"fuck your mother"

The attack that penetrated directly into the heart caused Tu Yan to die quickly.

‘Eternal Destruction’ is activated.

‘Death Overlay’ is activated.

Tu Yan was resurrected again!

After being resurrected, Tu Yan also turned around suddenly, wanting to see who the person who killed him on sight was!

"Fuck, fuck, Heerlen, you are crazy!"

This person is none other than the elf girl Heerlen!

The guards and soldiers also heard the noise and rushed over.

"It's okay, it's okay, go back, this is my friend."

"Okay, Lord Heerlan."

The guard soldiers also quickly returned to their posts.

"Tu Yan, why are you here?"

I haven’t seen him for a few days, and Heerlen still looks the same.

Pointed ears, light blue eyes, and long green hair.

Especially her exquisite facial features make people obsessed with her beauty.

But Tu Yan knew that the woman in front of him was a murderous person.

The so-called humans on Earth are just ants and chess pieces in her heart.

"Please answer me first, why did you kill me as soon as we met?"

Tu Yan said with a gloomy expression.

Although he can't die, it will hurt, far beyond what ordinary people can endure.

"I'm doing this for your own good. Didn't you say that the pistol has the power of a warrior? Death can bring rewards." Heerlen blinked his big eyes and said innocently.

"That's the first death of the day."

"Oh? Did you die once today?"

"Don't talk about death so lightly, please."

"Hehe, what's the reward?"

Heerlen smiled, but there was a hint of 'don't move, rob' hidden in that smile.

"Bulletproof vest." Tu Yan explained the specific functions of the bulletproof vest.

"You are quite capable as a martial artist."

Heerlen couldn't help but admired after hearing this.

In her original world, only legendary magic props could achieve the effect of the body armor in Tu Yan's hands.

And Tu Yan can still carry out mass production, which is really scary, it is simply a walking treasure house.

"What a ghost, you have to die once a day, otherwise you will fall into the endless abyss."

"Oh? That's easy to say. As soon as we meet in the future, I will kill you immediately, and then you will get the reward. You don't have to thank me."

Heerlen raised his eyebrows and teased.

"Thank you very much. Why are you here, and why do those human soldiers call you sir?"


It turned out that not long after Tu Yan left Keli University, Heerlen also left with a group of students and teachers who were willing to follow her.

Originally, we planned to find a giant shopping mall as our camp.

But Heerlen’s henchman—Kong Hongcai, the student union president of Keli University.

The suggestion was to head to the southernmost part of Nut City.

Because there is a soldier camp here.

In the end Heerlen also adopted this suggestion.

The journey was bumpy, but after sacrificing several students, they successfully arrived at the Nat Soldier Camp.

The situation here is not as good as other campsites in Nat City.

During the period when the earth was invaded by the mournful beasts, the most powerful technological weapons were sealed for a month.

Even soldiers and soldiers do not have firearms and ammunition.

The only things he can rely on are his well-trained muscles and weapons such as knives and sticks.

As soon as Heerlen arrived, he was attacked by a zombie group.

She repeatedly used powerful area-of-effect magic attacks to save the camp.

When the camp's top leader, Major General 'Yue Zhiming', was extremely grateful, Heerlen also forcefully seized power.

As an elf, she will not be commanded by humans.

Fortunately, Major General Yue Zhiming was a man of foresight and quickly gave up his position.

Heerlen naturally became the highest person in charge of the soldier camp.

Major General Yue Zhiming and Student Union President Kong Hongcai became her right-hand men.

And Heerlen had just returned from a patrol outside.

Unexpectedly, he met Tu Yan.

"Um, a set of body armor?"

When Heerlen took Tu Yan to visit the soldiers' camp, he could no longer hold back and began to ask for help from Tu Yan.

"Aren't you very strong? Are you still afraid of zombies?"

"Do you know how many days have passed since the invasion of the mournful beasts began?"

Heerlen did not answer Tu Yan directly.

"eight days?"

"Yeah. There are still twenty-two days before the Earth's most powerful technological weapon system can be used normally. However, the attacks of the mourning beasts are becoming more ferocious and getting stronger."

Heerlen took a deep breath, feeling a little sad.

She didn't know whether humans on earth could survive this most difficult month.

Although she is from a race from another planet, the battlefield is still on Earth. As long as she can defeat the mourning beast, she will do anything!

"I'll give you all five sets."

Tu Yan also saw what Heerlen was thinking.

"This...how can you be so embarrassed, hahahahaha."

Heerlen let out a hearty laugh. He originally only wanted one set for himself to wear, but unexpectedly Tu Yan was given all five sets.

"It's okay, we are all allies anyway."

Tu Yan didn't care. He didn't need to use armor in the first place.

He also plans to give these body armors to others.

Heerlen was extremely excited after receiving five sets of body armor.

He pounced and hugged Tu Yan tightly. Heerlen, who was in high spirits, forgot to control his strength.


Tu Yan felt that his ribs were all broken and stabbed into his chest!

Suffocated to death!

"Damn! You did it on purpose! You hugged me to death!"

Tu Yan cursed after resurrection.

Heerlen apologized quickly.

"Oh, I was too excited. Ahaha, who knew your defense value was so low."

"By the way, are you planning to stay here?"

"I don't know. I went to the camp in Dingfu Square before, but it's not suitable to stay there. I want to find a place where I can hunt zombies with peace of mind."

"Come to my place."

"No, I'll die every time I see you. Who can stand it? Stay for a few days and see if there are any acquaintances."

Tu Yan looked at the entire camp.

Under the protection of the three-meter-high wall, the survivors inside were not so worried.

Dozens of huge green cloaks stood in the middle in a row.

This place was originally a barracks, so there are naturally kitchens, accommodation buildings and office buildings.

If you can ignore the smell of zombies in the air.

It seemed like the world before.

It was dinner time, and Tu Yan was invited by Heerlen to have dinner together.

The food here was much better than that in Dingfu Plaza.

Although it was not a feast of fish and meat, the combination of meat and vegetables was healthy and delicious.

The canteen was located in a concrete building, and in order to accommodate the survivors, folding benches and tables were specially provided.

Although it was extremely crowded, it was also full of life.

Tu Yan smiled at Heerlen's silly use of chopsticks and soup spoons.

"Oh? Lord Heerlen, you are here? Hmm? Who is this?"

At this time, a sturdy man sat down with a bowl of rice.

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