He looked at the corpses all around him.

Tu Yan could no longer hold on.

Just ignore the 'death reward' reminder in your mind.

He fell asleep directly.

It was already past midnight, and Tu Yan once again completed the task of dying once a day.

When Tu Yan woke up again, it was already noon.

He had been pushed to the rest area on the third floor by the soldiers.

He touched his painful head, looked at Zhang Dayou next to him, and said weakly.

"Hey, morning."

"Good morning! Why don't you cherish life so much! You just jumped off that zombie army! What on earth were you thinking!"

Zhang Dayou looked extremely excited!

When Tu Yan fell asleep, Zhang Dayou saw him.

Ignoring the obstruction of others, he rushed to the first floor without hesitation.

After carefully checking the injuries on his body, he directly carried Tu Yan up.

"After that fox man's death, will those zombies be much easier to fight?"

Seeing such an excited Zhang Dayou, Tu Yan had to quickly change the topic.

And his growling stomach made him pick up the bowl and chopsticks next to him unceremoniously.

With a bowl of fragrant meat porridge, Tu Yan felt extremely happy now.

"Yes, after the death of the fox man, the attack of the zombies was completely chaotic. Coupled with your lizard with wings, it is even more powerful."

Zhang Dayou glanced at the little lizard sleeping next to Tu Yan and showed gratitude.

When Tu Yan turned into a zombie, the zombie army basically relied on small lizards to fight.

"By the way, this isn't a lizard, is it?"

"No, it's the dragon's cub."

"Well, why is it called a little lizard?"

"It's just a bad idea." Tu Yan said with a smile.

"Yeah." Zhang Dayou swallowed his saliva. Before he could react to the fact of the 'giant dragon species', Tu Yanlei was so intense that he was burned inside.

"I also picked it up halfway and gave it some food, and it seemed to regard me as its father."

"Okay, Tu Yan, I solemnly tell you once, don't take such risks again! Survival is the most important thing!"

Zhang Dayou changed the topic and said righteously.

Tu Yan, on the other hand, looked indifferent.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Dayou was about to get angry, but was shocked by Tu Yan's words.

"I can't die, this is my ability as a warrior."

"Isn't it true?" Zhang Dayou twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Yeah, why are you lying to me?"

"No wonder you are so reckless."

Zhang Dayou just wanted to curse.

He is also a capable martial artist, he just lights the fire.

And what about Tu Yan? There are guns, bullets, and a dragon cub, but it still can’t die!

"How are the brothers?" Tu Yan asked with a serious expression.

"Twenty-three. But it's good to be able to withstand this attack." Zhang Dayou also had a heavy look on his face.

"Yeah" Tu Yan ate the porridge silently.

Silence spread between the two men.

Finally, Zhang Dayou broke the silence.

"Tu Yan, are you really not going to stay?" Zhang Dayou still tried to persuade him to stay.

"If it were you, would you stay or go out to deal with the zombies?" Tu Yan asked instead without answering.

"I understand." Zhang Dayou nodded and stopped insisting.

To be fair, if it were him, he would choose to go out and eliminate the zombies and save the world.

"Okay, thank you for the treat. I'm full and almost done." Tu Yan clapped his hands and put the little lizard in front of his clothes.

"I'll give it to you."


When walking down from the third floor, Tu Yan specifically looked at the thousands of citizens on the third floor.

Although their eyes are lifeless, the inherent survival instinct of human beings makes them gradually learn to accept it all.

And learn how to live correctly and safely in such an environment.

"By the way, if you can, you can continue walking south. Our camp is at the southernmost part of the city. There is a signal gun signal there. Our soldiers must be guarding it."

Zhang Dayou explained.

"Yeah, I'll go over and take a look first. Let's go."

"Tu Yan, thank you very much." Zhang Dayou pursed his lips, stretched out his hands and hugged Tu Yan tightly.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm not gay, hahaha."

Although Tu Yan was laughing, he was just enjoying the pain.

He also had the idea of ​​staying, but his own immortality and doubts about human nature forced him to leave this place.

"Stop talking nonsense! Live well!"

"Well, you too, see you later!"

"See you later!"

Tu Yan got on his motorcycle and drove directly from the escalator on the second floor to the first floor.

The first floor was full of corpses, and the road was full of potholes. It took all his strength to rush out.

Returning to the city road again, Tu Yan took a deep breath of air.

Feeling the burning in the nasal cavity.

Nat City seems to be getting worse.

"Little lizard, let's go.\

,"Tu Yan tightened the accelerator and drove straight to the southernmost part of Nat City.

On the way, he did not forget to add points and continue to add.

After destroying the zombie army and the fox people.

Tu Yan's level reached the terrifying seventeenth level.

Able martial artist: Tu Yan

Level: LV17

Strength: 60

Speed: 25

Defense: 2

Attribute points: 0

Ability: Death is like the wind, always with me, the eye of the illustrated book.

Items: space backpack, Desert Eagle, Eternal gasoline barrel, clay bomb, full set of bulletproof vests.

Full set of bulletproof vests is Tu Yan's death reward this time.

It is a set of protective gear consisting of a bulletproof vest, a bulletproof helmet and bulletproof knee pads.

Although it is bulletproof, it is actually used to prevent zombie attacks.

Its effect is to increase the user's defense points by 30 points and increase the level of defense by 10%.

The most important thing is that it can be immune to a fatal infection once, and this passive ability can be refreshed within 24 hours.

It also has a magical place. That is, it can automatically produce five sets every day!

Five sets in total, in a month, Tu Yan will be able to have 150 sets of such powerful bulletproof vests.

Unfortunately, Tu Yan does not need this thing.

He wishes his defense value was as low as possible, and it would be best if he was killed by a slight touch.

This thing can only be given away.

Tu Yan quickly arrived at the southernmost part of Nat City after speeding all the way.

During this time, he was also very careful about the various situations on the road.

But he did not find any signs of other humans.

There was only the roar of motorcycles, which was extremely lonely.

In the south of Nat City, the soldier camp.

This was originally a barracks with a three-meter-high wall, and the wall was full of barbed wire.

If you go straight through the road at the entrance of the barracks, you can go to another city.

This camp has become the largest survivor concentration camp in Nat City.

There are countless zombie corpses piled up at the entrance.

Just as Tu Yan drove a motorcycle to the door and was about to reveal his identity to the guard.

A chill came from behind!

Tu Yan felt a chill in his heart, and he looked at the blue ice cone that penetrated his body in disbelief.

"Hey, Tu Yan, long time no see."

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