The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 156 Regeneration VS Resurrection!

One cut!

Tian Suo Zhan Yue finally managed to cut off the meat of Taotie!

But regeneration!

"Ahahaha, Tu Yan! Come on!"

Taotie bit Tu Yan while regenerating the cut meat!

With a broken tooth, Tu Yan's defense was increased by 130% in all attributes, and ordinary attacks could not break the defense.

As a last resort, Taotie could only use skills!

'Endless Devouring'!

Tu Yan endured the severe pain!

If his left hand was eaten, he would continue to chop with his right hand!

"Go to hell!"

"You are the one who will die!"

Regenerate Taotie!

Resurrect Tu Yan!

Two people with perverted abilities came together, and blood and flesh were absolutely splattered!

Under Tu Yan's repeated attacks, Taotie was constantly injured, but also regenerated quickly.

And under the devouring of Taotie, Tu Yan kept gnawing until he died completely, and then he could be resurrected again!

Gradually, Taotie also found something wrong.

"Tu Yan! Why don't you regenerate immediately, but wait until you die before you regenerate!"

Taotie took advantage of the gap and quickly retreated, pulling away from Tu Yan.


He felt an extremely weird feeling in his heart!

Every time Tu Yan regenerated, it seemed that his strength increased again.

But the most important thing was that Taotie found that Tu Yan's ability did not seem to be regeneration!

"Why should I tell you!" Tu Yan refused to let Taotie go.

Rush forward violently.

Continue the violent attack!

"Haha, I want to see whether your regeneration is better or mine is better!"

"Power, of course it's me!"

During the sprint, Tu Yan braked suddenly.

Because the time has come, counting the "life for life" just now.

160% increase in all attributes!

"Come out! Strike Gundam!"


A meteor appeared above the entire Church Star!

It smashed towards Tu Yan!

After landing with a ‘clang’.

The meteor hit Tu Yan accurately.

A Gundam appeared!

Tu Yan merged with this Gundam.

“Come on! Gundam vs. Shanhaijing!”

This giant Gundam is even bigger than Taotie!

Seeing this giant robot, Taotie didn’t hesitate at all.

Instead, he laughed.

“Tu Yan! What is this! Is it a new food? Hahahaha!”

Although Taotie was laughing, it was obvious that he took a few steps back!

This detail was not missed by Tu Yan.

But at this time, he would not waste time and talk nonsense with Taotie.

Holding the ‘anti-ship sword’ with a faint pink glow, relying on the ‘jet device’ behind him, Tu Yan came to Taotie in an instant.

"Come on! Who's afraid of whom!" Taotie saw Tu Yan launching such a fierce attack.

He had to fight back quickly!

"Who wants to get close to you?"

Tu Yan smiled slightly and took out the 'Gatling'!

A manual multi-barrel rotary machine gun!

The principle of its firearm is the rotary barrel firing principle. It uses a set of transmission mechanisms to make several barrels rotate around a common axis to complete continuous shooting.

Its advantages are high firing rate and great power!

Moreover, the alternating working method of the barrels enables it to maintain good continuous firepower. The main disadvantages are large size and mass, and high energy consumption.

The principle of Gatling's rotary barrel machine gun, this working feature is that each launch tube has its own bolt and locking mechanism, which completes the actions of feeding, locking, firing and ejecting shells in turn.

Each bullet can cause a fixed damage of 5 points to the creature, and according to the user's strength points, it can increase the damage by 1%!

If the fatal part is hit, it can cause multiple damage, and the probability of a one-shot kill depends on the user's ability.

Every minute, this Gatling gun can fire 1,000 bullets!

In other words, every minute, it can cause 5,000 points of damage to a single object!

The most terrifying thing is that this Gatling gun does not need to be reloaded!

For every minute of continuous use, it only takes ten seconds for the barrel to cool down!

If you want to risk your life, you can also use it continuously for half an hour, and then make this Gatling gun invalid!

In the hands of the "Tu Yan Strike Gundam".

This Gatling gun has become huge.

Like a tree that Tu Yan broke off with his bare hands.

A large round gun head composed of nine cylindrical small barrels.

It exudes a breath of black death.

Because of the weight of the Gatling gun, the Strike Gundam still held it tightly with two arms.

And his right hand was already on the Gatling gun's "one-shot" switch.


"Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu!!!"

The whistling sound of the Gatling gun, like a storm, roared throughout the Lost Wonderland!

Fire, splashing from the muzzle!

Bullets, like a rainstorm, without even a gap to count!

Shot straight at Taotie!

Taotie didn't care and laughed.

Then he dodged!

Seeing Taotie start to dodge.

Strike Gundam also smiled.

"Sure enough, it's just as I thought, Taotie. There is a limit to your swallowing! You need to digest it well before you can swallow it!"

Strike Gundam's eyes showed a firm flame.

Its mechanical feet were firmly nailed to the ground.

Bend the right leg and step back as a support.

Use force on the waist to throw the Gatling up!

Don't give Taotie any chance to breathe!

"Damn it!" Seeing that Gatling was biting him tightly, Taotie had no choice but to stop.

He opened his mouth wide and swallowed the bullets that were shot at him one by one!

Although Gatling was the one with the lowest attack power among all the attack methods in Tu Yan's hands.

Even if Tu Yan punched with his bare hands, he could deal more damage than Gatling.

But Gatling's firing speed was too fast!

One thousand rounds per minute!

It couldn't be stopped at all!

Moreover, the 160% increase in all attributes, as well as the attack blessing of the Strike Gundam itself!

The Gatling in Tu Yan's hand was a 'Death Rain' with a very high firing speed and great attack!

Taotie roared, and after swallowing hundreds of bullets, he suddenly closed his mouth.

But the bullets did not stop.

The rainstorm continued!

The whistling Gatling bullets beat Taotie back step by step.

Several bullets even pierced into Taotie's body!

Taotie had no choice but to fight back, endured the pain, and regenerated quickly!

"Come on! Tu Yan! Let's see who will win!"

Under the fierce attack, Taotie decided to give it a try!

He ran in circles at a rapid speed. His hands did not stop, and traced tracks in the air. ,

Then he stopped.

'Water and Fire Soul-Grabbing Spear'!

A blue and red spear with ice and fire appeared in both hands!

"Tu Yan, this is my real strength!"

Taotie roared, he opened his mouth and emitted waves of sound waves!

The next moment, he closed his mouth!

But with such a bite, half of the arm of the Strike Gundam was gone!

'Crack'! 'Crack'!

The half arm of the Strike Gundam appeared in the mouth of Taotie and was bitten into pieces!

Tu Yan looked at Taotie in horror.

You know, there are hundreds of meters between him and Taotie, how did Taotie manage to "devour through the air"!


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