The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 182 Intercontinental Cruise Missile

Tu Yan felt a chill on his spine.

The ominous premonition came to his mind.

Because when 9527 looked at him with this kind of eyes.

It was often when he was sold out and counted money for him.

"Forget it, the Yanlong army does have this possibility."

"Seeing that I can't take down Wanchao County, it's better to bomb it with one bomb than to leave the arsenal to the opponent."

"At this time, we can only rely on our dear commander."

Following 9527's eyes, everyone looked at Tu Yan in unison.

Tu Yan swallowed his saliva and asked tremblingly.

"You want me to catch the atomic bomb with my bare hands?"

"Or else? Or should I go? Or should Heerlen go?"

"Hiss, okay" Tu Yan shook his head.

What else can I do!

Tu Yan can only take it one step at a time.

The next is some details.

Although this 'Wanchao County Defense War' has little to do with the Guardian Alliance.

But 9527 held a video conference with them in the hope that the Guardian Alliance would learn more about the situation on the Free Army side.

By the way, the elf Heerlen could learn more about the way the Earth fights.

The meeting lasted until 8 or 9 o'clock in the evening.

Just as 9527 was chattering.

A shrill alarm sounded from the earphone beside Tu Yan's ear.

"Okay, everyone, our guests are here, let's go to dinner. Tu Yan, come with me to activate the intercontinental missile."

"Got it, let's go, brothers"

"Thank you."

"Come on!"

The first video conference between the Free Army and the Guardian Alliance ended just like that.

Everyone hurried to their posts and made preparations.

In Nat City, after the video conference, Heerlen quickly devoted herself to learning about "Earth weapons".

She also hoped to continue to help Tu Yan in future battles.

Before leaving, Tu Yan also took out a lot of ‘full set of bulletproof vests’ and ‘laser swords’.


Because of the previous ‘production capacity increase’!

This ability can increase the daily production capacity of ‘full set of bulletproof vests’ and ‘laser swords’ from 5 to 50.

In just a few days.

Tu Yan also stockpiled a hundred bulletproof vests and laser swords.

Bulletproof vests are mainly used by non-human races.

And laser swords are mainly supplied to human races with the weakest attack methods.

These bulletproof vests are also very elastic.

When worn on the ‘demon species’ that are huge and like beasts, they also become larger in an instant, becoming extremely appropriate and easy to wear.

The same bulletproof vest, when worn on the petite elf species, also becomes smaller in an instant, making the elf species feel comfortable and fit.

Representatives of various races also received them equally according to their needs.

Tu Yan quickly left the City Lord’s Mansion under the guidance of 9527.

Came to the weapons storage depot located in the east of Wanchao County.

Walked down a long underground staircase.

They came to a huge underground square.

And the place where they were was a place similar to a control room.

The equipment piled inside was flashing with green light, as if it had been running recently.

9527 very skillfully snapped his fingers, and all the lights on the scene were turned on.

"Uh, what's the matter, you can control the switch here by snapping your fingers?"

"Yes, I connected the electrical switch system here with my AI calculation. In short, I can remotely control the switch here."

"Well, these things are child's play for you."

Tu Yan was also accustomed to this kind of thing.

So he no longer paid attention to 9527's "a set of operations as fierce as a tiger".

Instead, he focused on the glass wall in front of him.

Through this piece of clean glass, you can see countless missiles placed in front of you!

Some missiles are at least ten meters long, and their shapes are almost the same, with only the color and length being the only difference, but they all have a faint sense of death threat.

But this is not what surprised Tu Yan.

The huge glass in front of him can see two rooms at the same time.

In one room, there are missiles.

In the other room, there are missile launchers!

And these launchers have been carefully adjusted, and can be launched very quickly and continuously!

"Damn awesome!"

Tu Yan looked at the room he was in, and then he realized that this room was the 'launch platform'.

It's a pity that there were only him and 9527 in this room, which seemed extremely empty.

However, only one 9527 can complete these debugging, aiming, launching and other tasks.

"Tu Yan, look."

9527 put a projection on the big screen in front of him.

Tu Yan also saw the army that was about to resist Wanchao County through this 'satellite cloud map'.

Neatly arranged, tanks, planes, and chariots, mighty and mighty!

"It seems that they really think we won't launch missiles." 9527 showed a slight disdainful tone.

"How do you know?"

"Although they brought anti-missile weapons, they are not using them now. It's up to you. If this button is pressed, the intercontinental missile can be launched."

"Of course, after pressing it, you may suffer a crazy counterattack from them. It's up to you."

After saying this, 9527 ignored it.

Instead, he turned another satellite image to the big screen on the other side.

Then he began to command the "pilots" to prepare for dispatch.

Long-range night bombers, stealth technology speed planes, and ground attack fighters.

Three of the latest models of Yanlong Country.

Driven by the Tianyi species in the Free Army.

There are also a few human species sitting in multiple fighters, preparing to use the weapons on the planes to bomb the place.

The layout of the war was prepared in an orderly manner under the command of 9527 and Jiang Shan.

Tu Yan lowered his head and looked at the red button in front of him.

He sighed and raised his head again, looking at the missile about ten meters high behind the glass.

Its red warhead, platinum body, and indigo wings.

It looks like a very ordinary thing.

But who dares to imagine that you only need to press this switch.

This missile can be launched.

Bombing, explosion!

Become a real killing weapon!

"Why are you sighing? Regret?" 9527 smiled contemptuously.

"Not really, I just sigh about weapons, they are really terrible, humans are really a creature that reaps what they sow."

After complaining, Tu Yan pressed it without hesitation.

I saw the ceiling slowly open.

The Y3 intercontinental cruise missile began to make a rumbling noise.

At the tail of the missile, white smoke began to appear.


Lift off!

Like a meteor passing by in the night!

Towards the direction of the Yanlong army, 'swoosh'!



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