The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 160: Demon King’s Castle, set off again!


Tu Yan glared at Bai Ze.

He showed a look of gritted teeth.

That look was extremely sharp.

But it was Heerlen who had a greater reaction than Tu Yan.

Heerlen's eyes were those that wanted to kill someone. They were very sharp and went straight towards Bai Ze.

Bai Ze was originally very happy to see Tu Yan wake up.

Come closer and say hello.

Seeing two angry faces, I was confused for a moment.

"Uh what happened?"

Bai Ze took a step back and looked at the two of them with some fear.


Tu Yan and Heerlun said in unison, rolling their eyes at the same time.

"You take a break and I'll bring you some more 'rice cereal'."

Heerlen stood up, staggered and almost fell.

Tu Yan quickly supported him.

It seemed that Heerlen had been squatting all night, and his legs and feet were numb.

"Are you okay?" Tu Yan grabbed Heerlen's hand and asked carefully.

"it's okay no problem."

Heerlen quickly broke away, turned around and ran away.

Like a little deer, something pleasant happened and it jumped up and down with joy.

Tu Yan looked at Heerlen's back and stayed where he was.

Until Bai Ze came to interrupt again.

"Ahem, Tu Yan, excuse me."


Tu Yan now has no patience with Bai Ze, who specializes in 'making trouble'.

He began to imagine in his mind whether the legendary auspicious beast Bai Ze would be delicious when grilled!

"You woke up so early in the morning, so angry?"

"If you don't tell me what's going on, I'll eat 'Baize Barbecue' for lunch. By the way, how long have I been unconscious?"

I heard Tu Yan say that he wanted to eat his own flesh.

Bai Ze was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

But after seeing that Tu Yan seemed to have lost his temper, he mustered up the courage to speak out.

"Just one day."

"Oh? It's so short this time."

"Maybe Heerlen took good care of it. By the way, what are you going to do about the device that extracts the power of the planet? When will you destroy it?"

"Today. I also lurked into the Demon King's Castle yesterday. There are too many mourning beasts inside. It would be very troublesome to attack by force."

"I think it's better to continue lurking. After all, I'm still injured and need time to recuperate. You lurk in and the destruction is successful. Dean and I will go to the Kunlun Mountains together. We will wait until the body is fully recovered before heading towards the Demon King's City." Launch a general attack."

"Kunlun Mountain?" Tu Yan became more energetic when he heard the word Kunlun Mountain.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Wait, so Kunlun Mountains and Penglai Island are both on Qiuqi Planet?"

"Oh, is it recorded in the Book of Mountains and Seas? Indeed, Kunlun and Penglai are the holy places of Qiu Qi. When we went to Earth, we monsters missed these two places very much, so we always talked about them. "

After Bai Ze explained.

Tu Yan finally understood why the Kunlun Mountains and Penglai Island that appeared in the history of Yanlong Kingdom could not be found no matter how hard they searched.

It turns out that this place was originally a holy place on other planets.

I pity those who have been searching so hard.

"Hey, for what reason did you demon species go to the earth thousands of years ago?"

After finishing dealing with Taotie, Tu Yan also relaxed.

Only then did he and Bai Ze have a good chat.

"Actually, I don't know that either."

"I only know that one day in thousands of years, when all of us demon species wake up."

"I just found out that Hua has come to Earth. Oh, it's called Yanlong Kingdom now."

"Then I lived with the ancestors of Yanlong Kingdom for a while."

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas, as well as other ancient books, also record some of our presence."

"Then some time later, when we woke up again, we were all back on Church."

"oh oh."

Tu Yan nodded, but he still had many questions about this matter.

Because this situation is very similar to what is happening on the earth now - the fusion of planes!

Why did this kind of plane fusion occur between the Earth and Church Star thousands of years ago?

If the planes merged, why didn't the mourning beasts appear thousands of years ago?

These questions troubled Tu Yan.

But Tu Yan had no way to answer it.

He could only hold on to this feeling of confusion.

When you return to Earth, tell 9527 one by one.

Then it will be up to this artificial intelligence with the highest IQ to answer the question.

After a simple wash and breakfast, Tu Yan was energetic and ready for everything.

When he learned that Bart and the others went back to bury the victims first.

There was silence for a while.

Tu Yan is not that kind of 'idiot virgin' who wants to save all living things in the world and create a perfect ending where everyone survives.

He knows that his abilities are limited and he will fight to save those he can.

But what he really couldn't save was that the sacrifice had something to do with him, so he would still feel a little guilty.

"Forget it, when you return to Earth, give the little lizard more food as an apology."

Tu Yan also recovered quickly.

After some discussion. They also moved their positions.

Leave here and head to the southeast of the Lost Wonderland.

When they came to the entrance of a huge cave, Tu Yan planned to go alone because it was close enough to the Demon King's City.

Heerlen, Dean, and Bai Ze are left behind.

Before leaving, Tu Yan had a strong premonition for some unknown reason.

So he quickly turned around and explained to them, Bai Ze and Dean.

"Oh, right, because Heerlen and I were teleported here by the Earth Consciousness Body, he said that when we complete the mission, we can return to Earth."

"I don't know how we will return then. Maybe we will disappear with a 'swish' sound."

"This may be the last time we see each other. Anyway, come on! At least we can still say goodbye like this. Take care!"

Tu Yan came to Bai Ze and gently rubbed his head. "Borrow your auspicious spirit, obey, bring it back to Earth, let everything be smooth and end quickly."

Then he also came to Dean and hugged the blue duck, who was an enemy at first and became a friend in the end.

"Stinky duck, live well, don't get roasted!"

Dean's eyes were red and his nose twitched.

"No way! It's you! Although you won't die, you have to live well! Quack!"

Tu Yan came to Heerlen and took a deep breath.

Although he and Heerlen will return to Earth together after completing the mission,

But for some reason, Tu Yan wanted to hug the elf girl in front of him at this moment.


Before Tu Yan finished asking, Heerlen threw herself into Tu Yan's arms.

"Sure, I'll wait for you to come back."


Tu Yan also hugged Heerlen.

The fragrance of Heerlen's fragrant hair surrounded Tu Yan's heart, as if injecting strength into his heart.

"Let's go, everyone!"

In the end, Tu Yan left a back figure that was "sure to return in triumph" and headed towards the Demon King's City again.

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