The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 154 Regeneration and Devouring!

Without Heerlen's reminder, Tu Yan also planned to kill Taotie right now.

But this Twelve Generals was very different from the opponents he had met before.

Other opponents were like seeing a ghost after knowing his resurrection ability.

This Taotie was extremely excited after knowing his ability.

Want to take me back as his wife?

The resurrection ability that Tu Yan was proud of was eternal food in the eyes of Taotie.

How to fight this?

Taotie opened his mouth wide when attacking with a sniper rifle.

If you sneak attack him at close range, he still opened his mouth wide.

Powerful regeneration ability, coupled with the ability to devour.

Play a hammer.

Even the blade fragments of the Demon Knife Qianren were swallowed by Taotie.

Tu Yan could no longer feel the existence of the fragments.

Tu Yan, who had died eight times, was panting.

With 80% improvement in all attributes, Tu Yan was still not a match for Taotie.

Looking at the perverted Taotie in front of him.

His mind was working quickly, trying to find a way to defeat Taotie.

No matter how hard he racked his brains, there was no way.

Or like before, after enough people died, he would open a death gate.

Decide life or death within one minute!

But at the moment, there was no substantial damage to Taotie.

Just one minute of crazy attack.

Tu Yan had no confidence that he could kill Taotie on the ground.

"If 9527 was here, he should be able to find the weakness of Taotie with his brain."

Tu Yan then thought of his comrade-in-arms - 9527.

But in the current situation, he can only rely on himself.

Bai Ze, who was standing aside, also re-entered the battle after bandaging his wound.

Bai Ze walked lightly, as if there were clouds under his feet.

Then he seemed to be silently reciting some strange spells.

For a moment, the whole sky was immediately covered with dark clouds.

The dark clouds collided with each other, containing a sizzling power.

This power was indigo, thunder, and lightning!

"Ninety-nine Heavenly Tribulations!

After Taotie swallowed the 'Crescent Sky Strike' released by Tu Yan in one bite.

He noticed the strange phenomenon in the sky.

"Hahaha, Bai Ze, Bai Ze, is the current Heavenly Tribulation still useful to me!"

Taotie bent his four legs, exerted force, and actually jumped up to the sky!

"I want it! I want it all! Eat it!"

Taotie opened his bloody mouth and rushed towards the lightning power that was constantly accumulating!

The thick lightning fell to the ground!

It hit Taotie accurately.

But when it was about to hit Taotie, those extremely thick lightnings instantly became slim.

It was swallowed by Taotie in one bite.

"No more? I want more! "

The Taotie leaped into the air and rushed towards the dark clouds.

Eat eat eat!

Swallow swallow swallow!

Gurgle gurgle gurgle!

The Taotie swallowed all the 'Ninety-nine Heavenly Tribulations'.

After using this move, Bai Ze half-knelt, panting.

He showed a look of despair, looking at the greed of the Taotie.

He muttered, 'How is it possible that his strength has soared to this level? Even the Ninety-nine Heavenly Tribulations can be swallowed directly?'

The Taotie was living wildly.

After swallowing the most After swallowing the last lightning black cloud, he also burped heavily.

After patting his round belly, he touched it for a long time.

It seems that Taotie should be full.

Even the wisps of lightning and a small piece of black cloud floating out of his mouth were not in a hurry to swallow.

Instead, he let them dissipate in the air.

Tu Yan narrowed his eyes and observed the Taotie in the sky.

An idea suddenly flashed in his mind, but he still needed to try it to confirm it.

Then he shouted loudly.

"Bart! Attack Taotie with all your strength! Use magic skills!"


Bart's four companions have been knocked to the ground by Taotie and are dying.

Only Bart is left, flying in the air.

After receiving Tu Yan's instructions, he also quickly flew to the side of Taotie.

"Ice Age! "

Many ice spikes continued to appear beside Bart.

These ice spikes were arranged in rows and very neatly.

They shot towards Taotie one by one.

Taotie saw this and did not open his mouth to eat it directly as he did before.

He, Taotie, actually dodged it!

This was the first time that Taotie dodged a long-range energy attack head-on in a battle.

But these ice spikes flashed by and did not hit Taotie, and then they took a sharp turn.

They rushed towards Taotie who was flying towards the ground.

Taotie also noticed it and muttered about trouble.

Then he stopped suddenly, lowered his head slightly, and caught these attacks with his back.

"Hahaha, are you tickling me? It's so funny! "

After enduring Bart's full-strength attack, Taotie was not hurt at all.

Taotie was also angry and opened his hands.

He made a gesture of raising a bow and arrow to shoot.

But nothing appeared in his hand. With a clean and neat "bang", it seemed that Taotie, the "human sheep", shot an air bow and arrow!

"Shadowless magic bow!"

Seeing this, Tu Yan quickly placed the "AT force field" horizontally in front of Bart, trying to help Bart block this attack.

With a "click".

It was useless!

The invisible bow and arrow directly shattered the AT force field.

It rushed straight to Bart!

Fortunately, under the interception of the AT force field just now, the power of the Shadowless Demonic Bow was weakened.

Bart also reacted and barely dodged.

After hitting Bart's wings, he also whined and fell to the ground.

It seems that there is no serious danger to his life.

But the rupture of the AT force field was the first time this happened.

As the user, Tu Yan suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The AT force field was controlled by Tu Yan using his mental power.

This will happen if it is damaged.

Causes a certain degree of backlash to users.

A strong sense of nausea came over him, and Tu Yan almost fainted on the spot.

Seeing this, Bai Ze quickly came to Tu Yan's side.

He stuck out his tongue and licked Tu Yan's body.

Then he used the horn on his forehead to nudge Tu Yan.

With Bai Ze's help, Tu Yan gradually recovered.

"Thank you, you are such an amazing beast. When I am with you, my physical fatigue and mental depression disappear."

At this time, Tu Yan only felt refreshed.

The AT field was destroyed and the fatigue caused by eight consecutive deaths gradually disappeared.


After Bai Ze finished saying this, he knelt down on his forelimbs and lay on the ground. It looked like he was exhausted.

"Can I still use the 'Ninety-nine Heavenly Tribulation' just now?" Tu Yan asked quietly.

"I'm afraid it's impossible. What's wrong?"

Bai Ze was also very tired.

"I must have discovered Taotie's weakness. It's best to confirm again. Oh, by the way, what's going on with his regeneration ability? Is it any different from my resurrection?"

(The most popular one these days is definitely me, but I still highly recommend this book.)

(Although it’s not as good-looking as mine, you can still go and have a look, hahaha.)

("Minecraft: The Strongest Player"! It is said that if you go now, there are girls who can get it)

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