The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 198 The truth is getting closer


Tu Yan had a premonition when 9527 called.

He believed that 9527 had not contacted him in the past few days.

Not only did he want to have a good rest, but he was also busy with other things.

War preparations, intelligence, and finding out the truth of 20 years ago!

"Oh, I've been looking for a long time. I only found one person who is also an astronaut or has a way to go to outer space and is missing."

"His information has been destroyed long ago, and his real name can no longer be determined. We only know that his work nickname is 'Survival No. 1'."

"Survival No. 1?"

"Yes, this is the previous human plan 'Survival Plan'."

"At that time, humans wanted to march into outer space and find a new planet suitable for survival."

"Therefore, several astronauts were selected, and their nickname was 'Survival No. N'."

"Survival No. 1 is also the captain of this team."

"Of course, according to the level of technology at the time, they only flew to Neptune, and then turned back because of exhaustion of energy."

"It took five years to return to Earth, but they disappeared. "The team members also hesitated, saying that he disappeared when he put on a space suit to repair the ship's hold, and some said that he disappeared directly on the spacecraft. "The technicians at that time watched the video repeatedly, and the survivor No. 1 suddenly disappeared at some time and place. "It seems that even the video inside the spacecraft has been tampered with. "After repeated tests by psychologists, all members had no psychological problems and the matter was left unresolved. "Perhaps in the mentality of keeping secrets, the military directly destroyed all the information of Survival No. 1. Although the other team members kept the information, they were also disbanded on the spot. " "What about those team members now? Have you found them?" Tu Yan asked, but soon, he regretted it. It might be possible to find them at ordinary times, but in this end of the world, whether they can survive is a problem, so don't even think about finding them. "No, I can't find them. " "Oh, I know." Tu Yan sighed, and the only clue was broken. "You know nothing, because this survival plan happened eighty years ago!"

"Eighty years ago!" Tu Yan's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what he heard.

Eighty years?

If those team members are still alive, they joined the survival plan when they were thirty years old.

Then they must be 110 years old now!

But the time doesn't match!

If, twenty years ago, it was really Survival No. 1 who killed Tu Yan's parents.

At that time, he would have to be ninety years old!


"I know your doubts, but according to the information I collected, after eliminating one "hypothesis" after another, the truth is this."

"Let's assume that Survival No. 1 disappeared at the age of twenty, and then killed your parents when he was eighty years old."

"This is the truth I can think of."

"How is it possible?" Tu Yan smacked his lips to express his doubts.

Because if the truth is this, even if it is really assumed that "Survival No. 1" killed Tu Yan's parents in outer space at the age of 80 or 90.

Then he is 110 years old now, is he still alive?

How will Tu Yan take revenge?

"This is the current situation, but I have another guess."

"What guess?"

"Do you still remember the recorded information? Enemy attack, unknown creatures, and their kind."

"Let's assume now that the last sentence 'there are also similar creatures' refers to Survival No. 1."

"What about the second sentence? Unknown creatures! I suspect this unknown creature is an alien!"

"Only aliens can abduct an astronaut in outer space without anyone noticing."

"And with the help of this unknown creature, Survival No. 1 can kill your parents and destroy the Oasis Space Station at the age of 80!"

"If this guess is correct, I suspect that Survival No. 1 is still alive now. I'm afraid that with the help of aliens, his life has been extended. Maybe he is still as young as he was eighty years ago!"

As the saying goes, 'If you don't say something shocking, you'll die'. 9527's words caused a huge wave in Tu Yan's heart.

When he thought that he still had a chance to 'revenge', his heart jumped wildly.

I wish I could go to outer space right now and find that ‘unknown creature’, that ‘Survival No. 1’.

“The following words, you should just treat them as jokes.”

9527 suddenly said in an unfathomable tone, with a hint of ridicule in his voice.

“What do you mean?”

“Do you think that ‘unknown creature’ is the Zombie Corps, and ‘Survival No. 1’ is one of the Twelve Generals?”

9527 seemed like a ‘devil’, and his low voice stirred up a storm in Tu Yan’s heart.

“This” Tu Yan swallowed hard.

It’s possible!

What 9527 said does have this probability!

“Okay, it’s all a joke. We are in the real world, the end of the world. How can it be the same as those ‘cliché’ TV dramas?”

“It just so happens that I found my own enemy who had wiped out my entire family, and this enemy who had wiped out my entire family appeared with a ‘whoosh’. We are not in a novel, hahaha.”

9527 knew Tu Yan's expression without looking, so he quickly ended the joke and returned to the topic.

"Anyway, let's finish solving the crisis on Earth first. Since our future goal is the stars and the sea, we will know the truth sooner or later."

9527 didn't know that the joke he just made completely planted a seed in Tu Yan's heart.

"Oh, I see."

"Okay, let's get ready. Wanchao County, let's set off now. You will set off at 12 noon. I have given the route map to Yue Zhiming."

"At about two o'clock, we will meet up and arrive at the gate of Yanlong City around two-thirty."

"Be prepared. I saw through the satellite cloud image that there are many legions of mourning beasts on their way to Yanlong City."

"By then, it will be a big war again."

"Oh, I see."

Before Tu Yan could finish some polite words of gratitude, 9527 hung up the phone.

Tu Yan, who had suffered the loss of being mute, could only helplessly look at the black screen of his mobile phone.

Talking about the ruthlessness of 9527.

At this time, Tu Yan was wandering on the road in Nat City.

Originally, Heerlen was still with her, but she was called back by a phone call just now.

After putting the phone in his pocket, Tu Yan looked at everything peaceful in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

He knew that next, there would be another bloody storm.

The army of mourning beasts has been adjusted, and when it attacks again, it will definitely be more ferocious than last time.

But this time, the human species can finally use weapons!

Even if atomic bombs or nuclear bombs cannot be used.

But as long as there are planes, tanks, firearms, and missiles, it is not certain who will win!

When he thought of this, Tu Yan also smiled.

It was as if the weight on his shoulders had been reduced a lot.

When he was about to turn around and leave, heading to the base camp of the Guardian Alliance.

Suddenly a spring breeze came out.

The trees nearby bloomed with the fragrance of flowers, blowing towards your face.

Attracted Tu Yan's attention.

Glancing over, I saw that the trees beside the road were green, full of spring, and full of vitality.

It seems to represent rebirth and herald the victory of the earth.

"Oh, all this. It's so beautiful. I'm gone, my hometown."

Tu Yan also had a smile on his face and trotted towards the base camp.

After meeting up with Heerlen and Yue Zhiming.

Tu Yan also knew the route of this trip.

After some repairs and lunch.

This is the declaration before departure.

Heerlen stepped forward first and came to the city wall, looking at the soldiers of the 'Guardian Alliance' below.

Can't help but feel proud.

A total of six thousand people!

All races combined, six thousand!

From the beginning, there were only a few dozen human soldiers in the southern 'soldier camp', but it has developed all the way.

Become a mighty ‘army’!

For all of this, Heerlen paid a lot.

At the same time, Major General Yue Zhiming has always been Haierlu's right-hand man.

Thinking of this, Heerlen cast a grateful look at Yue Zhiming, who was not far away.

Yue Zhiming seemed to feel it and responded with a sincere smile.

The "fierce as a tiger" speech seemed to have given all the soldiers below a shot of "adrenaline hormones", which made them extremely excited.

Then, Heerlen took a deep breath.

With one sentence, Tu Yan was brought out from behind.

"Next, I would like to invite our allies of the Guardian Alliance - the leader of the Free Army, the hero of the earth, and the hero of the universe! Tu Yan, come and say a few words!"

The words just fell.

The army below burst into even more enthusiastic applause.

This made Tu Yan on the side look confused.

He kept gesturing at Heerlen with his eyes - 'Why are you doing this, damn, you're cheating me. ’

Heerlen grinned, with a cunning expression that seemed to say, 'What? No, just a little bit. ’

Tu Yan, who was pushed onto the stage, was helpless.

He had to take deep breaths constantly, trying to adjust his pounding heart.

Tu Yan, who came to the city wall, looked at the dense crowd below.

"Hello everyone, hello, fellow soldiers! I am Tu Yan!"

‘Pop’ ‘Pap’ ‘Pap’!

Thunderous applause!

Most of the soldiers of the Guardian Alliance knew about Tu Yan's glorious deeds.

Even if you don't know it, you are influenced by the people around you.

I have long known that there is such a human hero.

"Okay, I already know your enthusiasm."

"No matter how much you say, I know that there are not only humans down there, but also partners from other planets."

"I, Tu Yan, guarantee here that our common enemy is only the Legion of Sour Beasts!"

"After we expel it from the earth, the next step is to save other planets!"

"Go forward, warriors! Entrust your lives to me and let me lead you to victory once! Again! Victory again!"

"Yanlong City! We are here!"

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