"What!" Tu Yan was shocked.

Then he looked at the ‘people’ beside him with a puzzled look.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier! Why didn't you tell me until now!"

'Everyone' was stunned, you looked at me, I looked at you, and for a moment I didn't know what to say.

"Because you are human."

At this moment, the voice of 9527 suddenly sounded.

He had transformed into a projection of the 'little blue man', sitting on Tu Yan's shoulder.

Just like it was a long time ago.


Tu Yan didn't quite understand what 9527 meant.

But looking at the monster species, orc species, elves, and Flügel species in front of them.

These are various races from other worlds.

The expressions on their faces were both embarrassed and distrustful.

He also reacted.

Because Tu Yan is a human being!

In the month since the Earth's most powerful weapon was sealed.

The human race can be said to be the weakest among all races.

But the attitude of other races towards the human species is okay.

After all, the human race is the ‘dependent race’ of the earth.

It can be used as a one-month seal to be lifted.

Originally the weakest human race, it instantly became the most powerful race!

The bad nature of the human species has also been exposed.

What kind of racial companions, what kind of army of mourning beasts.

This is the earth, the territory of human species!

I am afraid that in the hearts of many human species, the status of other plane races is no different from that of the Shou Beast Legion!

First, expel all the mourning beast legions, and the other races will be next!

These races are either slaves, goods, or food!

In terms of "dirty hearts", in the entire Eastern Universe, the human race is second, and no race is first.

It was with this mentality and Tu Yan being in a coma for half a month.

Mark, Sanlin, and other races.

No one knew Tu Yan’s position.

I wonder if Tu Yan is still the same Tu Yan as before!

Tu Yan also smacked his lips.

After the Earth’s ‘technology’ comes back.

These other races also use television and computers.

Know the practices of human species all over the world.

"Hey, that city lord, where is he?"

Tu Yan didn't know what to say to regain the trust of these races.

But no matter how much you talk, you still don’t do it.

In the end, it was Mark who reacted.

Tell Tu Yan a location.

After getting the exact location, Tu Yan also picked up the 'space backpack' and opened the tent door.

Stars in the night, leaving a silent figure behind.

"Wait, I will bring Margaret back. It's just me being arrogant. I apologize to you for all mankind."

After saying this, Tu Yan left without looking back.

The 'people' in the tent looked at each other.

They suddenly discovered that Tu Yan might still be the same Tu Yan.

What I did just now really hurt this friend.

Originally, led by Sanlin, many friends planned to catch up with Tu Yan.

But it was also intercepted by Mark.

"Just believe in Tu Yan. We can just wait here for him to come back."

"Well, wait for him to come back!"

In the dark of night, Tu Yan saw that the entire Wanchao County was brightly lit.

The light bulb finally appeared on the earth after a month.

Tu Yan couldn't help but sigh when he looked at this 'human miracle'.

"The lights are brightly lit."

Taking steps, Tu Yan walked straight into the urban area of ​​Wanchao County.

Speaking of which, this was Tu Yan's first time entering the Wanchao County area.

The entire city is both dense and square, filled with a depressing atmosphere.

Many people wearing red uniforms that looked like soldiers noticed Tu Yan's presence.

Although they felt that Tu Yan was very strange, they were of the same human species after all, so they didn't pay much attention to him.

Speeding all the way, Tu Yan also learned about it from the conversations of passers-by.

These people are soldiers of the Yanlong Kingdom.

The so-called city lord was also directly appointed by the leader of the Yanlong Kingdom.

After all, most of the original residents of Wanchao County died.

While on the road, 9527 continued to inform Tu Yan's brain of other information.

In this way, Tu Yan came to a building about 12 stories high with a slight breath.

This was originally the city lord's palace, and now it is also home to the new city lord and his various officials.

The strange thing is that the surrounding buildings were almost completely destroyed by the mourning beasts.

This city lord's palace is still strong.

When Tu Yan walked into the hall, he was blocked by two heavily armed soldiers.

"Wait a minute, this is the City Lord's Mansion. Do you have an appointment?"

the soldier asked coldly.

"Looking for your city lord."


"Tu Yan."

"Hold on."

After answering solemnly, the soldier turned on the intercom and was about to ask the secretary upstairs.

But who would have thought that before he could finish speaking, he would be knocked out!

Mounted on the wall!

Another soldier was about to fire back, but was hit in the chin by Tu Yan's Shenglong Fist.

The whole person was shot into the air, even surpassing the 12-story city main building!

"It's done, hehe. This is the city I conquered! Damn it!"

Tu Yan walked into the hall with an unhappy look on his face.

But when people in the hall saw such a big movement outside, they were already on guard.

One by one, heavily armed soldiers rushed down.

"Request support! Encountered enemy attack!"

"Request support! Encountered enemy attack!"

"Request support! Encountered enemy attack!"

Instantly, dozens of soldiers pointed their black assault rifles - M461 at Tu Yan's head.

"Stop! Don't move forward!"

"Oh, okay."

Tu Yan shrugged his shoulders, obediently walked out of the City Lord's Mansion and came to the avenue.

"Hold your head with both hands! Squat down!"

"No, bye."

As soon as the voice fell, a long device appeared on Tu Yan's waist, which was the 'three-dimensional mobile device'.

Tu Yan, who was in a hurry, had no time to deal with these soldiers, so he acted like 'Spider-Man'.

Using the hook lock, hooked to the window of the outer wall, stretched it, and flew up.

The soldiers reacted and hurriedly took the stairs and rushed up.

People who came to the City Lord's Mansion with nothing to do.

The most dangerous one is the City Lord.

Tu Yan ascended to the sixth floor and took out 'a small brown pistol' and pointed it at a cleaner.

His Desert Eagle was still with Mark, so he could only take it from the two guards.

"Tell me, where is the city lord's room?"

Tu Yan asked coldly.

"Ah, don't kill me, don't kill me, I don't know!"

The cleaner was a man in his 40s. Seeing the black muzzle of the gun, he shook his head desperately.

"I'll count to three. I'm in a hurry."

Tu Yan said impatiently.

The irritable tone seemed as if the cleaner would die if he didn't say it!



"I'll tell you! It's in room 101 on the top floor of the twelfth floor!"

"Okay, goodbye."

After getting the information he wanted, Tu Yan ignored the scared cleaner.

He left directly.

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