The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 162: Church Star Consciousness

How could there be "people" inside?

The twelve generals are not here, and the mourning beast attendants are naturally not here either.

The place filled with food seemed a bit empty because there were no other living things.

Tu Yan couldn't help but feel a little cold and stood on his head.

It was eerie and terrifying, and filled with bursts of stench.

Tu Yan suppressed his nausea and moved forward slowly.

After passing by the center, where Taotie rested, it was another scene.

A screen appeared in front of him.

The screen is filled with paintings of mountains, rivers, and various birds and animals.

It's lifelike, as if the entire Qiu Qi star is above it.

Tu Yan was fascinated by what he saw.

But he reacted quickly.

Where is the equipment!

That device that collects planet energy!


Tu Yan quickly looked left and right, searching the entire room, but didn't see anything decent.

"Wait a minute! I remember that before Taotie left yesterday, he didn't go through this door!"

Tu Yan stood at the door when he came in, mumbling something.

"I remember……"

Tu Yan once again walked towards the cushion where Taotie was resting.

Recalling it in my mind,

Simulating reality,

Taotie’s every move yesterday.

Get up, turn back, move forward...

It's still this screen, could it be...

Tu Yan looked at this terrifyingly beautiful screen.

A possibility flashed through my mind.

"This screen... is a secret door?"

Just do it and you won't lose anything anyway.

Tu Yan cautiously stretched out his hand, intending to check the condition of the screen.

Not quite, as soon as I touched it, my whole body seemed to be sucked in by the screen!

The powerful suction force made Tu Yan unable to resist. Before entering, Tu Yan only had one thought in his mind.

"Could it be... the Map of Mountains and Rivers? The magic weapon in the Classic of Mountains and Seas!"

When Tu Yan came to his senses, he was already in an empty underground square.

This square is more like a place on Earth.

Cables and equipment were placed everywhere, and the firelight was splashing everywhere, which was a bit seeping.

Tu Yan quickly stood up and looked around cautiously.

At a rough glance, this should be a circular square.

There is a long square pillar in the center.

There are various devices placed around. Although the devices are lit up and seem to be in use, there are no "people" nearby.

Not a single zombie!

Tu Yan was not afraid at all and walked up.

The worst case scenario is a fight, what else can we do?

You didn't know until you walked into the center.

There is indeed a door next to it, and inside this door there is a staircase leading upward.

It seems that Taotie went up through this staircase yesterday.

In fact, in this entire square, only Taotie can enter.

The pillar in front of Tu Yan was a device for extracting the planet's energy.

In the Demon King's City, only Taotie, a twelfth general, knew how to use these devices.

Once Taotie died, this place naturally became the "safest" place.

Tu Yan looked at the big pillar in front of him, dumbfounded.

The architectural style and production level of pillars like this.

It’s very incompatible with this place where “the mountains and fields are filled with birds and animals”.

After taking a closer look, I realized that there were densely packed circuit boards on the pillars.

Even a layman like Tu Yan knew that these circuit boards were not only terrifyingly small, but also very delicate.

How can I put it, I'm afraid even the earth does not have such an industrial level!

Again, if 9527 were by Tu Yan's side at this moment.

9527 had already thrown Tu Yan away immediately and rushed forward like a madman.

Before Tu Yan could take a closer look at what the hell this pillar was.

A faint voice came.

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone there?"

"Wow! Who is it! It scared me to death." Tu Yan pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the voice.

Finally, the voice of this statement was found beneath the pillar.

In front of Tu Yan, a small half of the root of this pillar was inlaid with transparency.

You can see what's going on inside through this transparent window.

Taking a closer look, in addition to the pitch black inside, there was also a round sphere with a faint light.

It exudes a light cyan color, looks a little hazy, and a little transparent.

Like a ghost ball.

Tu Yan recognized the identity of this unknown creature.

Because this unknown creature gave Tu Yan the feeling that it was very much like the consciousness of the earth!

Presumably this sphere is the consciousness of Qiu Qixing!

"Hello, I am a human species from the earth, Tu Yan. Who are you?"

Tu Yan still asked tentatively first, after all, he was unfamiliar with the place.

Maybe, this green sphere will be the big boss.

"Earth. Human species?"

Sphere said calmly, his voice sounded pitiful, as if he had been treated inhumanely.

But the 'profound' and 'ethereal' feeling that comes from the depths of the soul is actually very similar to the 'earth consciousness'.

"Well, who are you?"

"It was Little Earth who sent people to save me. I am the consciousness of Planet Qiu Qi."

For some reason, Tu Yan seemed to smile happily when he saw the sphere, even though it was clear that the sphere had no facial expression.

"Well, that's right. This is the task he gave me. I also solved that Taotie. How can I save you now?"

Tu Yan asked patiently.

"Taotie was defeated?"

The consciousness of the Qiuqi Star did not answer Tu Yan's question, but became interested in Taotie.

"Yeah, that's right. You were also said to be impossible. If I hadn't defeated him, I wouldn't have been able to come here."

"That's right. Little Earth is Little Earth. His dependent race is so powerful."

"Dependent race?" Tu Yan frowned.

As if he smelled a hint of conspiracy.

"Yes, didn't Little Earth tell you? Just like the demon species is the race of Qiuqi Star, you humans are the dependent race of Earth."

"Oh, so that's what you mean. Then how can I save you?"

"There is a button behind you, but it requires a password. Try it and see if you can break it with a full force attack."

"Yeah" Tu Yan nodded.

He took action immediately.

He had just realized in his mind that his clone was in a fierce battle.

If he didn't hurry up, the clone would be defeated, and the zombies that were attracted out would come back.

Under the control of his mind, Tu Yan took back the "Heavenly Locking Moon Slash" and "Demon Knife Thousand Blades" that his clone was using.

The poor clone had to fight the zombie with bare hands.

"Crescent Moon Sky Rush!"

Tu Yan released the skill without saying a word.


There was a loud noise, but the device did not move at all, and there was no sign of being damaged.

"Damn, it's so hard!"

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