The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 171 Tu Yan's Decision

"Why is my nickname now Gorilla?" Tu Yan rolled his eyes.

"Because you have no brute strength." 9527 said sarcastically.

"But let's not pay attention to the dirty things of the human race. Don't you think the Legion of the Lost Beasts is strange?"

"Yeah." Tu Yan pursed his lips.

He had seen the soul body of the Beast King, and from its soul body alone, he could feel a heaven-destroying energy.

Atomic bombs and nuclear bombs alone cannot kill the Beast King.

In this case, why did the Legion of Death Beasts seem to deflate after the human race regained their weapons?

It was as if, under the leadership of a certain ‘person’, they had temporarily withdrawn from the battlefield.

Let human nations fight each other on the battlefield?

9527 also saw the power of the ‘Sang Beast King’ from Tu Yan’s memory.

What was confusing at first is now even more confusing.

"Oh! I don't care about the mourning beasts anymore, so... what should we do now?"

Tu Yan scratched his head and gave up thinking.

Anyway, 'thinking' can only be left to 9527.

"My approach gives you two ways to go. You can decide for yourself."

9527 has been waiting.

He has been waiting for Tu Yan's return.

He had already had a hunch that if the human species could use weapons, the probability of this situation happening would be too high.

Big countries are provoking and adding fuel to the flames, waiting for opportunities to engulf smaller countries.

But small countries can only hide in the dark and wait silently for everything to develop towards a good situation.

Every country has its own little thoughts.

What kind of apocalypse is coming, what kind of planetary crisis.

Now it is a one-sided ‘world war’!

The protagonist will only be human!

Originally, Tu Yan and Heerlen fell into coma to complete their mission.

9527 still holds out hope that Tu Yan can be resurrected before 'that day'.

It's been about a week since 'that day'.

Various countries have long since taken back their own ‘technological weapons’.

"What about you? Which path do you prefer?"

Tu Yan also followed 9527's brain circuit.

Know what is meant by two roads.

First, find any country, but it should be the Yanlong Kingdom, and defeat the Sang Beast together.

Secondly, this is no longer the original world.

Everything has already been destroyed.

Whether it is buildings, roads, residences on the surface.

Or the morality, benevolence, religion, etc. in the heart.

A hundred wastes are waiting for prosperity, and becoming a king can be expected!

"Me? I can do it, but Tu Yan, let's take a longer view."

"Whether it's the Yin-Yang Cave, the four universes of east, west, south, north, or other planets, don't you think this world is very big?"

Tu Yan frowned.

He smelled the smell of 'temptation' in 9527's words.

One person, one artificial intelligence, smiled as if tacitly.

It was the smile of a man who aims everywhere, not on the earth, but on the vast stars.

"But I have a question, why did you leave me in this dungeon?"

"Do you think those soldiers would let a stranger live in the same room all the time? What's more, at that time, 'pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger' was the most correct choice."

"Hey, when will we take action?"

"It doesn't matter. Everything is ready. It's up to you."

"Then... let's go say hello first."

After saying that, Tu Yan stood up and without any prompting from 9527, he kicked open the extremely strong iron door with one kick!

Bursts of smoke filled the air.

Tu Yan had no choice but to pat his clothes.

"Don't be pretentious. Get your space backpack first and put it in the tent outside."


Tu Yan stepped onto the steps and returned to the ground, back to the earth.

Step by step, it was unusually steady, and the steady footsteps seemed to be stepping into the rhythm of 'rebirth'.

When returning to Wanchao County.

Only then did Tu Yan realize the great changes in the entire Wanchao County.

The exit of the dungeon happens to be in the southern area.

In the battle of 'Wanchao County', Tu Yan's attack area was also in the south.

The city wall that Tu Yan had worked so hard to destroy was now rebuilt with wooden planks and bricks.

Although the defense capability is minimal, it is better than nothing.

This kind of 'face project' can be said to be a major feature of Yanlong Kingdom.

In the southern area, large areas of tents were placed.

There live Sanlin and others, races from planets in other planes.

As for the soldiers of Yanlong Kingdom?

This was originally a city in the Yanlong Kingdom. As humans, they naturally lived in the house.

Tu Yan first went over to say hello to Sanlin and Mark.

The demon species Sanlin is good.

When he saw Tu Yan, he burst into tears.

Presumably, this warm-hearted man has often been offended in front of the Yanlong Kingdom soldiers.

Mark also looked excited when he saw Tu Yan.

I was in the dungeon just now because I was worried about the surveillance by Yanlong Kingdom soldiers.

He did control his facial expression.

But now in his tent, his thoughts and gratitude for Tu Yan broke out all at once.

"Hey! Wait! Your big white coat is still stained with blood. Why? Are you always doing medical research?"

Tu Yan said with a smile.

The reunion with his friends made him feel extremely happy.

It is a pity that Heerlen was taken back to ‘Nat City’ by the Guardian Alliance at this moment.

I am afraid that the day we meet is far away.

“Hahahaha, of course, my medical skills have been enhanced during your absence. I will tell you secretly that the ‘Anti-Toxic Cleanser’ I developed is more effective, and I can make five needles every day.”

Mark raised his head slightly, looking a little proud.

“And oh. Those human races from the Yanlong Kingdom, I don’t like them, so I didn’t tell them. I also secretly put ‘croton’ in their food.”

“Hahaha, you are also bad.” Tu Yan laughed.

“Oh, by the way, where is Margaret?” Tu Yan looked left and right.

In Mark’s tent, although ‘people’ of various races were crowded, there was no sign of Margaret.

“Her.” Mark licked his lips and showed a hesitant expression.

It was the hot-tempered Sanlin who spoke first.

"That damned city lord! He coveted Margaret's beauty on the first day he came!"

"Today he threatened the lives of our companions and asked her to go over to drink and chat with him!"


Sanlin gritted his teeth in hatred!

(New book recommendation)

(I don't know if the author is a man or a woman, but the body should be quite fun.)

(First charge of the online game will give you a special forces soldier)

(Let's have fun together~)

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