The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 164 The end of the world? The end of the entire universe!

"Uh, what happened?"

Tu Yan, who was completely confused, naturally didn't understand why the consciousness of the Qiuqi star laughed so hard.

"No, I was just laughing at the little earth for being arrogant."

"He must have pretended to be arrogant in front of you and ignored you. It doesn't matter whether you live or die, right?"

"Yeah! That's how he is!"

"Hahaha, Tu Yan, Tu Yan, why don't you think about why the planet consciousness didn't stop the invasion of the Zang Beast Corps? What's more, what exactly is the Zang Beast Corps? Have you ever thought about these questions?"

"I have thought about it, but you guys always hide it, who knows!"

Tu Yan's emotions are also ups and downs.

I don't know what the planet consciousness is up to.

"You have also defeated many zombies, including the Twelve Generals. Then, can a child who is powerless defeat the zombies?"

"No. Could it be..."

"Yes! Indeed, the heaven and earth are not kind, and treat all things as straw dogs. This heaven and earth are not kind, it can only create, not destroy."

"The planetary consciousness is just a consciousness, and it does not even have a little bit of attack power."

"How can you stop the invasion of the zombie army!"

"Uh, so, you are actually useless?" Tu Yan twitched the corner of his mouth, and the word "speechless" jumped back and forth in his heart.

"That's not the way to say it. Anyway, if the consciousness of our planet dies, the planet will also be destroyed."

"Indeed, no matter which race lives in our body, it doesn't matter to us."

"But the feelings are still there, and naturally we hope that our "dependent race" will always be there."

"Unfortunately, we have no military force and can only maintain the basic operation of the planet."

"To stop the invasion of the Zang Beast Army, we can only rely on you dependent races."

At this point, the consciousness of the Church Star continued to tell the story about the origin of the universe.

The entire dark universe is centered on the "Yin Yang Cave" and is divided into four regions.

That is, the East Universe, the West Universe, the South Universe, and the North Universe.

Including the Earth, Church Star, and all the planets invaded by the Zang Beast Army, are all in the East Universe.

Among the four regional universes, the East Universe is the weakest.

The West Universe is second, and the Zang Beast Army is a race from the West Universe.

Since the "Big Bang of Creation".

Billions of years have passed.

Not long ago, this "soon" was measured in "ten thousand years".

Because the "cosmic crystal" is still in a dormant state.

And as the energy of the planets disappears, many planets have entered the "self-destruction" stage.

In other words, not only the earth, but also the Eastern Universe, the entire universe!

Has entered its "end of the world"!

Among them, the planet where the Zang Beast Corps is located has almost consumed its planetary power.

This is why they launched an invasion war against various planets!

Their plan is to use blitzkrieg to defeat the planets with "dependent races" in the Eastern Universe one by one!

Then slowly extract their planetary energy!

And continuously transport the planetary energy back to their home planet!

Hearing this, Tu Yan's eyes have begun to dizzy.

He still hasn't recovered from the words "cosmic crystal" and "yin and yang cave". He didn't expect to accept the information about "planetary destruction".

"Uh, I still don't understand."

"It's very simple. You just need to know that the entire universe is about to be destroyed. The end of the world has already come not only to a single planet, but to the entire universe!"

"So what should we do now?"

"When I say about to, it is in units of 'ten thousand years'."

"At least as far as the Eastern Universe is concerned, there is no situation where the planet has exhausted its energy and self-destructed."

"The only thing we can do now is to hold on!"

"Hold on?"

"Yes! Hold on! Hold on until the cosmic crystal wakes up!"

"The cosmic crystal sleeping in the center of the universe can be said to have all the energy of the entire universe!"

"Only when he wakes up can he save this end of the world!"

"The planet where the Zang Beast Corps is located can no longer hold on until that time, so they will launch wars again and again to try to save their home planet!"

Tu Yan stopped what he was doing, frowned, and lowered his head to think about everything that the 'Churchi Star Consciousness' had just said.

These are too far away for him.

Human life span is only a hundred years, how can it compete with the 'ten thousand years' of the universe and planets?

Thinking of this, Tu Yan felt tired and powerless.

"What's the matter? The so-called facts are too heavy for you to accept?"

"Yeah, it feels so far away."

"Not far away, the choice is yours. Think about it from another angle. The zombies are indeed pitiful. Their planet is about to be destroyed, so they started a war."

"But." Before the 'Churchi Star Consciousness' finished speaking.

Tu Yan interrupted, his tone was extremely firm!

"They are invaders! What I have to do is to drive them out of the earth and out of the Eastern Universe!"

As for defeating the zombies, Tu Yan did not hesitate at all.

"Yes! This is the fact!"

"Huh" After learning about the crisis facing the universe, Tu Yan also exhaled heavily.

Subconsciously, he raised the Sky Lock and Cut the Moon and chopped at the switch!

With a sound of 'click'.

The entire switch broke into pieces!

"Ah hahaha, it's successful. How about it, can you come out?" Tu Yan looked at the 'Qiu Qixing Consciousness Body'.

"Yeah, thanks, Tu Yan." Qiu Qixing's consciousness slowly floated out from the middle of the pillar.

The moment he floated out, the entire pillar seemed to have lost its soul.

It became dim, without any brilliance.

"Hey, will you be caught by the mourning beast again? Be careful and I will come to save you next time."

Tu Yan complained.

"No, this time I will always hide deep in the earth's crust. Although I can't beat you, this is my territory, and I will never be caught so easily again."

"By the way, Tu Yan wants to ask you a question. If I didn't answer any of your questions just now, would you really kill me?"

Qiu Qixing's conscious body also became interested and asked jokingly.

"No. After all, there are my friends here, Bai Ze, Dean, and Bart."

"Oh, yes, hahaha, after all, everything is fate. It's almost time, Tu Yan, I hope you can stop the invasion of the Shou Beast Legion and save the homeland of the human race."

"Then Little Earth has his own reasons. He is just arrogant. Next time you see him, please be more considerate."

"Okay, eh, what do you mean when you say it's time?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tu Yan's body gradually became blurry.

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