The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 34 Artificial Intelligence 9527


Tu Yan twitched his mouth, looked at the body of the old man at his feet, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Well, my code name is 9527. It seems that my father is dead. Did you kill him?"

9527's voice did not fluctuate when talking about the so-called "father".

"Uh, hallo? Can you see me?"

Tu Yan waved his hand at the computer screen with blue light.

"I can see it."

"What about this side, is he your father?"

Tu Yan pointed to the body of the old man at his feet.

"Well, he is Professor Chen, the director of the Nat City Research Institute, the head of the High Intelligence Ai Laboratory, and my father."

For some reason, when 9527 said this, there was a brief pause.

"Oh, so you are a robot?"

"No, I'm just a bunch of data, but I can possess any electronic product."

"Then do you know what happened?"

"No, wait, Professor Chen sent me an email before."

"Oh, I see. Professor Chen has told me the whole story. It's the zombie apocalypse now, right? Then he asked me to follow the first person I saw after I regained consciousness."

"Hello, let me introduce myself again."

"I am the AI ​​robot of the Nat City Research Institute, codenamed 9527."

"I was in the process of recovering from coma before, and Professor Chen activated me after coming to the twelfth underground floor."

"But it took me some time to wake up completely. There was a strong explosion just now, which made me wake up completely."

"I also watched your battle. That lady, isn't she a human? Besides, you just said the demon species."

"Combined, this lady is an elf? Just look at her ears, and this gentleman, you are a human"

"Enough, get to the point!" Tu Yan hurriedly stopped him.

He was afraid that 9527 would keep talking, and he didn't know when he would stop.

So he interrupted 9527 and asked it to pick out the key points.

In short.

9527 is the biggest scientific research achievement of the institute.

After the outbreak of the apocalypse, Professor Chen also hurriedly brought people to the negative 12th floor to prepare to activate it completely.

Although Tu Yan and his team had been busy at the top of the institute for a long time before.

But the scientific research materials and results they obtained were not the most valuable things in the institute.

The most important scientific research result that Professor Chen said before his death was this 9527.

This artificial intelligence has all the research results of the entire institute over the years.

Naturally, Professor Chen and his team also input all the development of human technology into its data.

It can be said that this 9527 is the continuation of human technological civilization.

"Then how do you operate? After the end of the world, all computers, mobile phones, and communication equipment are broken."

"Broken? It just temporarily entered self-sleep."

"It should be the mechanism of the invaders, which caused the earth to lose electromagnetic waves and disrupted the magnetic field, so all communication equipment was paralyzed."

9527 explained coldly.

"Then why can't the guns be used?" Tu Yan asked in confusion.

"Speed. The magnetic field was disturbed, and a speed control position appeared."

"Speed ​​control position?"

"It's hard to explain it to you clearly."

"Fuck you!" Tu Yan pretended to pick up the "Death Chainsaw" in his hand and was about to cut 9527 apart.

"It's useless. I can be stored in any electronic device. To some extent, I am immortal like you."

"Do you know my ability?"

"I was watching you fight just now."

"Oh, speed control position, what is it?" Tu Yan still didn't give up and continued to ask.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the speed of everything on Earth should be controlled below 20 meters per second."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Are you an idiot?" 9527 said in a calm tone with a hint of disdain.

"Fuck! Believe it or not, I will really smash you!" Tu Yan just wanted to smash the computer in front of him and didn't care about anything else.

"Heh, humans are humans. Do you know how fast a bullet is?"

"Uh, how fast?"

"The initial speed can reach the speed of sound. Now the entire earth has a speed control standpoint."

"As long as this standpoint exists, the bullet cannot reach its original speed, and it is also impossible to shoot."

"Similarly, when gunpowder explodes, its initial speed is also very fast, but it is all controlled, as well as missiles, rockets, bombs, etc."

"And you, the reason why you can use pistols and bombs is because of this ability, and you don't belong to the earth."

"It seems that this speed control standpoint should last for a month."

"After a month, the earth's magnetic field will return to normal, and the speed control standpoint will disappear."

9527's explanation can be regarded as solving Tu Yan's doubts.

Once this 'speed control standpoint' appeared, it can be said that human technological civilization has regressed a thousand years, and all returned to the era of cold weapons.

Fortunately, humans have awakened the 'capable warriors', otherwise they would have no way to resist.

"What about you? Since the magnetic field is disordered, why can you operate?" Heerlen raised his doubts.

Although she was confused by what he said just now, she also understood that 'magnetic field' and 'gunpowder' are all specialties of the earth.


Tu Yan said silently without waiting for 9527 to answer.

Combined with what 9527 said just now, some thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Because you are not from the earth, the raw materials used to make you are from outer space!"

Tu Yan said firmly.

"Yes, that's right, you are worthy of being my master." 9527's tone was a little soft.


Tu Yan was confused by 9527.

"Well, when Professor Chen started me, he had already issued an order. He knew that he would not live long."

9527 paused and continued.

"So let me follow the first person I saw after waking up, assist him and protect the earth."

Tu Yan was slightly stunned after hearing this.

He knew very well what it meant to own this artificial intelligence.

With 9527, it can be said that he owns the earth!

"Then how can I take you away?"

"There is a headset in the drawer. I can transfer all my data there. Take it and take it with you."


Tu Yan didn't think much about it. He opened the drawer and took it with him.

"Okay, I'll start. Oh, by the way, this is considered a fusion. It will be a little painful."

9527 said with a bit of cruelty.

"Pain? Ah!!! Fuck!"

Before Tu Yan could react, the pain in his bones came immediately!

It was a brand new experience!

It was very exciting.

Different from the pain of previous physical injuries, this time it was from the inside out, from the nerves!

It was like a worm gnawing at Tu Yan's bones with its extremely hard claws!

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