On this day, on Earth, not only humans, but also other races, had an inexplicable feeling.

It was as if a stubborn stone had been weighing on everyone's mind for the past month.

It suddenly broke!

9527, who was still working overtime to analyze the data at the time, also suddenly had this feeling.

He hurriedly confirmed the date of that day.

It happened to be "one month"!

So, he hurriedly called Mark who was sleeping.

They went to the armory together and found a gun at random.

Let Mark shoot.


This gunshot can be said to be the first roar of the entire Earth after a month of silence!

Among all the creatures on Earth, only 9527 noticed what this strange feeling meant.

At that time, Mark was still looking at the 'p59' pistol in his hand with a confused face.

He had been using Tu Yan's 'Desert Eagle'.

This time, after finally using the original Earth weapon, there was an inexplicable sense of excitement!

But when Mark looked at 9527's face, which was "expressionless but silent", he said nothing.

After a long silence, 9527 came back to his senses from his contemplation.

He shook his head, sighed, and asked Mark to go back and rest.

He would stay in the arsenal for a while.

At that time, Mark didn't know why 9527 was still so depressed after the creatures on the earth could use technological weapons.

But after a few days, he understood.

I don't know who it is, but it doesn't matter who it is.

One after another, other humans found that they could use weapons.

The "magnetic field disappearance" and "speed control phenomenon" caused by the fusion of planes all disappeared.

The communication equipment can naturally continue to be used.

So this news can be said to have spread all over the earth.

Then, war broke out!

Wars all over the world!

Humans picked up their guns and weapons and killed the zombie army!

Although guns are basically only used by soldiers, they can make phone calls.

They can notify patrol soldiers or soldiers to come!

At worst, just go to the destroyed "patrol soldiers" station, pick up a few guns and use them!

In just a moment, the human race won an overwhelming victory!

They even sacrificed thousands of fighter planes, thousands of military tanks, and nearly 10,000 soldiers with guns.

They also used the "annihilation nuclear bomb", which ranks second in the damage of weapons on Earth!

They recaptured a city!

They also defeated a twelve general!

Ten of the twelve generals was blown to pieces by the "annihilation nuclear bomb"!

Finally, after a month of being slaughtered by the zombie army, humans finally won an overwhelming victory!

But problems followed one after another!

An "atomic bomb", which ranks first in damage of weapons on Earth, exploded!

And the place where this atomic bomb was detonated was very strange.

It was a city without many zombies and zombies.

Most of them were races from other planes, with only a few human races.

And most of these human beings come from the same country!

For a time, the whole earth exploded!

Human beings themselves!

The leaders of various countries that possessed "atomic bombs" stood up and accused the other side of taking advantage of the chaos to use atomic bombs.

What is the truth of the matter?

No one knows anymore.

What can be known is that.

Before the Zang Beast Army was completely defeated.

The whole earth fell into a more chaotic state!


Not only the human race, but also the Zang Beast Army!

There are also wars between human beings and human countries, and between various countries and regions!

Even human beings have pointed their guns at races in other planes!

Elves, Skywings, these naturally beautiful races, were put on "soft bedding" under the dark muzzles of humans.

Orcs, demons, isn't this the fate of being born to be coolies!


Complete chaos!

There are even many plane races who directly join the Zombie Legion because of the human race's "greed", "perversion" and "neurosis".

Why did this happen?

After learning to make phone calls, watch TV and surf the Internet, Mark asked 9527 in confusion.

And 9527's answer was even more cold and ruthless.

"That's because it's chaotic. The invasion of the Zombie Legion has caused heavy losses to all countries."

"What if we defeat the Zombie Legion with all our strength? When everything is over, those countries with spare strength will be able to become the overlords of the earth again."

"Every head of state thinks this way. Since an atomic bomb or a nuclear bomb can solve these Zombie Legions, things will be much easier."

"So. These people who can't even handle the 'present' are actually starting to fantasize about the 'future'."

When 9527 said this, he was only deeply desperate for the human race.

The human race, as always, is doing stupid things.

Selfishness is really the synonym of the human race.

The races in other planes were also confused by the human race's "confusing operation".

They accused them of being "villains", "unkind", and "disloyal".

The war continued.

How could Wanchao County, the arsenal of Yanlong Country, be spared?

Just a few days ago, a team of Yanlong Country soldiers came to take over Wanchao County.


I don’t know how the leaders of Yanlong Country knew that Wanchao County had been contributed.

They came here in tanks!

One hundred AY-896 tanks!

Fight a hammer!

Originally, Sanlin still refused to surrender.

But in the end, under the persuasion of 9527, Sanlin had to accept this fact.

Let the soldiers of Yanlong Country take over Wanchao County.

And 9527 seemed to have been prepared for it, and threw Tu Yan directly into the dungeon.

Then he connected the confession with other "people".

When they passed by Wanchao County, they saw that there were no dead beasts in the city.

That's why they came here to settle down.

There was no mention of the battle of Wanchao County.

Even Tu Yan's heroic deeds were rotten in everyone's stomach.

It was also because those soldiers were careless that they did not even think of going to the dungeon to check.

Tu Yan was thrown from his ‘luxurious’ bedroom into this ‘eerie and smelly’ dungeon and continued to be unconscious.

9527 hid in his headphones and did not show up in front of those soldiers.

As for the noisy explosions that Tu Yan heard during the day, it was just these soldiers conducting a simulated war.

The purpose was just to test the weapons in Wanchao County.

After listening to what 9527 said.

Tu Yan was like a lost fool, staring blankly in the same place.

It was not until 9527 called him several times that he came back to his senses.

“What’s wrong? Gorilla?”

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