The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 35 Preserved Egg and Lean Meat Porridge

After a while, Tu Yan fainted from the pain.

When he woke up again, he felt that everything around him seemed to have changed.

Not only was his sense different, but it seemed that something was living in his head.

And Heerlen picked up a knife and was about to kill Tu Yan.

"Hey! Wait! Why are you going to kill me again!"

Tu Yan retreated again and again.

"You said it yourself, you have to die every day." Heerlen said innocently.

That sincere look intertwined with the cold blade was a bit creepy.

"Are you sick? Didn't I die many times today? Death chainsaw."

Tu Yan hurriedly explained.

"Huh? You have been unconscious for a day and a night, it's already the second day!"


Tu Yan was stunned.

I didn't expect that he had been unconscious for so long.

"Where is 9527?"


As soon as the voice fell

Tu Yan felt a slight heat in his ears, and then a figure projection appeared in front of him.

It was projected from the headset on his right ear.

This projection still emits a faint blue light, with only a similar outline, but a closer look reveals that it looks exactly like Tu Yan.

It's just much smaller, only ten centimeters high.

"Huh? What is this?"

"In order to facilitate activities, this is my projection. After thinking about it, I decided to use your appearance."

"What's the situation now?" Tu Yan twitched his mouth and felt a little speechless.

"I'm now stored on this headset."

"At the same time, I also generated a register in your brain, and my body is in it."

"If there's nothing else, I will talk to you directly in your mind and help you. If you need me to show up, I will project it."

Tu Yan understood it after hearing this.

It's equivalent to this 9527 now merging with himself.

"Then what use are you to us?"

Heerlen asked in confusion.

During this day and night, she was bored to death, and she couldn't understand why Tu Yan was so fond of 9527.

"It's very simple. My IQ is 999, which is many times higher than that of humans, and my computing power is three times the sum of all computers on the earth."

"To put it another way, woman with big and pointed ears, I am more powerful than the elf queen in your world."

"Tsk, tsk." Heerlen looked disdainful.

Tu Yan agreed with 9527's statement.

Just as she was about to explain to Heerlen, her stomach growled.

"Are you hungry?" Tu Yan asked with a smile.

She was unconscious for a day and a night, and Heerlen had been guarding her.

Although she couldn't die, a warm current could not help flowing in her heart.

"Of course."

"The food is in my space backpack, why can't you take it yourself?"

"You are lying on the ground, how can I take it? What if I bump into you and you turn over, and accidentally make you unconscious forever?"

"Ahahaha, you still care about me."

Tu Yan also took out the outdoor survival cooking tools he had previously looted from the 'Dingfu Square'.

Portable iron pot, alcohol, some wood, mineral water, porridge, pork and other things.

"Come on, light a fire."

Tu Yan put up the wood and asked Heerlen to help light the fire.

"I really don't know why you earthlings like to cook with fire so much, but it's also delicious."

"What do you eat on your planet?"

"Fruits, wild vegetables, all eaten raw. Fire is a magical ability, we don't use it on food."

In this way, Tu Yan and Heerlen chatted casually.

Not only talked about the earth, but also talked about the elves' hometown 'Tarit Continent'.

The friendship between the two is gradually deepening.

9527 also took the opportunity to ask about the "Tarito Continent".

9527's questions were different from Tu Yan's. They were all about the composition of magic, the activation elements of magic, and other hard-core questions about the truth of the world.

After getting the answer, 9527's projection stayed in place without moving.

As if calculating and thinking about something.

"Okay, my specialty, preserved egg and lean meat porridge, eat it."

A bowl of fragrant meat porridge was cooked.

Heerlen tasted it carefully and nodded repeatedly, praising it for being delicious.

"Why is it so delicious! It's much better than the soldiers' canteen."

"Of course, that's a big pot of rice, cooked together. This is cooked for you."

Tu Yan smiled and served himself a bowl. After swallowing the hot food, the word "comfortable" floated out of his mouth.

When Heerlen heard Tu Yan say this, a blush appeared on her pink face.

9527 interrupted them directly.

It continued to coldly interrogate everything about the disaster.

Such as the seven races, warriors, and the dead beasts.

After collecting all this information, it said, "I need to sort out the information and find some information. Don't look for me if you have nothing to do these days."

It disappeared directly.

After eating, Tu Yan also lay on the ground and called Heerlen to send him off.

"Come on, kill me."

"Well, you can't trigger the reward by committing suicide?" Heerlen asked with pursed lips.

"It's a pity that we can't."


Seeing that there was no other way, Heerlen said nothing more, and hit the throat with a knife.

'Eternal Life' was activated.

'Death Reward' was activated.

'Death Superposition' was activated.

"What is the reward this time?" Heerlen asked when she saw Tu Yan who had resurrected.

"Secret, hehe, it's a good treasure."

Tu Yan said mysteriously.

Heerlen shrugged her shoulders when she saw this. Since Tu Yan didn't say it now, she didn't force it.

In this way, the two of them simply packed up and left the negative 12th floor.

Walking up, passing through layers of squares.

Tu Yan couldn't help but feel fortunate that he didn't foolishly search for information and documents here just now.

As long as he came to the negative 12th floor and brought 9527 with him.

Wouldn't it be easy to own the entire research institute?

So happy.

After returning to the ground, Tu Yan also specially opened his capable warrior panel.

After killing the Zima monster, although Tu Yan only got half of the experience energy.

But he also upgraded three levels.

Warrior: Tu Yan

Level: LV20

Strength: 60

Speed: 25

Defense: 2

Attribute points: 15

Abilities: Death is like the wind, always with me, Eye of the Illustrated Book.

Items: Space backpack, Desert Eagle, Eternal gasoline barrel, clay bomb, full set of bulletproof vests, Death chainsaw.

15 attribute points, without hesitation, strength plus 10, speed plus 5.

70 points of strength, one punch, no matter what steel bar or iron plate you have, directly penetrate a hole for you!

"Let's go, back to the soldier camp."

Tu Yan stretched, glanced at the gray sky, turned around and said to Heerlen.

But Heerlen looked ahead with a confused look.

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