The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 197 The Second of the Twelve Generals!

No matter which plane or planet he is on!

Du Shaliang has never seen Tianlei face to face!

Nor does she know what Tianlei's true form is!

In her extreme dissatisfaction, Du Shaliang tried hard to recall.

She was surprised to find that in the few times she had a quick glance, Du Shaliang had indeed seen Tianlei's back.

Tianlei seemed to be like this from beginning to end!

This means that the human form now is Tianlei's true form!

Tianlei, the leader of the twelve generals of the Zang Beast, is a human?

Du Shaliang opened her mouth in surprise.

For a moment, she couldn't recover from her "guessing".


These three words kept appearing in Du Shaliang's mind.

It has been more than a year since Du Shaliang betrayed the Tianyi and joined the Zang Beast Corps.

But she knew that Tianlei, the leader of the twelve generals, had been with the Zang Beast King for decades!

If Tianlei is really a human, then when did he come into contact with the Zang Beast King?

If we really want to talk about the contact between the human race and the Zang Beast Army, it was more than a month ago.

The Zang Beast Army attacked the earth under the order of the Zang Beast King.

Whether it is logic or time, none of this makes sense!

But Du Shaliang's strong intuition is constantly telling her that Tianlei is the human race!

Tianlei seemed to have noticed Du Shaliang's abnormality.

He walked straight to Du Shaliang and asked condescendingly.

"You? Six of the Twelve Generals, Du Shaliang? What's wrong, looking at me like this?"

"No, no, no"

At such a close distance, Du Shaliang's heart was beating wildly.

It's not because he "liked" Tianlei.

But because of Tianlei's incomparable strength, under close contact, it is even more terrifying.

"Well, let's all work, and attack in full force. McGee, you and Du Shaliang will go to Yanlong Country together. This time, let Tu Yan disappear from this world completely!"


Du Shaliang quickly lowered his head and agreed.

"Okay, Lord Tianlei, I promise to complete the task excellently!" McGee patted his chest, wanting to show his admiration for 'Tianlei'.

"Then there is Eagle Country, and..."

Tianlei assigned each country to the other twelve generals one by one.

Let them prepare, and then completely conquer the cities they are responsible for.

After receiving their respective city tasks, the twelve generals also came to the outside of the castle.

Looking at the countless zombies below.

With a wave of his arm, each led the zombies to the basement of the castle.

Deep in the castle, there are several 'transmission devices' that can transmit zombies to various countries in turn.

Tianlei was strolling leisurely in the hall inside the castle.

After the other twelve generals left.

Tianlei slowly left from the secret door next to him.

This secret door leads directly to the basement of the castle.

After opening it, it is a room with a huge transparent glass.

Behind the transparent glass, there are groups of zombies.

Next to it, there is another transparent glass.

There is a 'transmission device' placed inside.

The other twelve generals are also here, leading the other zombies to enter the transmission device one by one.


From outside, there is no way to see the inside of the room through this glass.

But the 'people' in the room can observe the situation outside silently.

"How is it?" Tian Lei came to a huge 'control panel' and asked directly.

If there are other human species here, they will definitely be amazed at this 'control panel'.

Because this huge control panel is actually a piece of several large computers.

And the object of Tian Lei's inquiry.

It is a 'small robot'.

This robot looks very much like a spider.

It has eight mechanical tentacles.

The shell is also made of hard plastic.

From the appearance alone, it can be seen that the technological content of this robot is much higher than that of the earth.

After hearing Tian Lei's voice, the spider robot was not in a hurry to reply to him.

Under a smooth operation, the keyboard 'crackled' and then slowly returned.

"Master Tianlei, what kind of wind brings you here?"

"Why are you so reserved, God Slayer?" Tianlei grinned.

After coming from the dim hall to the well-lit room.

Tianlei's appearance can already be seen.

The short hair that is a little long in the front, the eerie face, and the three-dimensional facial features that seem to be carved out by a knife.

He is not handsome, if you have to say, he is the kind of "skinny handsome".

The overall feeling is extremely eerie and terrifying. His solid and strong body can make people tremble at a distance.

The only pity is that there is a deep scar on his face, which makes Tianlei look a little "fierce".

The spider robot called "God Slayer" is the second of the twelve generals!

"Tell me, Tianlei, what are you doing here."

God Slayer no longer politely asked Tianlei.

He asked directly and coldly.

The single voice of the Ultimate sounded very strange, like a voice programmed by a computer system.

After listening carefully, it was actually somewhat similar to 9527.

"Heh" Seeing the cold tone of the God Killer, Tian Lei stopped talking nonsense and made his intention clear.

"Can atomic bombs and nuclear bombs be dealt with? The bullets alone can still withstand it. But those two big killers..." Tian Lei licked his lips.

His eyes burst out with murderous intent.

"It is impractical to let it explode. The only thing that can be done is to make it misfire."

"I have hacked into the systems of many countries and disabled all atomic bombs and nuclear bomb launchers."

"If the human species wants to successfully detonate it, it will need to be transported by dozens of aircraft. However, in this case, it will only be a living target."


Speaking of this, the mechanical voice of the God Killer suddenly paused.

As if thinking about something.

"But what?" Tian Lei was impatient and asked directly.

"The situation in the Yanlong Kingdom is a bit strange. In my eyes, the 'firewalls' of other countries in the world are just sheets of paper that can't be thinner, but I can't find the entrance to the entire firewall system of the Yanlong Kingdom." "

"It's like there are experts from Yanlong Kingdom helping out, but they are not at the level of other countries on Earth!"

"In short, the control of most of the atomic bombs and nuclear bombs on the entire earth is now on our side, except for the Yanlong Kingdom."

As if it was Tian Lei's illusion, he seemed to sense the long-lost 'warm blood' from the God Killer's tone.

It was the expression of someone who had been bored for a long time and finally encountered something interesting.

That's an expression of 'there is no room for two tigers in one mountain'!

Sure enough, after reporting his work, the God Killer frantically devoted himself to the work at hand.

The keyboard just clicked, and the images on the screen kept appearing one after another.

The machines and equipment running at high speed seemed to have a faint burning smell.

"Okay, go ahead and do it. As long as you can get rid of most of the atomic bombs and nuclear bombs, there will be no problem. But the Yanlong Kingdom? Haha, interesting, isn't it the country of Tu Yan?"

Tian Lei sneered, and there was nothing but cruelty and violence in his 'arrogant' eyes.

"Oh, that's right." Tian Lei suddenly stopped when he came to the door, and then asked, "Do you think the 'master' of the Yanlong Kingdom was born from the gods?"

"Spiritual species? Oh Tianlei, are you mocking me?"

The Godkiller stopped what he was doing.

Then his body shook for a while.

The entire spider robot was suffocated.

From inside this robot, a mysterious light mass floated out.

"Yo? You got angry when you mentioned the divine species? And you specifically let your true form escape?"

Seeing this light group, Tian Lei became even more interested and continued to ridicule.

"I really don't understand your bad taste. In other worlds, you deliberately make clones of the 'god species' and go to the aboriginal people. Is this fun?"

"Is it fun to let them think that the divine species is still alive and then 'play house' with you?"

"Isn't it fun to let other races have some kind of 'hope'?"

Tian Lei pressed forward step by step, and his tone was like a sharp blade, piercing the 'God Killer'.

But the lights behind Tian Lei were flickering on and off crazily, as if controlled by a mysterious force.

"Hey, yo, don't be angry, it's just a joke." Tian Lei said with a smile.

He naturally knew that the cause of the 'supernatural' phenomena in this room was because of the transparent light group in front of him.

The God Killer also stared at Tian Lei angrily.

This ball of light can speak without opening its mouth, as if it is transmitting words into someone's mind through some method.

"Tian Lei, don't worry about the God Seeds! Besides, there are no God Seeds in this universe!"

In the cold tone of the God Killer, one could not tell whether it was anger, despair, or ecstasy.

"Yes, that's right, that's not our God Killer, planting the gods with our own hands."

Tian Lei hasn't finished speaking yet.

It was directly bounced away by a mysterious force.

"Yeah, are you angry? Let's go, let's go."

When Tian Lei saw the completely angry 'God Killer', he sneered and left.

As for the 'God Killer' in the light group state, although it has no eyes.

But it also revealed a feeling of 'sharp eyes', which pierced Tian Lei as he left.

Then he returned to the spider robot, and the spider robot came to life again.

Busy with what I was doing.

But at the same time, he continued to mutter.

"Oh God Seed, there can't be any God Seed in this universe. I am the last God Seed!"

For a moment, a strong murderous aura erupted in this room.

"However, the master of the Yanlong Kingdom who made such a powerful firewall really gave me the feeling of being a god."

"No! This is impossible!"

"Because. I have."

The Godkiller seemed to be in a state of madness.

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