The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 39 The life-saving fireball

Heerlen felt exhausted at this moment.

She didn't understand why these things happened.

She thought she was not mean to Kong Hongcai on weekdays, and she trusted and valued this first human who followed her.

But why did this happen!

She gradually fell into a coma before her consciousness completely disappeared.

What she regretted most was that she might be ruined.

After seeing Zhou Letian's smug look, she was very sure that she might lose the most precious thing.

She had never been in love, but she had fantasized about love many times.

If she was asked to choose the person she wanted to entrust the most now...

Heerlen thought of herself and looked at Tu Yan with all her strength.

"Tu Yan..."

Then, Heerlen fell into a coma.

This "demon-breaking needle" was specially prepared by Lilith for the elves.

A light prick immediately fell into a coma and was at the mercy of others.

This was all under Lilith's control.

First, arrange the zombie group to lurk, and try to kill them with one blow and capture them.

If it doesn't work, it can also consume his physical strength.

Then he came to Heerlen again to attract his attention. Arrange Kong Hongcai and the other two to ambush and attack secretly.

One attack succeeded!

"Okay, my servants take the elf girl back."

Lilith instructed Tu Yan to go over and carry Heerlen away.

Zhou Letian was stunned. He was ready for a decisive battle on the spot.

"Why are you so anxious? Can't you go back and prepare well? And... I also plan to go into battle myself."

Lilith narrowed her eyes and stretched out her tongue to gently slide across her tight and thin lips.

After hearing this, Zhou Letian thought that "good things come in pairs", and the obscene expression on his face became even more obscene.

"Okay, let's go back."

Lilith reached out and touched Tu Yan's face, and her red nails gently slid across his face.

The ambiguous atmosphere was extremely tempting, and no matter which virgin could not escape such stimulation.

Tu Yan also walked towards Heerlen foolishly under Lilith's "charm".

He carried it on his shoulders and walked back to the soldiers' camp.

When they returned to the soldiers' camp, they went straight to the base camp tent where hundreds of soldiers were guarded.

Zhou Letian and Kong Hongcai were extremely bad-tempered. They punched and kicked all the tied soldiers out and came to the playground together.

"Come here! Come here and see your savior, hahahaha."

Kong Hongcai kicked down Yue Zhiming, who had long been displeased with him.

"Yue Zhiming, major general, right? Let me see how you act! Look at your savior, the great elf queen!"

Kong Hongcai grabbed Yue Zhiming's hair tightly to make him see his current situation clearly.

There was a wooden board lying flat in front of him, and Heerlen was also tied up.

Lilith looked down at the hundreds of soldiers and said loudly.

"Look, this is the fate of going against me. Submit to me, submit to the dead beast, and all the prosperity and wealth will be yours."

"The elf girl who protected you, Heerlen. I have given her to Zhou Letian as a reward."

"Now, let's feast your eyes, hahahaha."

Lilith laughed wildly.

Zhou Letian was also eager to take off his clothes.

He had never tried such a live broadcast with hundreds of people watching.

As a man, Zhou Letian felt that he had reached the peak of his life.

Yue Zhiming was tightly controlled by Kong Hongcai and shouted at Tu Yan. "Tu Yan! Tu Yan!"

Tu Yan still looked stupid, and his soul was still wandering outside.

Yue Zhiming only hated himself for reacting too slowly yesterday!

When he saw Zhou Letian rebelling again, he didn't think too much.

It was too late when he saw the horror of Lilith.

If I had followed Tu Yan's instructions earlier and found the "little lizard" in the rest tent, it would have been great!

Unfortunately, the trump card that Tu Yan left behind was useless. It's really true that man proposes, God disposes.

And what is the little lizard doing? Still sleeping soundly!

As a giant dragon, its daily routine is to eat and sleep!

Scene, big crisis!

Zhou Letian took off his pants and was ready to work!

At this time, his suggestion changed the whole situation!

To ​​be honest, Zhou Letian really deserved it!

"Lord Lilith, can you wake up Heerlen? She's like a dead body, no pleasure."

"Oh, it's a lot of requests, but it's okay. It's also fun to see Heerlen in pain, hehe."

"And... I also plan to taste the body of this elf. I just want her body. Hehe."

After that. Lilith also came to Heerlen and pulled out the magic-breaking needle inserted in her body.

And I also undressed, ready to spend the night together.

Heerlen woke up slowly, and what caught her eye was Zhou Letian's obscene expression.

And Lilith was still cheering beside him.

Heerlen asked calmly without panic.

"Is it over? Or has it just started?"

Zhou Letian laughed and said, "Oh, little beauty, can't wait? It hasn't started yet, let's..."

Before he finished speaking, Heerlen interrupted him directly, and Heerlen looked straight at Lilith.

"Lilith, you will regret waking me up."

"Oh? Are you still talking arrogantly when you are about to die? The magic element in your body is only enough for you to release a small amount of magic. You can't even kill a cockroach."

Lilith said sarcastically as she took off her clothes.

"Cockroaches? That's enough!"

Although his hands and feet were tied, Heerlen muttered words and reluctantly used the lowest level of magic.


The flame ball as big as a fist is the most basic of magic skills.

But its extremely low damage makes Heerlen rarely used.

After all, low-level magic is just a transition.

But the flame ball, which consumes the lowest amount of magic energy, has become a life-saving straw at this time!

"Pfft, hahaha, little Lunlun, who are you planning to kill with this little fireball?"

Lilith covered her stomach and laughed crazily.

If replaced by the "Warrior" ability damage, the small fireball should only cause a fixed 3 points of damage.

But these 3 points of damage are enough!

The flame ball stayed in the air for a while and rushed straight towards Tu Yan!

It ignites at the first touch!

A pitifully small explosion burst out.

Tu Yan fell straight down.

"Ah hahahaha, Xiao Lunlun, you hate your Prince Charming so much, and take your anger out on him? But his defense value is really low, so he died like this?"

Lilith laughed heartily, thinking that Heerlan had some clever tricks up her sleeve, but she didn't expect that they were actually fighting in the nest.

"Tu Yan! Save me! Close your eyes!"

Heerlen yelled.

"Okay, crazy bitch, I've made a lot of noise to you." Tu Yan's lazy voice sounded.

Tu Yan... is resurrected!

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