Heerlan understood in his mind and released the wind magic that he had prepared long ago!

'hurricane! ’

From her hands, a blue energy ball attack was released!

It blew straight towards the 'Bombing Array'!

The wind borrows the fire!

The powerful hurricane blew the fire directly towards the zombies in front of it!

The fire that was originally rising straight into the sky suddenly turned into a fire that was moving straight forward!

Burned all the zombies!

The burnt smell of inferior quality spread quickly, and even the nearby woods and grass were almost burned.

Heerlen also looked at it before canceling the effect of 'hurricane'.

He muttered words and released water skills.

‘O Goddess of Water, I beg you to come and fill the earth with your grace, the rain of silence! ’

The black smoke produced by the fire explosion gathered together instantly.

It turned into a bunch of dark clouds.

Dark clouds roared, lightning flashed, and soon it started to rain.

The effect of this "Silent Rain" trick is to reduce the opponent's action speed and give it a negative impact.

But it is used here just to put out fires.

After a while, the fire was finally extinguished.

What caught the eye were all the 'zombie meat' that had been overheated, as well as the burnt trees and flowers nearby.

After eliminating the zombie group, Heerlen did not relax his vigilance. Instead, he grabbed Tu Yan and jumped into the nearby vegetation.


Tu Yan looked at Heerlen in confusion.

Heerlen didn't waste any time and pushed Tu Yan's head to the ground, letting him lie down.

He also hid along a bush and explained to Tu Yan.

"Have you forgotten how you died just now? Someone must be ambushing us in front of us."

"Yeah, I know, it's okay. If you come again, I'll protect you."

Tu Yan also deliberately lowered his voice and said.

"I would have been dead by the time you came to protect me. Besides, I don't know the details of my opponent at all. What should I do now?"

"Is it difficult to handle? I'll rush forward and just draw A."

Tu Yan said indifferently.

"Damn it. This damn immortality."

Heerlen could only feel envious.

But what they didn't know was that danger would soon come again.

Lilith, who had been observing them by the wall of the soldiers' camp, saw Tu Yan's actions.

I started to scold my father and my mother.

"Who is this person? Do you know how hard I worked to collect these zombies? Damn it!"

"I can defeat Heerlen directly with this group of zombies, why do I have to mount the horse myself?"

Lilith gritted her teeth in anger.

The zombies she sent out to lurk can be said to be her elite.

Unexpectedly, in just a short time, they were all burned to black charcoal.

Kong Hongcai and Zhou Letian were even more shocked.

These two human species on Earth naturally understood what the explosion was about just now.

This is not a sound made by magic or martial arts.

That's the 'bang bang' that only occurs when a 'gunpowder' bomb explodes!

But the earth’s weapon technology has cooled down for a month, how can anyone still use it?

Just when the two were confused.

Lilith stood up and looked at the two people behind her.

"Come on, you two, let's go meet them."

Lilith looked at the two men who were hiding in the bushes in the woods, and quickly prepared to take advantage of the victory and pursue them.

Both Heerlen and Tu Yan had already consumed a lot.

Don’t let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass you by!

"Yes! Lady Lilith!"

Kong Hongcai and the other two responded respectfully.

Lilith walked out in a swaggering manner, with an aura of 'one person takes the lead, and no one can stop them'.

The two younger brothers secretly hid on both sides under her instructions.

The two Heerlens, who were discussing their next plan, also noticed the movement.

When Heerlen saw the person coming in front of him clearly, he quickly turned his head to Tu Yan and said hurriedly.

"Run away! Tu Yan!"

"What's the matter? Do you know this person?" Tu Yan glanced at Lilith.

I was wondering who this person was and how he had such a good figure.

"Don't look at her! She is Lilith of the Flügel. She was my mortal enemy in the previous plane 'Savage Star'. The Flügel's special skill is charm! Don't look at her!"

But it's too late!

Tu Yan's eyes were filled with peach hearts and he fell into a state of obsession.


Heerlen also reacted when he saw this, Tu Yan had been charmed.

Heerlun raised his knife and prepared to kill Tu Yan.

As long as you die once and then resurrect, the influence of the charm will naturally be lifted.

Before Heerlen could attack.

Lilith quietly descended behind Heerlan!

"Hey, my dear Heerlen, long time no see."

Lilith stabbed hard with her right hand, and Heerlen quickly dodged!

"Lilith! You are so haunted!"

Heerlen was ready for a defensive counterattack.

"What? Are you so afraid of me?"

"You traitor! Flügel traitor!"

"I am not a traitor, Xiao Lunlun. I have never betrayed my creed. Survival is my only creed!"

"The mourning beasts are so great and amazing. Only they can rule all our planes!"

"Bah!" Heerlen said disdainfully.

"It's a pity that your prince charming has now become my prisoner."

Tu Yan looked closely at Lilith, his eyes full of passion, desire and naked lust.

He walked straight towards Lilith, ignoring Heerlen's situation.

"It's okay, I'll just kill him!"

Heerlen grinned.

"How cruel... But aren't you curious why I was able to capture your camp?"

Lilith looked down at Heerlen, her tone full of sarcasm.

"Why? Although you are powerful, Yue Zhiming and the others can't be defeated in one day."

"Just look behind you and you'll know."


Heerlen looked behind her warily. But then she felt a stab in her back, and her eyes began to turn black!

"It's... it's you!"

Before she fainted, Heerlen saw two figures.

Kong Hongcai and Zhou Letian!

The two of them smiled obscenely, holding the "Demon Breaking Needle" that Lilith had prepared long ago.

"Respected Lord Heerlen, your most loyal servant is here, please let me take good care of you, hehehe."

Kong Hongcai, whose trick succeeded, no longer pretended, and showed his true colors, completely exposing his ambitions.

Kong Hongcai's tone was full of cruelty, and he smiled hideously, and stepped on Heerlen's head.

Continue to curse

"Do you really think you are the queen? A man of insight is a hero, stupid, hahahaha."

"Kong Hongcai, let go of your feet, this is my woman, hahahaha."

Zhou Letian laughed wildly beside him.

(ps: It's the fifth update, I enjoyed it, thank you everyone.)

(ps: The group number is 849473142, and friends who are interested can join.)

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