"Here, that's it. When you save me, you will automatically return to Earth." The consciousness of Church Star pointed at Tu Yan's gradually dissipating body.

At this moment, Tu Yan felt a warm heat.

It seemed to be a warm current that emerged from the depths of his heart and spread to his limbs and body.

His body gradually blurred and disappeared.

It turned into stars and began to dissipate.

"Hahaha, it turns out that my way to go back is so cool."

"Yes, thank you for making a special trip to save me."

"It's Earth. He forced me to come. I couldn't say goodbye to the friends I met. I don't know when we will meet next time."

After all, I lived on 'Churchi Star' for almost a week.

Tu Yan also gradually developed a good impression of this place.

But separation will eventually come.

He also began to feel sad.

However, he could only be grateful, grateful for the 'intuition' when he left before, and said goodbye to Dean and the others properly.

"Then I'm leaving. Is there anything I need to tell Earth?"

"No, he and I can communicate through consciousness, but... wait until the next time we meet."

"I will definitely tell you the truth thousands of years ago. The truth that Earth and Church Star were once integrated into one plane."

Church Star Consciousness said lightly.

"Okay, then we'll see you next time."

Tu Yan smiled, and then he completely turned into starlight and disappeared on the spot.

"Tu Yan, I'll give you a gift." Church Star Consciousness said silently as he looked at where Tu Yan left.

At the same time, in the cave of the 'Lost Wonderland'.

Heerlen also had the same reaction as Tu Yan.

At this time, she also turned into starlight and disappeared on the spot.

Dean was still at a loss, but Bai Ze understood what was going on.

He smiled and asked Dean to say goodbye to Heerlen together.

Unexpectedly, when Heerlen completely disappeared, Bai Ze also had the same situation!

Bai Ze was stunned.

He stared blankly at his gradually blurry body.

With a start, he realized what was going on.

"Dean, I'm afraid. I have to go to Earth again."

It turned out that the so-called "gift" of the "Churchi Star Consciousness" was the king of monsters - the auspicious beast Bai Ze!

Since Bai Ze stayed here, he could not guarantee to organize effective forces to launch a counterattack.

It would be better to let Bai Ze go first to help Tu Yan and repel the zombies on Earth together.

Then wait for an opportunity to return to Church Star and defeat the remaining zombies.

Dean stared blankly at everything that happened in front of him.

He didn't understand why it happened.

Bai Ze had to explain patiently.

At the same time, he told Dean what to do next.

"I will probably be back soon. Anyway, Church Star needs you."

"During the time I'm away, you should organize the living forces, preserve your strength, and wait for our counterattack after we return!"

"Yes! Lord Bai Ze!"

Dean is just an ordinary monster.

But what happened this week far exceeded his previous trajectory.

Now that he has received the solemn entrustment of the Monster King, Bai Ze, he is also very proud.

After saying this, Bai Ze also dissipated in the air.

Only the blue duck Dean was left in place.

In this way, when Tu Yan and his friends came, they did not bring any clouds.

But when they left, they set off a bloody storm on the Church Star!

When Heerlen regained consciousness, he found that he was back on Earth.

The Earth consciousness in front of him was playing "Dou Dizhu" with his other two clones.

"Hello, I'm back."

When Heerlen saw the Earth consciousness excitedly shouting "Plane! King bomb! Ahahaha", he quickly interrupted the fierce battle.

"What! Who are you!"

The Earth consciousness glanced sharply, and when he found that it was Heerlen.

He showed a slightly surprised expression.

"Oh, so fast. I was thinking of bringing you back."

"Hello, I don't know what happened. Anyway, I turned into starlight and disappeared, and then appeared here."

"Huh? You weren't with Tu Yan?"

"Yeah, he went in alone to destroy the equipment."

"Oh, that's fine. When you destroy the equipment and the consciousness of Church Star is free, you will complete the mission and will be automatically teleported back to Earth."

"Oh, so that's the case, Earth consciousness. Excuse me..."

Heerlen suddenly became hesitant.

As if she wanted to ask some questions, but she couldn't muster up the courage.

"You want to ask about the situation of your home planet, Talite Continent?"

The Earth consciousness seemed to have eyes that could see through people's hearts.

It directly pointed out the confusion in Heerlen's heart.

Since the Earth consciousness can arrange for them to travel to the world of the demon species and save their planetary consciousness.

In this case, can Heerlen return to her home planet, Talite Continent?

"Yeah!" Heerlen nodded excitedly.

She wanted to know the situation of her home planet too much.

"It's much better than Chuqi Star. At least the consciousness of Talite has not been captured by the zombies."

"Then I can do it."

"No, planetary crossing like this has strict conditions. Only when there is a planetary crisis like the Church Star, can the consciousness bodies of other planets take action, cross and send reinforcements."

"Really. OK, thank you."

Seeing that there is no way to return to the mother planet for the time being, Heerlen no longer insists.

"It's okay. Although I can't cross the planet, I can fly in the universe. Wait until Tu Yan completely defeats the zombies on my side."

"You can use your beauty to seduce him, let him build a spaceship, and fly back to the Tarit continent."

When the Earth consciousness body faced Heerlen alone, its attitude was completely different from its attitude towards Tu Yan.

Perhaps this is the right of a beautiful woman.

Before Heerlen could react.

A golden light appeared beside him again.

It turned out to be Bai Ze who was sent here as a gift by the consciousness body of Church Star!

"This is" Bai Ze looked around.

"This is Earth, you are... Oh! Bai Ze who came here thousands of years ago, hahaha, it seems that the guy from Qiu Qixing teleported you here as a thank you gift."

As soon as the voice fell, Heerlen and Bai Ze clearly felt that the Earth consciousness suddenly became nervous.

As if something happened.

"It's impossible. If Tu Yan went to complete the task alone, he should be the first person to come here. Now even Bai Ze, who was teleported last, has appeared, why hasn't Tu Yan come back yet."

"Not good!"

As if thinking of something, the Earth consciousness rarely panicked!

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