After Tu Yan's passionate speech.

The soldiers below burst into warm cheers.

Then the question of "transportation" came.

Tu Yan took out ten small oval objects from his space backpack.

He threw them to the ground.

This was a small oval object. The moment it left Tu Yan.

It kept getting bigger and bigger!

It turned directly into a huge "flying yacht"!

Kirov airship!

The fundamental purpose of this kind of spaceship is to destroy ground buildings!

This is also one of Tu Yan's death rewards.

The rewards these days.

They are "repair vehicle", "Kirov airship", "one ton of luncheon meat", and "self-contained BGM"!

Among them, the repair vehicle is a disposable item.

Tu Yan thought about it and used this disposable repair prop on the "Yanyu Motorcycle".

Originally, the "Kirov airship" was the same as the bulletproof vest.

It was mass-produced every day.

But there is only one per day.

Fortunately, Tu Yan has the abnormal ability of "production capacity improvement".

The daily production volume directly adds a zero after 1.

So Tu Yan already has ten "Kirov airships" in his hands.

And the "Kirov airship" given by "death superposition" is very outstanding in performance.

Twenty "cruise ballistics" are installed at the bottom of the airship.

Fifty "shark-drop bombs" - it is said that only one shot can kill the sharks in the sea and make them "fall" into the depths of the sea.

Eighty "tracking mines".

It is a real "earth-destroying killer"!

If there is no "anti-aircraft weapon", it is impossible to resist the pace of the "Kirov airship".

But unfortunately, Tu Yan now only regards them as "transportation tools".

The khaki appearance, and four red reinforcement columns.

The accelerator behind it is exaggeratedly large, and it only needs to be gently controlled. Its flying speed is completely beyond people's imagination.

Because the accelerator behind is too big, there are several mechanical wings under the airship.

This is also for making a sharp turn while driving at high speed.

At the front of the airship, an extremely ferocious "red smiley face" was specially painted.

From a distance, it looks like a "bloody shark" with a bloody mouth!

Under the command of Yue Zhiming, the Guardians boarded the Kirov airship one by one.

There are about 600 people on an airship.

It can just take all the Guardians.

Tu Yan and Heerlen and others boarded the "Kirov airship" in the front.

"Let's go!"

The airship slowly took off, and after reaching a certain height, it went full speed!

Its speed is not much slower than that of an ordinary plane.

With such mobility, Tu Yan can completely make his army's strength a step further.

This is faster than using "armored vehicles" and "transport vehicles" to carry soldiers on the ground.

"Wow, this speed, wow."

In the airship command room, Yue Zhiming sat in the position of 'captain'.

Carefully checking the various conditions of the airship.

But he couldn't help but sigh at the terrible speed of this 'Kirov airship'.

It can carry so many people at a time, and the speed is so fast, there are so many weapons, and most importantly, it is easy to operate, it is simply 'fool operation'.

It can be said that it is simply a 'battlefield killer'!

Yue Zhiming is very clear about the use value of this airship.

At the same time, he made up his mind that since Tu Yan already has his own troops, the Guardian Alliance should always be an 'alliance' relationship.

Tu Yan himself also has a 'free army' to supply materials.

No matter what, he must find a way to let Tu Yan give a few 'Kirov airships' and put them on the side of the Guardian Alliance.

If it doesn't work, let Heerlen seduce!

Heerlen, who was standing next to Tu Yan, suddenly shuddered and felt a chill on his back.

"What's wrong?" Tu Yan asked curiously.

"I don't know. I suddenly feel like I'm falling into an ice cave, as if someone is watching me and wants me to do something bad."

"Hmph, I'll find that person and beat him up."

After saying that, Tu Yan really pretended to find 'that person'.

"Hey, you're crazy. How can we find him? Let's go and see the other soldiers."


The entire Kirov airship has a total of four floors.

The top floor is the command room, where Yue Zhiming is located.

The second floor is a huge open space 'square', where some simple single beds are placed for soldiers to rest.

The third floor is a simple warehouse, canteen, and independent rooms.

As for the fourth floor, it is a generator, arsenal, ammunition depot, etc.

The level of technology in the airship seems to be much higher than that on Earth.

For Tu Yan personally, the Kirov airship is not particularly useful.

But for the Free Army or the Guardian Alliance, it is a very important 'transportation tool'.

After checking all the soldiers and the flight status of the airships, a little time had passed.

Tu Yan and Heerlen also returned to the command room.

The airship group was getting closer and closer to the place where they agreed to meet with 9527.

After contacting the Free Army, they learned that they were about to arrive at their destination.

Full speed ahead!

Finally, the Free Army and the Guardian Alliance met in a small village.

The two mighty armies, on one side are a large group of 'Kirov airships'.

On the other side are armored fighting vehicles and armed helicopters.

The airship landed, when Tu Yan walked out of the airship.

He didn't know it until just a few days later.

How much the Free Army has developed!

The Free Army, which originally numbered several hundred people, suddenly expanded to 4,000 people!

Tu Yan opened his mouth wide and looked at the countless "people" and "arms" in front of him in disbelief.

Daqing 9527 has brought the entire Wanchao County over!

On the other hand, Yue Zhiming, who was on the side, was the first to react.

I saw him walking up quickly.

Half-kneeling in front of an old man.

"Master Marshal! Long time no see!"

Yue Zhiming said excitedly.

This old man is none other than Marshal Long Junli.

In the past, he was a student under Long Junli.

Therefore, Yue Zhiming also respected him.

But Yue Zhiming is still a person who 'examines and seizes'.

When Marshal Long Junli was preparing to attack Wanchao County a few days ago, he specifically contacted Yue Zhiming and wanted to enlist Yue Zhiming's assistance.

But Yue Zhiming refused.

At first, Long Junli was a little unhappy with this 'apprentice'.

But after being completely defeated by Tu Yan, he finally understood something.

During these days, they also set up camp in a small town next to Wanchao County, preparing to set up a special force to deal with the Sour Beast Legion.

After learning about the Free Army's plan.

Long Junli also came to the door specially, hoping to attack together.

9527 agreed directly without even thinking about it.

But this made Tu Yan stupid.

9527 did not tell Tu Yan about this.

‘Embarrassing’ seemed to have become a prison, trapping Tu Yan inside.

"Tu Yan, long time no see." After saying hello to his 'good apprentice', Long Junli also came to Tu Yan to say hello.

"Ah, long time no see"

Tu Yan responded quickly.

Then he communicated consciously with 9527 directly through the chip in his brain.

"Hey! Stop pretending to be dead. You haven't shown up these days. Are you just messing with these things?"

"What are you doing? We haven't chatted like this for a long time. What's your attitude?" 9527 said disdainfully.

"Damn, why is Long Junli here? It makes me so embarrassed."

"Yo? What's going on here?"


Subconsciously, Tu Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.


Not really.

Whether it was the Free Army or the Guardian Alliance, Tu Yan had the confidence to integrate them all and become the commander-in-chief.

But what if a ‘former marshal’ is added?

Not to mention anything else, there is "Jiang Shan" and "Yue Zhiming", these two "former soldiers" here.

And most of the human species here are soldiers.

If you think about it with your buttocks, you will know that Tu Yan, a young man, is definitely not as majestic as Marshal Long Junli.

Maybe it would be easy for Long Junli to 'rebel'.

"I know your concerns, but don't worry, Long Junli came alone. How old is he? He must know the tricks of this kind of thing. He came alone, just hoping to be able to command and arrange tactics. Help me.”

"Believe him. The tactics he arranges will definitely be more perfect."

"Alone?" Tu Yan asked in disbelief.

"Yes, why are you suddenly a mother-in-law?"

"Well, it seems I wrongly blamed him."

Tu Yan also shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

If that's the case, then there's no problem.

As long as Long Junli doesn't bring his original soldiers, he will be just a polished commander.

How big of a storm can it cause?

"Let him come, there is another purpose."

"What's the purpose?"

"Tu Yan, let me ask you a question. You can think it over carefully before telling me."


"Do you want... to be a king? I mean, to manage, rule, govern a city, a country, or the world. In a word, do you want to be the leader of a country?"

9527 came directly with a ‘soul torture’.

"This" Tu Yan licked his lips, not knowing what he was thinking for a moment.

"It's okay, don't worry, tell me when you think about it clearly."


Tu Yan nodded.

Then his mind returned to reality.

I said hello to my old friends in the ‘Freedom Army’ one by one.

After meeting Jiang Shan, he also took the ‘headphones’ handed over by Jiang Shan.

Put it on your ear.

After explanations from friends of the Free Army.

Tu Yan also understood why so many people from the Free Army suddenly appeared.

It was all because of Tu Yan's passionate speech before in front of Wanchao County.

Attracting all the major races around Wanchao County.

They came one after another to become famous and wanted to join the Free Army.

In this way, in the absence of 'leader' Tu Yan, 9527 waved his hand and directly 'recruited talents'.

The Free Army was completely strengthened.

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