In front of the two of them, a large group of zombies appeared. Judging from their bared teeth and claws, it looked like they hadn't eaten for several days.

"No, you just ate so much that you haven't digested it yet, and you have to fight again?"

Heerlen was speechless.

"Then just run away."

After saying that, Tu Yan got on the motorcycle and handed the helmet to Heerlen.

The roaring sound of motorcycles echoed in front of the institute.

"Hold on to me, get ready to rush over!"

Heerlen hugged Tu Yan tightly.

Then Tu Yan tightened the accelerator and raised the entire front of the car.

It formed 60 degrees with the ground, rumbling!


Give an order!

The motorcycle screeched and rushed towards the zombies!

Tu Yan exerted force suddenly, and the whole motorcycle jumped up!

The carp flew towards the zombies like a dragon gate!


Tu Yan shouted loudly.

Heerlen also reacted and quickly cast the magic 'Levitation Technique'.

Let the motorcycle slide gently over the zombie's head.

With the help of inertia, they passed directly through the siege of the zombie group.

"Ah hahaha, does this count as flying?" Tu Yan looked at the zombies below and laughed.

As everyone knows, these words were heard by 9527.

9527, who was said to have entered a period of 'reclusion', emitted a faint blue light through Tu Yan's headphones.

It was as if he was calculating something.

‘Dongci’ landed.

The rear wheel of the motorcycle made a violent friction sound, and then left with a whoosh.

Soon the two of them left the west side of Nat City and gradually drove into the south.

After passing through the last set of buildings.

They came to a suburban forest.

A little further on they were able to hold off the soldiers' camp.

"Hey, you haven't given me the body armor for today yet."

"No need to worry, I'll give it to you later."

"Okay. Hahahaha, it feels so good."

What was it like when Heerlen went there.

This is what she looked like when she came back, she looked like a little girl.

"You can only enjoy it for a while longer, it's almost there."

"No, keep going."

As soon as Heerlen finished speaking, he felt a pool of hot blood rushing towards his face!

The motorcycle also lost its balance instantly!

It swayed from side to side as if it had no direction, and slid towards the side of the road!

Fortunately, Heerlen's reaction was quite sensitive.

Before overturning, he jumped hard and relied on inertia to barely land.

After landing safely, she wiped her face and stared angrily ahead.

In panic, she already understood what had happened.

Someone attacked them!

The first person to bear the brunt was Tu Yan.

Tu Yan was directly shot in the head!

The blood on Heerlen's face was Tu Yan's brain!


Heerlen scolded angrily, while getting ready for a response.

Looking from a distance, there seems to be a figure standing on the wall of the soldier camp.

Before Heerlen could take a closer look, roars came from all directions!

That's the deep roar that only zombies can make!

Most of the zombies this time are orc zombies, elf zombies, and monster zombies!

As if he was prepared, he ambush here early!


Heerlen responded calmly, retreating while preparing to release magic.

But a shot broke Heerlen's spell. ,

"Silly, behind me!"

Tu Yan is resurrected!

After being resurrected, he immediately understood what happened.

So he quickly joined the battle, and when he saw several zombies behind Heerlen, he shot without hesitation!

Heerlen also reacted, bent down, took out the prop in his hand, and with a horizontal stroke, he repeled the orc zombies behind him.

Then he turned around lightly and jumped into the air.

"Breath of ice, frozen for nine days!"

Heerlen directly released ice magic, temporarily slowing down the pace of the surrounding zombies.

"We were ambushed?"

Tu Yan also took the opportunity to run back to Heerlen.

"It should be. I seemed to see a figure in the soldier camp just now. Maybe the camp was captured by the enemy!"

Heerlen gritted his teeth.

What does this mean? You go out and work hard, only to find out when you get home that your home has been robbed?

How can this be tolerated!

"Oh?" Tu Yan frowned slightly.

The group of zombies in front of me appeared too suddenly.

They had only been away for a day, and they had already organized and planned an ambush.

This not only takes time, but also requires a smart person to direct it.

And the reason why the soldier camp could be captured so quickly could only be because of the existence of the mole!

And Tu Yan already had a candidate for the mole in his mind, and that was Kong Hongcai!

After all, it was he who pushed Heerlen away and then asked Heerlen to bring Tu Yan with him.

"how long?"

Tu Yan asked calmly.

"The levels are low, the highest is only level 20. In order to avoid consuming too much energy, it will take about two hours."

"Okay, let's go together."

After saying that, Tu Yan had quick eyes and quick hands and fired seven grabs in a row.

Gunshots to the head.

A monster zombie was killed directly.

This is a monster that looks a bit like a leopard, but it has three thick tails.

Infected by the mourning beast, its entire back had its spine exposed, and its face was full of traces of decay.

And Tu Yan and the others were not far away.

Soldiers camp on the fence.

There was a figure holding a telescope and silently observing Tu Yan and their every move.

"Is this Earth's telescope very useful?"

The figure said calmly, with a hint of enchantment in his tone.

"That's for sure, Lady Lilith." A human man said respectfully next to her.

This person is none other than Kong Hongcai!

The way he nodded and hunched over looked like a pug.

And this person named Lilith was the Flügel who quietly walked toward the camp after Tu Yan and the others left yesterday!

The best proof is that it has wings on its waist!

"It's really strange. Why isn't that person dead? Is there any human race that can survive after taking my 'Blood Demon-Breaking Arrow'?"

Lilith looked at the vivid Tu Yan in the telescope.

He couldn't believe that his powerful killing move could not completely kill a person.

"This must be because he was lucky, or that girl Heerlen was causing trouble."

Kong Hongcai persuaded tremblingly from the side. He still didn't know how to make the Flügel in front of him happy.

"Oh? You mean they are better than me?"

There was a hint of disdain and murderous intent in Lilith's tone.

"Ah! No, no, no! That's not what I meant. Lady Lilith, you are the most powerful."

Kong Hongcai is more like a pug.

Standing behind Lilith, he kept his eyes locked on the exposed area behind Lilith.

There are constant associations in my mind.

"Hmph, that's pretty much it."

Lilith didn't pay much attention either.

At this moment, the man standing with Kong Hongcai spoke.

"Lord Lilith, can you leave Heerlen to me later? I have coveted her for a long time, hehe."

This rash voice is none other than Zhou Letian!

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