The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 180: Transform the universal steering wheel!

The monsters that move around on all fours carry two 'portable rocket-propelled grenade launchers' on their backs! Referred to as 'RPG rocket launcher'!

Moreover, there was a dark schoolbag on its abdomen. It looked round and probably contained a lot of reloaded rocket launchers.

As for the bipedal demon species, there are also those huge orc species.

He is carrying a set of 'heavy weapons' on his shoulders!

There is an M249 machine gun on the left shoulder and a heavy machine gun on the right!

These two heavy weapons have been modified. They only need to be pressed lightly and they will suddenly burst into flames!

No matter what race they are, they have all received the earth's weapons that are most suitable for them!

Tu Yan blinked desperately when he saw the scene in front of him.

Only one was left stunned.

"Uh, excuse me, is this still Wanchao County?"

Everything was too scary, too abnormal.

Tu Yan suspected that this was not his Free Army.

He might have walked into the wrong set.

But a person walking towards him dispelled his doubts.

"Tu Yan, you're awake."

Jiang Shan dealt with Tu Yan excitedly.

"Well, wake up, what happened?"

"Wow! You don't know! Mr. 9527."

"Wait! What did you call 9527 just now!"

Tu Yan quickly interrupted Jiang Shan.

Anyone I know will add 'adult' after 9527.

It seems to have them all!

Whether it's the orc doctor Mark, the dragon Oriel, or the human soldier Chang Jiang Shan in front of him.

They would all be there while Tu Yan took a nap.

I admire 9527 very much!

Become a true believer in this artificial intelligence!

"My lord, my lord 9527."

As expected, Jiang Shan’s eyes were filled with ‘the fanaticism of a believer’.

"What about me? What did you call me?"

"Tu Yan." Jiang Shan nodded and said.


The helpless Tu Yan could only sigh, what else could he do? He was also desperate.

"Tu Yan, what's wrong?" Jiang Shan asked without knowing why.

"No, what happened to 9527?"

"He had an idea to let other races fly planes and tanks, but he didn't expect it to happen!" Jiang Shan looked excited.

As a soldier, he naturally knows how difficult it is to train a qualified 'pilot' and 'tank driver'.

It often takes several years of effort, which also includes investment from national forces.

If it is a more high-end instrument, the time and energy required will also increase exponentially.

"How is it possible? Even humans need to learn for a long time."

Although Tu Yan was only a college student, he still understood these things.

"That's because of your universal steering wheel!"

"Universal steering wheel!?"

Tu Yan suddenly had a bad feeling!

It turned out that Tu Yan was sleeping vaguely.

9527 just took this thing away!

Tu Yan's vague memory became clearer and clearer.

9527’s ‘cunning smile’ appeared vividly in front of Tu Yan!

The function of the universal steering wheel is that it can be used on any "driving tool".

Users can learn it by themselves without any instruction and it is very convenient to use.

Although for Tu Yan, the most common method is to use it on "little lizards".

Can ride on an adult dragon.

But the problem is that there is only one universal steering wheel.


Thinking of this, Tu Yan had a bad feeling.

Instead, 9527 was suspended in the air and slowly flew towards Tu Yan.

When Jiang Shan saw this, he quickly handed the earphone to Tu Yan.

Tu Yan took it and looked at 9527 silently.

Waiting for his ‘shattering remarks’.

"You must have a guess, yes, it's just like what you thought."

9527 sat on Tu Yan's shoulder and spoke calmly.

As if this matter is very ordinary.

"How would I know if you don't tell me."

Tu Yan swallowed, he didn't dare to admit what he just thought.

"I told you, while you were asleep, and in compliance with your consent, I dismantled the universal steering wheel."

"Analyze all the data and materials inside."

"Luckily, Wanchao County has materials for making them, so I got a lot of 'small universal steering wheels'."

"It has also been improved so that it can be used not only as a 'driving tool' but also as a firearm. In short, it is a very convenient 'fool operation'."

After listening to 9527's explanation.

Tu Yan nodded and then asked.

"Is this why other races can fly planes, drive tanks, and even use heavy weapons?"

"That's right."

"Then my universal steering wheel completely broke?"

"That's right."

"Is there any news you want to tell me?" Tu Yan's tone could not tell whether he was happy or worried, angry or understanding.

"Your universal steering wheel is broken. This small steering wheel cannot be used on the little lizard."

"In other words, little lizard can no longer be your mount."

9527 downplayed the matter.

"Oh, okay." Tu Yan also had no reaction.

On the other hand, Jiang Shan looked confused.

When he was doing experiments with 9527, he also knew about this universal steering wheel. For Tu Yan, it was used on dragons.

It allowed Tu Yan to ride dragons.

Ride dragons!

Now he can no longer become a ‘dragon rider’.

He didn’t understand why Tu Yan could accept this bad news so quickly.

Tu Yan seemed to see Jiang Shan’s doubts and said calmly.

“I’m just a little confused now. I just didn’t expect 9527 to make so many things happen while I was sleeping.”

“If you can’t ride a dragon, then you can’t. It’s also a good thing to make the partners of the Free Army stronger.”

For Tu Yan now.

It’s no longer of much tactical value to make the little lizard grow instantly through the universal steering wheel.

It’s better to equip your own Free Army in this way.

If there is anything that is not happy about this.

It is that 9527 took advantage of his drowsiness and just woke up to set a trap for Tu Yan.

But in the end, he still really admires 9527.

Allow other races to use Earth's weapons.

But it's a very 'genius' idea.

Definitely better than human soldiers using it.

9527 glanced at Tu Yan.

Continued to communicate with him in his mind.

"Tu Yan, talk with your brain. There are some things that others should not hear."

"Oh? What's wrong?" Tu Yan also responded with his brain consciousness.

"This micro steering wheel can continue to be mass-produced in quantity. They all have their own codes."

"However, I left one thing, a total of two, one for you and one for me."

"Through this master switch, the selected micro steering wheel can be instantly disabled."


In reality, Tu Yan pursed his lips and thought about 9527's intentions.

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