But Bai Ze is worthy of being an ‘auspicious beast’.

Under his licking, Tu Yan's condition improved significantly.

The pain seemed to gradually disappear.

But the destruction of the body continues.

I saw that the arms and legs of the Strike Gundam began to disintegrate, and gradually the body and head were broken.

The vitality and mobility of Strike Gundam depend on Tu Yan.

They share the same destiny.

With the backlash of the 'Death Gate', Tu Yan's signs of life began to disappear.

The Strike Gundam also turned into pieces and drifted away in the wind.

Heerlen came to Tu Yan who was lying on the ground after resurrection.

When I saw Bai Ze was about to step forward and give him "mysterious power" to prevent him from falling into a unconscious coma.

she spoke.

"Wait, Bai Ze."

"What's wrong?"

"Let him be like this. He just overexerted himself and lost consciousness. Let him have a good rest."

Heerlen said tremblingly, then squatted on the ground and carefully smoothed Tu Yan's hair, which was messy due to sweat.

Bai Ze said this when he saw Heerlen and no longer insisted.

He looked at Tu Yan solemnly, bent down slightly, and then walked towards the place where Taotie died.

Heerlen also took out a thin quilt from his luggage.

Although it is a quilt.

But it was only a few days ago that Tu Yan saw Heerlen Fengshuang staying overnight.

I specially collected some dead grass and leaves to make a 'grass quilt'.

Tu Yan was still very embarrassed and said that the conditions were limited.

But no one knew how red Heerlen's face turned and how fast his heart beat after taking over the quilt.

Heerlen gently laid the 'grass quilt' on Tu Yan's body.

Then stay by his side, accompanying him.

This leaves the follow-up work to be handled only by Dean and Bai Ze.

After Dean sent Tu Yan here, he immediately slipped away.

He's not stupid either.

If you don't have the strength, don't go over there and cause trouble.

After running far away, he found a safe place.

Keep an eye on the battlefield.

Wait until all the smoke and explosions are over before returning cautiously.

Hiding behind a big tree, after repeatedly confirming that it was Tu Yan who had won.

Then he slowly walked out from behind the tree.

When Bai Ze saw Dean's appearance, he did not blame him for hiding, but asked him to help deal with the battlefield together.

Bai Ze stood in the death pit where Taotie died and paused for a while.

He and Taotie have been old rivals since the day they were born.

But this time, he knew that there would be no more Taotie in this world.

He could no longer sense Taotie's presence from heaven to earth.

And Taotie, who was famous for his regenerative abilities, didn't even have a corpse.

All annihilated.

Only two horns were left embedded in the ground.

Bai Ze looked at the pair of horns and pondered for a while.

Finally, I picked it up and planned to find a free day in the future.

Just go to the Kunlun Mountains on Qiuqi Planet to bury him.

Then Bai Ze went to Bart and the others with Dean.

The situation is bad.

Including Bart, there are five dragons in total.

A giant flame dragon named ‘Val Dragon’ was directly sacrificed.

There is also a wind-flamed dragon named 'Kasa' who was infected by the mourning beast virus and turned into a bone dragon.

Bart and the others were unable to defeat him, so they had to let him escape. ,

The remaining three dragons were all injured to varying degrees.

Bai Ze is truly worthy of being an auspicious beast.

He stepped forward and licked the injured dragons, and their injuries quickly recovered in a way that was visible to the naked eye.

"I'm sorry I can't come back to life."

Bai Ze stood in front of the dead flame dragon, lowered his head and felt apologetic.

"What are you talking about, Bai Ze? They are gluttons and mourning beasts. They are our enemies!"

Bart was relieved.

Then Bart and the other two dragons stood in front of the dead flame dragon and used breath.

Let's bury their companions properly.

"Bai Ze, wait until Tu Yan wakes up and tell him that I need to take the sacrificed companions back and bury them. This is our dragon tradition, so I won't wait for him to wake up."

"Yeah, I understand."

"Then I ask you to express my most sincere gratitude to him on my behalf. He will always be a great benefactor to our dragon species."

"Okay, Dragon Bart, let's go."

Bai Ze waited until all the dragons left before continuing his work.


Then of course it’s food preparation.

After all, Bai Ze also spent some time on earth.

Although thousands of years have passed.

But he knew that the food on Earth was completely different from the food on Church Planet.

After thinking carefully in his brain for a while, Bai Ze finally found something in his memory that had a taste, texture, and nutrition that were similar to Earth's food.

For safety reasons, Youbaize is still here to guard the place, while Dean is responsible for finding the food.

"Uh, Mr. Bai Ze, are these really delicious?" Dean was very confused when he heard the 'ingredients' Bai Ze mentioned.

"Hahaha, the diets of the two planets are naturally different, but the food on Earth is really delicious."

When it comes to food from the earth, even Bai Ze fell silent.

It's like reminiscing about the past.

By the time everything was ready, night had already fallen.

When Bai Ze handed the prepared food to Heerlen.

Heerlen was also full of praise for it.

After eating your portion.

Heerlen also carefully applied the bowl of 'special rice cereal' to Tu Yan's lips.

When watching Tu Yan subconsciously licking the food on his lips.

Heerlen showed an elegant smile.

Dean on the side was also stunned.

He had never seen such a beautiful sight.

The hero who fought to the limit lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground.

There was an exquisite and charming elf girl next to her.

Taking care of the hero wholeheartedly.

Under that indigo-black night, the stars in the sky seemed to be singing softly to the comfort of fighting.

Tu Yan regained consciousness and when he woke up, it was already the next morning.

When he slowly opened his eyes.

What caught the eye was Heerlen's sleeping face, which fell asleep after just sitting there.

He looked at the 'grass quilt' on his body and the water juice squeezed out from the fruit next to him.

Any kind of straight man can understand what happened during this period.

The gradually increasing warmth in my heart defeated the chill of the morning.

Heerlen staggered, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.

Drowsily, she also opened her eyes.

His eyes met with Tu Yan's.

Silence spread between the two of them.

No one knew what to say first.

"Uh, have you been taking care of me?" After Tu Yan asked this question, he swallowed unconsciously.

"Yes." Heerlen lowered his head shyly.

"Thank you." Tu Yan also blushed, and some words emerged in his heart.

When those words turn into words and are about to burst out of your mouth.

Was abruptly interrupted by 'people'.

"Tu Yan, are you awake?"

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