Turning around, this figure looks very much like a woman on Earth.

But she is extremely charming, as if if you look at her for too long, your whole soul will be seduced by her.

And she has a pair of wings, not an angel!

Because her wings grow on her waist, this creature is the Flügel species!

Tu Yan and Heerlen didn't know what was happening behind them.

They were immersed in a strange feeling at this time.

"Wow! So fast! So cool! Hahaha, it's much faster than my flying technique, how can this Mato be so fast!"

Heerlen just felt extremely excited!

In the past, when I used the flying technique to slowly move forward in the sky, I not only had to control the direction myself, but the speed was also very slow.

Now I can only describe it as speeding.

It's so cool!

"This is a motorcycle."

Some movie scenes flashed in Tu Yan's mind.

Heerlen now looks like a little girl riding a motorcycle for the first time.

Then he, a spirited young man, only needs to shake the tail of the car, left and right as if he was handsome.

This little girl must be so excited that she wants to marry him on the spot.

Unfortunately, Tu Yan couldn't continue to daydream about this matter.

Because he was facing the most torturous time in history.

It was more torturous than facing hundreds of zombies.

He regretted that he shouldn't have chosen a motorcycle just now. Wouldn't it be better to take a jeep!

The back seat of this off-road motorcycle has been modified and is relatively high.

This caused Heerlen's entire body to be pressed on Tu Yan's back!

Heerlen's figure is not a child's, and the details are up to you to imagine!

Tu Yan had to desperately divert his attention to control himself from the trouble of the "gentleness" behind him.

Tu Yan endured this feeling of pain and happiness for more than half an hour.

For some reason, this time when they came outside, Tu Yan and his friends didn't see too many zombies.

Even the culprit of this disaster-the "zombie" was not seen.

And the few zombies they encountered were easy to deal with.

In this way, the two of them came to the vicinity of the research institute.

The research institute is a twelve-story building.

Although it no longer has the glorious aura of the past, it is still extremely mysterious.

Don't think that this place is only twelve stories high. According to urban legend, the research institute has a basement, and it is also twelve stories deep!

Tu Yan didn't know whether it was so magical or not.

But what he knew was that the research institute in front of him was terrible.

It seemed that there had been a fire and explosion on the upper floors, and all the glass on it was shattered.

It seemed that there had been a battle inside, and it was a huge zombie beast!

Otherwise, the walls would not have pits one by one, and occasionally broken.

It was as if the entire research institute had become a piece of mud, allowing people to knead it into strange shapes.

"Do you really want to go in? I don't think there will be any survivors inside." Tu Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at the research institute carefully. A bad premonition came to his heart.

"Since you are here, let's go in and take a look. Maybe there will be my compatriots in there." Heerlen strode forward, not afraid at all.

Tu Yan had to shake his head helplessly behind him, and followed him with a mace in his right hand.

The two of them passed through pieces of ruins and came to the first floor door.

The gate had been destroyed, and there were claw marks and blood on the outer walls.

There were all kinds of corpses on the ground.

There were human zombies, orc zombies, and elf zombies.

There were also ordinary humans, orcs, and elves.

It was bloody and cruel, shocking.

But both of them had seen a lot of storms and waves, and had long been accustomed to it.

Although the power system inside was damaged, they could still see the road in front of them with the flickering light bulbs.

The two came to a research room.

Although it was in tatters and looked like it had been ruined, fortunately there was no fire.

Heerlen also pushed Tu Yan forward.

"Go quickly and see if there are any magic books that are useful."

"Earth is called files, not magic books."

After Tu Yan complained, he also walked forward and checked.

Although some of these documents were stained with blood, they could still be barely seen clearly.

The computer was able to start up, and Tu Yan inserted a USB drive without hesitation and copied all the research data and information inside.

In this way, every time the two entered a room, they copied all the files inside.

When they climbed the stairs to the fifth floor, they found that the road was blocked by wasteland ruins.

It seemed that if they wanted to clean it up, they would inevitably move the foundation of the building and then collapse.

After further discussion, the two finally gave up this decision and turned back.

"There is really no living person."

Tu Yan couldn't help but sigh.

Along the way, there were corpses everywhere, and many of them were wearing white coats.

White coats, no matter when, are a reassuring existence.

Just like doctors and scientists all wear white coats.

One prolongs life, and the other promotes development.

But now these white coats have become a dirty corpse.

"There is no way, the earth is like this now." Heerlen said beside.

"Alas, you don't understand. The technology on Earth is driven by scientists."

"If there is anything on Earth that can defeat the Zombies, it must be the brains of scientists."

Just as Tu Yan sighed helplessly, Heerlen staggered behind him and almost fell.

"What's wrong?" Tu Yan asked with concern.

"What tripped you? I'll kill you!" Heerlen kicked the debris under her feet angrily.

This kick was so powerful that the copper handle covered by these debris was exposed.

"Damn, is the urban legend true? There really is a basement in the research institute?"

Tu Yan grabbed the handle and pulled it hard, and a staircase leading to the underground appeared.

It was obvious that it was a basement.

But they didn't expect that they accidentally opened it.

"Go down?" Heerlen asked a little scared as she looked at the dark basement.

"Of course, there may be survivors down there."

Seeing that there might be survivors, Tu Yan also became energetic.

"Then I. Wait for you here, okay?"

Heerlen rarely showed a weak look.

"Why, afraid of the dark?" Tu Yan said contemptuously.

"Darkness! Who's afraid? Let's go! I can do fire magic anyway!"

Herlen's panicked look showed that she was indeed afraid of the dark.

Seeing her like this, Tu Yan smiled.

"You, only this is like a girl."

"What girl? I'm 150 years old. If converted into Earth years, I'm 20 years old."

"Then just follow me closely and don't get lost."

Tu Yan also grabbed Helen's hand and led her downstairs.

After passing through the dark stairs, they came to an empty square.

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