The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 22 The giant dragon shows its might!

The little lizard raised its proud head, puffed up its breath, and exhaled!

The black and red energy ball hit the center of the first floor platform directly.

‘Boom boom’!

One blow corroded several zombies!

“Dragon! Dragon species!” Seeing this, the fox man stepped back.

Although the Blood Weeping Dragon was just a cub and looked like a dog.

But the unique pressure of the dragon species still scared the fox man.

The zombies didn’t know how to write the word fear.

So they still launched the attack without hesitation.

“Human! Why would the dragon species help you!” The fox man said in panic.

The appearance of the dragon species made the fox man completely confused.

He was very scared. If there was an adult dragon behind him, his proud army would be destroyed in an instant!

“None of your business!”

Tu Yan spit towards the first floor.

He also looked at the little lizard in surprise.

He originally thought that the little lizard was just a foodie.

I didn't expect it to be so powerful in its cub form!

With its red and black wings flapping, it nimbly dodged the arrows and spears again and again.

Even if it was attacked, it was not afraid of being infected at all with its super thick dragon skin.

Seeing the little lizard's attack so wild, Tu Yan smiled slightly.

He took out a Red Bull, drank it hard, and then turned to look at Zhang Dayou and said.

"Zhang Dayou, I'll go get the victory back now!"

After that, Tu Yan climbed over the wall and went directly to the first floor!

"Tu Yan! Don't!"

Zhang Dayou suddenly stretched out his hand to grab, but he couldn't catch Tu Yan, so he had to watch Tu Yan jump into the zombie group.

He didn't understand why Tu Yan wanted to die like this!

But the situation on the scene didn't allow him to think too much, so he had to continue to command the battle!

"Come on, little trash!"

Tu Yan opened his arms and sarcastically said to the zombies in front of him.

He first took out a military knife and chopped off the finger of his left hand, leaving only a small section and a half finger.

Then he endured the pain and placed the severed finger safely in the corner.

This was to facilitate the "eternal immortality" later.


Tu Yan rushed directly towards the zombie army with a mace in his right hand and a Desert Eagle in his left hand!

Seeing this, the fox man laughed wantonly.

It was the first time he saw someone so reckless in the face of zombies.

"Hahaha, human, want to die? Come on!"

On the second floor, other soldiers were very worried about Tu Yan's situation.

Zhang Dayou also stabilized the morale of the army while fighting. "It's okay, Tu Yan's strength and speed attributes are very high, which is why he took the initiative to attack."

"But. If you are touched by a zombie, you will definitely die."

"Forget it. We can only trust him. Be careful!" Zhang Dayou chopped off the head of the fierce tiger zombie next to him with an axe.

But it was too late.

The soldier who was still chatting just now was bitten!

"Soldier! It's an honor to protect Nat City with you. I'll go first!"

The soldier didn't hesitate at all. If he was bitten, he would be infected, and it would only be a matter of time before he became a zombie.

He raised the scimitar in his hand and put it on his neck, cut it horizontally, and bravely got a job!

"Goodbye, soldier!"

Zhang Dayou suppressed his grief and continued to fight!

And Tu Yan had already started his exclusive personal show.

He rushed into the zombie group quickly.

He swung the mace in his left hand and hit a dog-headed zombie that was baring its teeth and howling.

He swung the pistol in his right hand, and the head of an elf zombie exploded into blood plasma!

With super high strength points, the damage that Tu Yan's close-range attack can cause is much higher than that of the Desert Eagle, which only has fixed damage.

The number of 'zombie heads' under his mace increased to eight in a short while.

A gust of cold air drifted by, and Tu Yan felt someone approaching from behind.

It turned out to be a fox man!

"Not bad, you killed so many zombies for me, I allow you to be my food!"

The fox man stretched out his hand, his sharp claws flashed with cold light, and stabbed directly into Tu Yan's heart!

With a fierce pull, the still warm heart jumped slightly on his claws.

"It's really delicious." The fox man stretched out his tongue and licked it gently, looking at Tu Yan who had turned into a corpse, he sneered.

"Is my heart delicious?"

Tu Yan's evil voice sounded behind the fox man!

It really scared the fox man and he took several steps back.

Just when he thought it was an illusion, Tu Yan attacked directly.

The fox couldn't react this time. His right hand was directly broken by Tu Yan!

"Damn, what the hell, your power. Why is it so strong! And is this an illusion!"

The fox man was a little angry, whether it was the explosion at the beginning, the dragon species or the illusion now.

Everything disrupted his plan.

"Why tell you?"

Tu Yan smiled lightly, rushed forward, and attacked again.

Unfortunately, the fox man reacted and raised his right leg to attack with a ‘shadowless chain kick’!

Tu Yan disdained to dodge and directly resisted.

The end of resisting was death!

Even if the fox man was not known for his strength, a light punch could kill Tu Yan, who only had two points of defense.

Tu Yan’s neck was directly broken by the kick and he fainted.

“So weak?”

The fox man was very confused. He just used this leg skill in a hurry.

Originally, I didn't expect to defeat Tu Yan, but I didn't expect Tu Yan to die directly?

"Is he crazy? All strength, no defense?" The fox man thought about it and understood.

But the next scene scared him to death.

"I can't die, why should I defend?"

"Eternal Immortality" activated!

The corpse with a 180-degree neck just now automatically repaired.

Tu Yan resurrected again!

Death superposition!

Two deaths brought a 20% increase in all attributes!

"No no! No! Immortal body!"

"Yes, the person who died is you."

Tu Yan endured the severe pain and moved again.

This time the speed was so fast that the fox man couldn't see it at all.

And Tu Yan temporarily put down the mace and attacked with the most agile means of attack - 'fist'.

The speed was so fast that the fox man couldn't react at all!

The strength was so great that he beat him up to the sky like a sandbag!

"Ah! Human! I'm going to kill you! Why! Why!" The fox man rose and fell in the air, screaming.

Finally, with Tu Yan's "Lushan Shenglongba", the fox man was completely dead!

But Tu Yan was also infected by other zombies beside him and lost consciousness directly.

When he regained consciousness, he was resurrected as a human, and what came into view was a bloody mouth.

Bloody dragon!

Little lizard!

The little lizard seemed to sense Tu Yan's abnormality, flew over, bit hard, and killed Tu Yan.

It also successfully resurrected him.

And this battle was completely over.

Humans win!

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