The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 155: Think! Keep thinking!

"the difference."

Bai Zeba sighed and thought carefully.

"I have appeared in this world since the birth of Church Star tens of thousands of years ago."

"Subsequently, Taotie and other ferocious beasts, mythical beasts, exotic beasts and other demonic species slowly appeared on Qiuqi Planet."

"In the beginning, Taotie's skill and regeneration ability have their limits, and I can still deal with them."

"But after he defected to the Sour Beast Legion, his strength increased dramatically. I am no longer his opponent."

"The difference is that his ability is regeneration, and your ability is really resurrection?"

Bai Ze asked softly.

"Yes, it's resurrection. Even if I still have one finger, I can be resurrected!"

"That's it," Bai Ze licked his lips and said slowly.

"In the past, I once sealed Taotie."

"At that time, his regeneration ability was not so terrifying. It could have killed him completely."

"But seeing that he was also born between heaven and earth, I still couldn't bear it, so I just sealed it."

"That's right! His ability is just regeneration! If the attack intensity and speed are faster than his regeneration ability, he won't be able to regenerate!"

Bai Ze recalled the past battles with Taotie, and gradually discovered the flaw in Taotie's regeneration ability.

"Yeah! I think so too. His regeneration ability and my resurrection ability are actually fundamentally different!"

Tu Yan also nodded beside him.

During the battle just now, he kept thinking.

That is the essential difference between rebirth and resurrection!

In the battle with Taotie.

The most terrifying thing is his devouring ability.

But the most troublesome thing for Tu Yan is his regeneration ability.

Because as long as he had this regeneration ability, Tu Yan would not dare to use the eight-door one-minute real man skill with confidence.

To avoid beating Taotie half to death, he would pass out and then Taotie would be reborn.

Then all your efforts will be wasted.

But according to Bai Ze, Taotie's regeneration ability has its limits.

Just use a 'violent storm' attack to beat him until he can't regenerate!

But Tu Yan is different. Tu Yan can be resurrected as long as he has a complete body part!

"Bai Ze! One minute! Give me one more minute."

Seeing Tu Yan's determination, Bai Ze nodded heavily and struggled to get up despite the pain.

After deciding to awaken, Tu Yan quickly took action.

He shouted loudly as he ran in the direction of Heerlen.

"Heerlen! Help me!"

The words just fell.

Heerlan's attack swept across.

"God-killing blasting arrow!"

"Come on! Tu Yan, I believe you!"

Tu Yan currently has 80% improvement in all attributes.

To increase the chance of killing in one hit.

Heerlen also used his skills to attack Tu Yan without hesitation.

Among all the people present, the tacit understanding between Heerlen and Tu Yan can be said to be the best.

Heerlen naturally understood what Tu Yan wanted to do.

There is no nonsense at all, the skill is used effectively.

Tu Yan stood there, accepting death.

Immortal! launch!

Death stacks up! launch!

"Come again!"

After being resurrected, Tu Yan continued to seek death!

Taotie not far away also noticed something strange about Tu Yan.

He quickly rushed towards Tu Yan.

During the battle, he had been vaguely aware of it.

That is, once Tu Yan is reborn, his strength will increase by one point.

This is much stronger than his regeneration ability.

But Bai Ze dodged and firmly blocked Taotie's path.

"Get away! You Bai Ze!"

Taotie is very anxious. Now he must capture Tu Yan alive, seal and tie him up, and take him back to the Demon King's City.

He doesn't have time to deal with this old rival!

"Taotie! Today is the end of you!"

Bai Ze's body exuded a faint white holy light.

It diluted the dark aura around Taotie a lot.

"The Holy Light Breaks"!

A dazzling white light rushed towards Taotie!


The Taotie had a big mouth and ate the white light directly!

Then he knocked Bai Ze away.

He rushed towards Tu Yan!

"Tu Yan!"

Bai Ze, who was knocked aside, did not forget to remind him and shouted loudly.

But when Taotie rushed in front of Tu Yan, it was because of the dazzling white light of the 'Holy Light of Dawn' just now.

His vision was somewhat obstructed.

After arriving here and shaking his head, he realized. .

Tu Yan is missing!

"Where is Tu Yan! Where is my eternal food! Ah!"

Taotie roared angrily, and in a fit of rage, he actually bit off his own hands!

"Here it is, idiot. Roar of Fire!"

Sound appears in the air!

Tu Yan had already passed through the AT force field and reached mid-air through continuous jumping.

The transparent steps composed of AT force fields are at least one meter high from each other.

Tu Yan was not as leisurely as before, but now he jumped up.

Arriving at an altitude of 100 meters.

And Heerlen also took advantage of this gap, quickly went over to lift Bai Ze, and retreated temporarily.

Taotie's reaction speed was very fast. He turned his head and swallowed the bullet!

But Tu Yan's violent attack came over immediately.

Thousand-blade magic sword!

Although the fragments of the Thousand Blades of the Demon Sword have been swallowed by Taotie.

But as long as Tu Yan is resurrected, the Demonic Sword Thousand Blades will also be refreshed.

Under Tu Yan's control, thousands of fragments rushed towards Taotie!

These blades were like automatic radars.

They flew towards Taotie from different directions.

Taotie dodged and swallowed quickly.

He only swallowed a small half of the fragments.

"Useless, useless! Tu Yan, just go with me!"


Tu Yan turned over in the air, his head facing the ground and his feet facing the sky.

Then he controlled the AT force field to appear under his feet.

He bent down and exerted force in the air.

Then he used the AT force field as a barrier to fly and jump towards the ground!

Gravity acceleration!

"Come on! Tu Yan!"

Taotie saw that Tu Yan was so fearless and rushed towards him.

He was extremely excited.

He jumped up and opened his mouth wide.

"Crescent Moon Sky Rush"!

"Black Stream Tooth Thrusting"!

He used two skills, Tian Suo Zhan Yue, but Tao Tie swallowed them all in one bite!

But half of Tao Tie's mouth was blown open!

He was so greedy that he rushed towards Tu Yan without waiting for his mouth to fully recover.

Tu Yan was about to hit the ground.

He quickly controlled the AT force field to block Tao Tie's route.

'Crack', Tao Tie's hard horns directly knocked it away!

"Heh" Tu Yan chuckled, grabbed Tian Suo Zhan Yue with both hands, and with a force, he quickly chose to roll over!

A horizontal slash!

Directly cut Tao Tie's upper body in half.

"Tao Tie. Let's see whether you regenerate faster or I'm faster!"


Heerlen had killed Tu Yan five times just now!

130% increase in all attributes!

Tu Yan's attack power skyrocketed!

Just cut!

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