The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 181 Video Operations Meeting

"I see. I'm glad you thought of this, but I still hope it won't be used."

Tu Yan gently clenched his fist.

He naturally understood what 9527 meant.

Think about it.

The difference between a human soldier driving a fighter and a Flügel driving a fighter.

They are all the same fighter.

But if the human soldier's plane is shot down.

The pilot will just parachute and be slaughtered.

It's different for Flügel.

As long as she can jump out of the plane before it crashes and explodes.

She can continue to fly and attack the enemy!

With the same weapons.

The human race is still the weakest existence!

But other races are different.

Without the blessing of these weapons, tanks, and helicopters.

They can also stand out from the crowd.

There will be a problem in this case.


Think of it in a positive way.

If other races are captured, it is not good for such things to fall into the hands of the enemy.

For everything, you must make bad plans.

This is what 9527 meant.

If other races betray.

Then press the main switch.

This way, the loss can be minimized.

Tu Yan also acquiesced to this approach.

"I also hope that it will not be used."

9527's cold voice also carried some emotion in it.

"Okay, let's talk outside. Jiang Shan must know what will happen next."


"Jiang Shan, introduce yourself to Tu Yan again."

9527, who returned to the outside, asked Jiang Shan to introduce himself directly.

"Huh? Oh, okay, Tu Yan, hello, I am Jiang Shan, my position is sergeant, and I am also a military researcher."


Tu Yan frowned, not understanding why 9527 suddenly came up with this.

"Yes, a military researcher, and Jiang Shan is a genius in this area."

"He helped me with the experiment just now."

"Although he is not good at fighting, he is really good at this. He can launch airplanes, tanks, and any missiles."

95237 said with relief.

After coming to Wanchao County, he has been lacking talents in this area to help him.

Now Jiang Shan just fills this gap.

"Not bad, ahahaha, like me, I don't know anything, Jiang Shan, I'll trouble you."

Tu Yan said solemnly.

"Okay, no more nonsense, it's almost evening now, let the representatives of other races come together for a video conference."

This combat meeting is no longer as shabby as before.

They can use the high-end conference room in the Wanchao County City Lord's Mansion.

After a while, all the representatives of all races arrived.

During this period, a small episode also happened.

Because Sanlin's body is too large.

Tu Yan had no choice but to tear down the door of the conference room with his bare hands.

Let Sanlin come in.

Sanlin and the others were also stunned at the high-end conference room of the human race.

In a word, it's high-end.

In the bright conference room, various conference equipment are placed.

The tables and chairs are extremely comfortable.

Unfortunately, races like the demons can't sit on chairs to hold meetings.

The races present are.

Human Jiang Shan, Tu Yan,

Orc Mark,

Elf Emily,

Demon Sanlin,

and Skywing Margaret.

This is also a feature of the Free Army.

Because there are so many races, each race will send a representative to participate in the recollection.

Then through Jiang Shan's operation.

On the large projector in front of everyone.

The remote conference call of the "Guardian Alliance" in Nat City has appeared.

This remote video conference is naturally encrypted through 9527.

It will definitely not be monitored by the army of Yanlong Country.

The Guardian Alliance, participating in this meeting are.

Human, Major General Yue Zhiming, General Long Zhihua,

Elf Heerlen.

Just as Tu Yan expected at the beginning.

When the video began to have an impact.

Among the "people" from two different cities and different alliances present.

Except for the human race who behaved very calmly.

The races from other planets were instantly excited.

"Wow! What is this!"

"It's so magical!"

"Why are you on the wall!"

"Ahahaha, hi, everyone, long time no see."

Tu Yan shook his head.

Looking at this group of extremely excited 'people', he felt that they were 'country bumpkins'.

"Okay, quiet down!"

In the end, it was Tu Yan who made all the 'people' quiet down.

Otherwise, if these races were to express their amazement at the 'video', it would take who knows how long.

For the time being, 9527 will speak in the meeting.

"Before the meeting starts, I'll tell you a good news."

"Oh, forget it, let me tell you the bad news first."

9527 made a cold joke.

"The bad news is that according to the satellite cloud map, the army of Yanlong Country is very close."

"Maybe around 10 o'clock tonight, they will arrive near Wanchao County."

"If they want, they may be able to launch an attack."

"We, the Guardian Alliance, all go over to help now!"

Heerlen said excitedly.

"Heerlen, during the meeting, please wait for me to finish speaking."

9527 glanced at the big screen.

"Oh alright."

"Of course, it's possible that they waited until the next morning to launch the attack."

"However, we'd better strike first. When they reach the range, we'll hit them with an intercontinental missile."

"The good news is that we have contacted the dragon Oriel in Zicheng Township."

"The giant dragon species can send twenty giant dragons to fight together. The most important thing is that their dragon king, the little lizard, has completed the succession ceremony of the dragon king. He will also join the war by then."

Hearing this, Tu Yan also showed a surprised expression.

After all, I haven’t seen the little lizard in a long time.

He was also very happy to hear that the little lizard would come.

"Okay, this is the current information. There are more than 500 members of the Free Army in total."

"Other races can use Earth's technological weapons."

"The Free Army will win this war! The next step is up to Tu Yan. Tu Yan, tell us your purpose while your allies are here."

9527 looked at Tu Yan and indicated that at this time, he must make his position clear.

"Our purpose is simple."

Tu Yan took 9527's words and continued.

"Victory, expel all the Legion of Sad Beasts, and then liberate the home planet of each race!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone burst into fierce applause.

Poor Sanlin, who was walking on all fours, had no choice but to bang his head on the table to show that he was also 'applauding'.

"Okay, put away your 'flattering' skills."

At this time, 9527 said such a disgraceful statement very inappropriately.

Tu Yan glanced over and said that it was necessary to speak so harshly.

"Heerlen, there is a task that must be completed by your Guardian Alliance."

"Yeah! Yes!"

Heerlen also put away his 'curious baby' look and looked at 9527 seriously, waiting for his order.

"Please all of you be ready, wait until we have defeated the Yanlong Kingdom's army."

"Seeing the situation then, if the whole country is willing to surrender or cooperate with us, that would be easy to say."

"But if we want to continue the fight, we can only attack Yanlong City. By then, I hope that you, the Guardian Alliance, can go out together."

"Surround Yanlong City, the capital of Yanlong Kingdom!"

"Okay!" Heerlen said solemnly.

Even Major General Yue Zhiming and General Long Zhihua on the side had firm faces.

History is always written by the victors.

The Free Army and the Guardian Alliance are confident that they will be the winners of this era!

"Okay, if you have any more questions, ask them together and I'll answer them all."

9527 indicates that other ‘people’ can put forward their own opinions.

But for a while, the atmosphere plummeted several degrees.

Except for the human race, all other races are in a state of confusion.

For them, there are no tactics. If there is a fight, they just rush forward and act recklessly.

Jiang Shan was still a newcomer, so he was a little hesitant and didn't know what to say.

But it was Long Zhihua on the other end of the video who noticed Jiang Shan's expression of 'he wanted to speak but was hesitant to speak'.

"Jiang Shan, it's okay. If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

Yue Zhiming encouraged.

Yue Zhiming and Jiang Shan, who were both former soldiers of the Yanlong Kingdom, could be considered old acquaintances.

Now I see that my old friend has also joined the Free Army.

Long Zhihua was naturally very happy.

After receiving encouragement from Long Zhihua, Jiang Shan also plucked up the courage.

Ask 9527 in detail about the relevant tactical arrangements.

9527 also explained it in detail.

The other races present also listened very carefully.

Sanlin and the others suddenly felt that the human race in front of them really knew a lot.

For a moment, he also imitated Jiang Shan and expressed all the doubts in his heart.

Although there are some questions, it sounds a bit idiotic.

But 9527 also said it one by one.

"Hey, by the way, if you can use that thing called an intercontinental missile to carry out long-range strikes, then why can't the Yanlong Kingdom's army use the same method? Will they use that...that thing called annihilation?"

Heerlen suddenly thought of this question and asked it.

But since she didn't know much about the Earth's weapon system, it was a bit difficult for her to speak.

However, Yue Zhiming on the side helped her speak out.

"Annihilation bomb."

"Yes, yes! It's that annihilation nuclear bomb. Isn't it said that one shot can destroy a city? Even the twelve generals can't stand against the annihilation nuclear bomb."

9527 was not in a hurry to answer this question, but instead glanced at Tu Yan.

Tu Yan was a little embarrassed by 9527, but he didn't know what he meant.

"Let's not talk about whether the annihilation of nuclear bombs and atomic bombs can eliminate the twelve generals."

"Humans, the leaders of the Yanlong Kingdom, will not use missiles to destroy Wanchao County unless absolutely necessary."

"Wanchao County is an arsenal. How many missiles and even atomic bombs are stored there!"

"The leader of Yanlong Kingdom will not give up this place unless..."

Speaking of this, 9527 also looked at Tu Yan.

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