The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 29 Target, Research Laboratory

"Where are we going? I haven't eaten yet,"

"Then let's go eat first, then follow me."

After saying that, Heerlen pretended to pull Tu Yan to the cafeteria.

But she suddenly thought of something, and turned back to Yue Zhiming and said to him.

"As long as Tu Yan stays here for one day, his bulletproof vests will be ours. Just arrange them and use them as his board and lodging expenses here."

"Yes! Lord Heerlen!"

As the highest leader of the surviving soldiers' camp, Heerlen said this.

The other soldiers, like Yue Zhiming, looked at Tu Yan with respect.

They almost regarded Tu Yan as their 'living parents'.

"Damn it"

Tu Yan had a lot of grievances to share. What else could he do with such a rogue elf?

After being dragged all the way to the cafeteria by Heerlen and having a casual meal.

She finally explained where she was going.

The research laboratory in Nat City.

"Why do we have to go to the research lab?"

"Isn't science what you are most proud of on Earth?"

"Yes, technology is the primary productive force."

"There must be a lot of scientific research experiments or manuscripts there, and there may even be scientists. If we rescue them, won't they be useful to me?"

"Why don't you go by yourself?"

"I don't know the way."

"Then you take someone else with you."

"Others are not as strong as you. I will have to protect others when the time comes. How troublesome it will be."

Heerlen looked at the person eating next to him with a look of disgust.

"Then you leave too. What about the protection work here?"

"It's okay. I've been out looking for resources these days. The protection work is all handed over to Yue Zhiming."

"Oh? Did Yue Zhiming ask you to go?" Tu Yan raised his eyebrows and said.

"No, it was Kong Hongcai, the president of the student union of your school."

After hearing this, Tu Yan frowned and asked.

"Where is Yue Zhiming? Didn't he stop you?"

"Yes, but I still want to go. I am the strongest here. And those resource points were told to me by Kong Hongcai. I also searched a lot of things and brought them back."

"Oh." Tu Yan held the chopsticks in his hand and held a ripe bird egg in his mouth.

He kept thinking about what Kong Hongcai meant by doing this.

It is obvious that it is impossible to let the strongest force leave the camp, otherwise what if they are attacked by the zombies?

It is better to let Kong Hongcai lead people to the city to search for resources.

Although the efficiency is a little low, it is safe.

Besides, no matter how strong Heerlen is, she is also an elf girl and is not familiar with the earth's environment.

What is Kong Hongcai's wishful thinking to send Heerlen away again and again like this?

"Hey, hey, what are you thinking about? I'm talking to you." Heerlen waved her hand at Tu Yan angrily.

"No, by the way, how did you think of taking me with you?"

"Kong Hongcai said that, he said it would be better to take you with him."

"Do you trust him so much?"

"Trust? Isn't he my servant? He is also the first person to submit to me? In our world, betraying the master will be punished."

"Oh, really?" Tu Yan smiled slightly, as if he had figured something out.

"Yeah, then shall we go?"

"No, wait, I'll get something and be back soon."

After that, Tu Yan immediately slipped away.

He did go back to the dormitory camp, but he didn't go to get something, but to wake up the little lizard.

"Stinky Dragon, listen, I'm going to go out for a while. If there is any danger here later, someone will come to you with a steak. You listen to his arrangements, okay!"

The little lizard stretched his limbs lazily in the quilt.

When he heard that there was steak to eat, he was also shocked and nodded frantically.

"Good boy, if nothing happens, I'll give you a steak when I come back."

After that, Tu Yan left, his destination was not the cafeteria, but the office building.

He immediately found Yue Zhiming and pushed open the door.

"Yue Zhiming, I want to go outside with Heerlen. It was Kong Hongcai's idea to go to the research institute."

"He again? Why does he always send Lord Heerlen away? Alas."

"What's wrong?" Tu Yan asked.

"Do you remember what I asked you last night? This Kong Hongcai is really weird. On the surface, he looks submissive, but behind the scenes, he looks arrogant and domineering. Just like..."

"A dog relying on a big tree?" Tu Yan said sarcastically.

"Yeah. And, he didn't know Zhou Letian, but he went to the infirmary to visit Zhou Letian just now." Yue Zhiming frowned and said.

"Oh? The two of them. Forget it, ignore him. If zombies come and you can't hold on, take a steak to my dormitory camp."

"I put the little lizard dragon cub there, the one you saw in the cafeteria yesterday. It's very strong."

"Ah? OK, thank you."

Yue Zhiming also realized why Tu Yan did this, and quickly expressed his gratitude.

Then Tu Yan left in a hurry.

Back to Heerlen, she was standing with her hands on her waist and glaring.

When she saw Tu Yan again, she did not hesitate and silently chanted a spell.

"God of all systems, please give me magic power to destroy the sky"

"Forget it, if you kill him, you can revive again. Don't waste your energy, just kill him!"

Heerlen waved his left hand lightly, and a bow and arrow appeared out of thin air.

His right hand was on the arrow string, pulling and releasing.

The arrow handle flew into the air without using any skills.

Hitting the target, Tu Yan was stabbed in the heart!

‘Eternal Death’ is activated!

‘Death Superposition’ activates!

‘Death Reward’ is activated!

Tu Yan, who was shot away by a bow and arrow, fell to the ground and was successfully resurrected.

A carp stood up and shouted towards Heerlen. "Hot you bastard! Do this to me again!"

"Where have you been! It's been so long!" Heerlen showed no sign of weakness.

Tu Yan was helpless and had no choice but to step forward and take Heerlen to the parking lot.

"Hey! What's the reward this time?"

"It's none of your business. Why should I tell you when I shoot you with a bow and arrow as soon as I meet you?"

"I'm doing this for your own good. If you don't die, how can you trigger the reward? Besides, you have to die every day."

"I know but I can choose the way to die, right? Can I also die in battle?"

"Oh, I'll be careful next time and will consider your feelings carefully. Why did you come to the parking lot?"

"You can't drive, I can."

Tu Yan rolled his eyes and walked directly to his motorcycle.

“Don’t you want the jeep next to you?”

"Is it cool to have a motorcycle? I am not afraid of death, and you are very strong, so of course I will choose the most fashionable way to appear." After saying that, Tu Yan got on the motorcycle.

He handed the motorcycle helmet to Heerlen and motioned for her to put it on.

Heerlen, who was sitting at the back, naturally hugged Tu Yan to control his balance.

‘Buzz~buzz! Buzz buzz~’

Tu Yan drove Heerlen away on his motorcycle.

Target, the scientific research institute west of Nat City.

After they left.

A figure emerged from the woods in front of the soldiers' camp.

Looking at Heerlan walking away, it sneered.

"Haha, Heerlen, Heerlen, this time, you will die on this planet."

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