability for the time being, hahaha."

After thinking about it, Bai Ze relaxed.

Tu Yan's upper body was bitten wantonly in the mouth of the Taotie, and then swallowed.

Just as the Taotie was about to bend down and gnaw on Tu Yan's lower body that fell to the ground.

Eternal immortality! Start!

Death superposition! Start!

The resurrected Tu Yan used Lushan Shenglongba directly! He stabbed Taotie's jaw with his two knives!


Unfortunately, Tu Yan's attack power was not very high.

He could not penetrate Taotie's body.

He just used the impact force to knock him down.

Taotie staggered and looked at the resurrected Tu Yan in confusion.

“This is... Could it be! Your ability is also regeneration!” Taotie's eyes were like burning candles!

He locked onto Tu Yan's figure tightly.

“Why should I tell you.”

Tu Yan sneered, then retreated quickly and took out Barrett's Black Katie Flame.

He called out with a Flame Roar!

The expected explosion did not happen.

Taotie opened his mouth and ate the orange bullet directly!

The explosion was in his stomach, but it seemed to have only made Taotie's stomach bulge a little.

"Oh no, this can be eaten too"

Although I have heard rumors that Taotie eats everything, even himself.

But seeing it with my own eyes, I was still a little surprised.

"Tu Yan! Taotie's ability is regeneration and swallowing!" Bai Ze said hurriedly from behind.

"Damn, why didn't you say it earlier."

Since it can swallow, long-range attacks are useless.

This is also the case.

In the beginning of the battle.

Whether it is the long-range breath of Bart Dragon or the long-range magic attack of Heerlen.

As long as it hits the front of Taotie, it will be swallowed by his big mouth.

Then I can only look at Taotie who patted his belly after eating with an angry face.

The only effective attack is to attack from close range or from the side.

But if you get close, you will be eaten by his huge mouth.

If you attack from the side, he is huge but extremely flexible.

No matter how you fight, it's useless, and you are in a stalemate for a while.

"Tsk tsk, tell me! Humans! What's your name!" Taotie stuck out his tongue and licked his mouth.

His eyes were filled with endless desire!

"Why, are you going to admit defeat?"

Tu Yan asked calmly while breaking off his finger.

I don't know if it's because he has done too many self-mutilation things.

Tu Yan seemed to be used to this kind of thing, and there was not a trace of pain on his face.

"Oh, oh, by the way, Bai Ze just called you Tu Yan, right? What a good name."

"Thinking back then, probably thousands of years ago, we also went to Earth. Judging from your hair color and skin color, you must be from that nation."

"I still remember that book, it's called Shanhaijing, right? Hehe, hahaha."

Taotie laughed like a fool.

"If you have something to say, you can fart." Tu Yan threw his severed finger in the direction of Heerlen with a light toss.

Heerlen also understood and picked up Tu Yan's severed finger.

Preparing for the second resurrection.

"You know what! Tu Yan! I'm so hungry, so hungry, I'm so hungry that I'm starting to eat myself! Although I can regenerate, it hurts!"

"You! Since your ability is regeneration! Then you are mine! In this way, I will have endless food! Ahahahaha"

Taotie raised his head and laughed.

Tu Yan aimed at the opportunity and rushed directly towards Taotie.

But Taotie reacted immediately, and when he lowered his head, he gently blew a black hurricane over!

It turned out that Taotie also had eyes under his armpits.

So the sneak attack that Tu Yan thought he had just made was actually under Taotie's observation.

This black hurricane attacked Tu Yan.

It turned into a sharp blade, trying to cut Tu Yan's body!

In just a moment, Tu Yan's body turned into pieces!

Then the hurricane took Tu Yan's body fragments and made a sharp turn, running back to Taotie.

"Hahaha, I won't be polite, I'll have a full meal!"

Taotie opened his mouth wide and swallowed the black hurricane directly, along with Tu Yan's body fragments!

Taotie is indeed a glutton, and can even eat his own attack energy ball.

His mouth was also torn apart by the black hurricane.

Just like the 'lipless woman'.

But after a while, his mouth was restored to its original state.

He showed a sinister smile again.

"Tu Yan, regenerate quickly, I specially left you a leg"

If Tu Yan was still conscious at this time, he would definitely not want to be resurrected.

What a psycho!

This Twelve Generals!

Tu Yan really couldn't beat him, but if he couldn't beat him, he would be eaten!

Then he would be resurrected quickly, and then he would be eaten!

His stomach was bottomless!

But resurrection still had to happen.

Tu Yan was also resurrected through the remaining leg.

Seeing the regenerated Tu Yan.

Taotie looked like a pervert and a fan, with strong love in his eyes.

He almost annihilated Tu Yan.

"Hahaha! It really is rebirth! Wait, Tu Yan, I will solve those who are in the way now, and then we will be together forever, forever and ever! No one can separate us! Right, right, right! According to the saying on Earth, it's marriage, let's get married."

Taotie was so crazy that he started to speak incoherently.

Tu Yan was stunned by Taotie's shocking speech.

What the hell.

The first confession in life was made by a huge Twelve Generals?

And this is not a declaration of love.

This yandere is really concerned about his ability to revive and fill his stomach.


An arrow shot from behind Tu Yan and accurately hit the laughing Taotie.

It turned out to be Heerlen who had bandaged Bai Ze.

She squinted and stared at Taotie. Her eyes were like a blade. Although she had no attack power, she was very intimidating.

Tu Yan glanced back and was also shocked by Heerlen’s aura.

He swallowed his saliva and turned to look at Taotie’s movements, which were like a stiff robot.

“What are you standing there for! Hurry up and kill that Taotie. I don’t like him!”

Heerlen’s voice, like a heavy hammer, hit Tu Yan’s heart.

“Yes! Ms. Heerlen!”

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