The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 37 Bombing the Great Magic Array!

"Okay, no one wants that old virgin, just train her well and throw her to me."

Lilith stretched out her slender and pointed tongue and licked her delicate red lips.

"Ahahaha, thank you very much, Lilith."

"Look at what you said, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to capture this soldier camp so quickly."

It turned out that Kong Hongcai had secretly defected to Lilith's side, or more accurately, to the zombies!

Lilith had already betrayed the 'Skywing' and joined the zombies' camp.

Under the temptation of her words and Kong Hongcai's own calculations.

Kong Hongcai's condition for rebellion was very simple, that is, when the earth was completely conquered by zombies.

He wanted to become the lord of Nat City!

Although most of the citizens were zombies, there would be surviving humans.

And what he wanted was to completely control those surviving humans.

Men as slaves, women as bedmates!

As for Heerlen? Kong Hongcai coveted her body himself.

But in order to capture this soldier camp, he was willing to give up his first time to Zhou Letian.

Yesterday morning, after the sparring on the playground, Kong Hongcai had already found Zhou Letian in the infirmary.

Zhou Letian had been taught a lesson by Tu Yan, and he was angry.

Then he was promised that he could manipulate the "captive" Heerlen at will.

He also agreed very readily.

In this way, Kong Hongcai and Zhou Letian were in the soldier camp;

Outside was the Flügel 'Lilith';

With the help of inside and outside, the soldier camp was captured!

Zhou Letian's help was indispensable.

Major General Yue Zhiming was indeed on guard against Kong Hongcai, but he didn't expect that even Zhou Letian would rebel.

Caught off guard, and the food in the cafeteria was poisoned by Zhou Letian before.

All the members were captured!

All the young men with combat ability were imprisoned in tent cells.

Kong Hongcai originally suggested solving it on the spot.

But Lilith rejected it outright.

The reason was simple, in Lilith's original words. "I want to make Heerlen that bitch feel pain!"

After conquering the soldier camp, Lilith had her zombie troops ambush on the road.

At this time, the two human beings, the Skywing species, were watching the fight between Heerlen and the others by the wall.

"Lord Lilith, what if Heerlen is infected by zombies?"

Zhou Letian on the side said anxiously, he didn't want to spend the night with zombies later.

"No, and if there is no Heerlen, can't I do it?"

Lilith turned her head gently and smiled.

That expression was extremely provocative and extremely tempting.

Zhou Letian swallowed hard, and now he only had Lilith's graceful back in his eyes.

This is the special ability of the Skywing species.


Compulsory charm, regardless of gender, age, or species, even zombies, they can charm them.

Moreover, the Flügel species is the only race without males among the seven major races.

As for how they reproduce, it has always been a question.

Not only Zhou Letian, but even Kong Hongcai looked at Lilith like a pervert.

Kong Hongcai betrayed the human race and Heerlen because he fell at the feet of Lilith.

Unlike Lilith's leisurely watching the show.

Heerlen is in crisis.

Because she doesn't know what kind of opponent is lurking behind the scenes.

So she is extra careful when attacking.

She is afraid that if she is not careful, someone will attack her.

On the contrary, Tu Yan is fearless.

The word cautious has been completely erased from his dictionary.

If he is not afraid of death, what else can he be afraid of!

Tu Yan rushed towards the group of orc zombies with the slightly bulky Grim Reaper chainsaw.

"Swoosh, swoosh"

The rumbling sound of the Death Chainsaw and the "puff puff" sound of the zombies being cut into pieces.

They seemed to be mixed together, making it impossible to distinguish them carefully.

He was as fierce as a tiger, and when he came out of the zombie group, he was covered with blood and rotten meat.

None of these strong and huge orc zombies could fight!

After all, he was holding the Death Chainsaw, plus Tu Yan's exaggerated strength points.

Any orc zombie he caught was killed in one saw, and even the work of dismembering the body was done for them.

The same principle applies to Tu Yan.

As long as the orc zombies had better luck, let alone using berserk and bloodthirstiness, they would just hit him lightly with a punch.

Tu Yan would die on the spot.

But unfortunately, this time, the goddess of luck was on Tu Yan's side.

He didn't die even once.

Heerlen was unlucky.

At first, he wanted to save some physical strength to deal with potential opponents.

But he found that there were more and more zombies around him, and their levels were getting higher and higher.

There were several zombies that Heerlen had to use skills that consumed a lot of energy to kill.

If Tu Yan hadn't annihilated most of the orc zombies, Heerlen would have been in danger this time.

"Heerlen! Help me buy time!"

Tu Yan also realized that there were more and more zombies around him.

He could take his time alone, but Heerlen couldn't.

As long as her defense was broken and her health was emptied, she would either die or turn into a zombie!

Heerlen also understood Tu Yan's meaning instantly.

Firepower was fully opened, and ice control skills were used in turn to control the zombies around him.

And Tu Yan also took out the "eternal gasoline barrels" one by one

and "clay bombs".

Tree roots and weeds as the guide!

Buckets filled with gasoline as the base!

Add twenty clay bombs in front!

"Okay!" Tu Yan shouted behind Heerlen.

Heerlen turned around and saw the "bombing magic circle" prepared by Tu Yan!

"Fuck." Heerlen quickly withdrew his hand and rushed towards Tu Yan.

With a flying technique, he easily slid over the "bombing magic circle" in front of him.

"Why do you prepare so many?" Heerlen came to Tu Yan's side and looked at the densely packed buckets in front of him.

It was inevitable that he was a little scared.

"I was ready when I was going to the research institute. Unfortunately, the terrain there doesn't allow it. Using this thing indoors will only cause trouble for myself."

"But... since it's an open space, it doesn't matter!"

Tu Yan was determined to win. The 'Bombing Array' can be said to be his strongest group attack at present.

The two quickly hid aside, using the 'magic bow and arrow' and 'Desert Eagle' in their hands.

They kept attacking the zombies to attract their attention.

A large number of zombies were attracted over.

When the first zombie stepped on the buried 'clay bomb'.


Continuous 'Boom'! 'Boom boom'!

Not only that, all the clay bombs exploded, and even the oil barrels exploded and burned.

For a moment, the flames shot up to the sky!

The red flames and the black smoke were extremely spectacular!


Tu Yan roared!

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