Before Tu Yan walked far, he felt a wave of heat sweeping over from behind.

This feeling was very familiar, and Tu Yan seemed to have given up thinking.

Standing still.

Waiting for the ‘long-lost’ pleasure.

‘God-killing Explosive Arrow’!

It was still that red arrow feather, piercing the air with a buzzing sound.

Piercing through the heart!

Bai Ze and Dean were standing beside him, staring at Heerlen who suddenly jumped up in amazement.

I really don’t understand why she did this.

Even if Tu Yan couldn’t die, there was no need to torture him like this.

“What are you looking at? This is for his own good. He has to die once a day, otherwise he will fall into eternal darkness.”

Heerlen rolled her eyes.

She didn’t think there was any problem with being so cruel.

“No, no, no, as long as you are happy.”

Bai Ze and Dean shook their heads, as if they were single dogs who had eaten a meal of dog food.

Eternal immortality! Start!

Death superposition! Start!

Death reward! Start!

Skilled Warrior: Tu Yan

Level: LV65

Strength: 195 (+10%)

Speed: 90 (+10%)

Defense: 40 (+10%)

Attribute Points: 0

Abilities: Death is like the wind, Always with me, Eye of the Illustrated Book.

Items: Barrett's Black Card Flame, Eight Gates of the Ninja, Thousand Blades of the Demon Sword, Heaven's Lock Zangetsu, Strike Gundam, AT Stand, Chameleon Clothes, Gatling, Production Capacity Improvement.

A total of ten levels have been upgraded.

An additional 50 attribute points.

After careful consideration.

Tu Yan also allocated them according to a certain ratio.

This time, he added 10 attribute points to defense for the first time.

As the battle intensified, the number of punches to the flesh increased.

Tu Yan found that every time he threw a punch, his muscles, tendons, and even bones could feel a slight numbness.

Not to mention the situation when he attacked the enemy.

It was for this reason that he violated his own principle - 'attack with all your strength and attack with a single attack'.

This also applies to speed.

This time, he added a full 20 points of speed.

When Tu Yan looked at the remaining 20 attribute points, he could only add them all to strength.

He couldn't help but feel a little tired.

Back then, Tu Yan was still a child who didn't know the world.

When things happened, he just rushed forward, attacked with all his strength, and became a 'one-punch man' with hair.

After sighing, Tu Yan also heard something about the death reward today in his brain, and he grinned and laughed.

"If you have this thing. Heerlen! Thank you~"

Tu Yan waved to the people behind him and set off again.

This was his second time to the Demon King's City after all.

Everything began to become familiar.

AT position, make arrangements.

A transparent step to the sky appeared.

Tu Yan walked towards the sky step by step as if there was wind under his feet.

Holding the 'Barrett's Black Katie Flame' in his hand.

Like a silent god of death.

This time, if he uses the 'Flame Roar', it will inevitably arouse suspicion.

Let these zombies remind the zombies of what happened yesterday.

Besides, it is unknown whether the zombies in the Demon King's City know the news of 'Taotie''s death.

So Tu Yan decided to use the sniper rifle's scope to observe carefully.

It was still so crowded and noisy.

It was no different from yesterday.

There was no sadness or anger at all.

It seemed that they didn't know that Taotie had died.

Seeing this, Tu Yan stopped hesitating and aimed at one of the zombies.


This one was LV80, a zombie that looked like a mantis shrimp.

But it couldn't withstand Tu Yan's headshot!

The sudden death of the mantis shrimp made the zombies next to it panic again.

Under the command of a zombie that looked like a captain.

They acted in a well-trained manner.

Trying to catch the sneak attacker.

"Huh... I'll leave it to you, bye."

After saying this, Tu Yan put down the sniper rifle and jumped from the AT position.

Came to the ground.

Put on the "chameleon clothes" again and hid aside.

The magical thing is.

On the AT position where Tu Yan was lying just now.

There is still a figure stationed there!

He was holding the sniper rifle that Tu Yan had just used!


Another shot!

The guarded zombies immediately locked onto the target after hearing this strange sound.

Outside the city!

They immediately took action and rushed angrily in the direction of the gunshot.


Another shot!

Tu Yan, who was wearing the "chameleon clothes", had already left the place just now.

He circled around and hid.

While most of the zombies were in chaos.

He fished in troubled waters, went upstream, and sneaked into the Demon King's City.


The figure was very skilled in using the sniper rifle.

He would swing the gun between each bullet and aim at the next enemy.

When the cooldown time was over, he fired another shot.

With the refraction of the sunlight, the figure was clearly "Tu Yan!

It was Tu Yan who was using the sniper rifle, no wonder he was so skilled!

As the zombies approached, Tu Yan also took out the Gatling gun!

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!"

He kept shooting!

Tu Yan, who used the "chameleon clothes" to transform into a mourning beast, seemed to be aware of it.

At the square of Demon King's City, I took a glance at the road going back and forth.

"It seems... it's started. Gatling is using it."

Clone technique!

The one who stayed behind at the AT position and used "sniper rifles" and "Gatling" to attract the attention of the mourning beasts was none other than Tu Yan's clone!

Clone technique!

Able to create a clone that is exactly like oneself.

Possess 70% of the original body's strength and have self-awareness.

Shares all props with the main body.

It lasts for half an hour. If you are defeated during this period, it will disappear.

Cooling time is six hours.

Another powerful auxiliary ability.

Although it is only 70% of the strength, and they share props.

This means that when the clone uses the sniper rifle and Gatling, Tu Yan cannot use it.

However, if this ability is used at the right time, it will definitely have miraculous effects!

Like now, if the clone dies, it will die, and it can still attract the attention of the mourning beast.

Let Tu Yan sneak in with arrogance.

It’s the same castle, it’s the same basement.

After the Taotie was gone, Tu Yan simply walked in with a familiarity and swagger.

After walking through the long basement road filled with various equipment that day.

Tu Yan came to the door of the room where Taotie was.

A flying kick kicked the door open.

"Grandchildren! Your grandpa, I'm coming!"

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