The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 4 I don’t want to dirty my hands

"Where did you get it from?" Fat Tiger roared.

"It's none of your business." After saying that, Tu Yan fired!

This shot hit Fat Tiger in the thigh!

The instant pain made Fat Tiger wail, and he fell to the ground and pressed his thigh tightly.

"Oh, it's not possible anymore?" Tu Yan smiled slightly, with contempt for Fat Tiger on his face.

"Uncle Tu, Uncle Tu, you don't remember the faults of villains, please let me go."

At this time, Fat Tiger no longer was as arrogant and domineering as before.

Now he was lying on the ground like a pug.

Praying for Tu Yan’s forgiveness.

"Oh? Didn't you tell me to die outside?" Tu Yan sneered.

"No, no, no! How could that happen? Come on, come on, Uncle Tu, I've already helped you take off Mei Lin's clothes, and I'm just waiting for you to come."

After hearing this, Mei Lin abandoned her so-called dignity and came to Tu Yan's feet crying.

"Tu Yan, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Come and save me. It was Fat Hu who forced me."

Mei Lin was crying pitifully. At this time, she had activated her ability "Charm".

Trying to hook Tu Yan's soul.

Tu Yan knocked down two younger brothers with one punch and also had a pistol.

Such a strong man should hurry up and climb his thighs!

Tu Yan looked down at Mei Lin with deep disdain in his eyes.

Aimed at her thigh and pulled the trigger!

"Get lost, you're dirty."

Tu Yan was now conscious. He just wanted revenge and even thought zombies were cuter than humans!

Zombies eat whatever they want, they will never stab someone in the back, nor will they use their strength to bully the weak!

If you encounter a zombie, you will die!

Meet a human? Maybe life would be worse than death!

No matter how charming Mei Lin is, Tu Yan will not feel anything.

It’s just like looking at a piece of fat!

After kicking the screaming Mei Lin away.

Tu Yan spoke calmly.

"Want to survive? Go out and bring me back a pack of cigarettes."

Fat Tiger was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

If he were a normal person, he would have a great chance of being able to buy it back by relying on his "muscularization" and being careful.

But now my thigh is injured, and it is really inconvenient to move around because of the bleeding thigh.

This is really difficult to do.

But this is also the only chance of survival!

Fat Tiger gritted his teeth, with a fierce look on his face, and silently thought to himself, "Haha, wait for me to go out, hide immediately, who the hell will help you get cigarettes!"

Fat Tiger got up with difficulty and limped towards the door.

Tu Yan pointed his gun at Mei Lin and said.

"Three seconds, if you don't get out, you will die!"

Upon hearing this, Mei Lin endured the pain and moved towards the door.

How could she walk to the canteen by herself, and how would she deal with the zombies on the road!

Of course, you have to catch up with Fat Tiger quickly to have a chance of survival.

Tu Yan looked at the two of them leaving and grinned.

That look was like looking at a dead person.

Fat Tiger knocked over the zombie guy running over with one punch.

Mei Lin followed closely.

Fat Tiger saw this and kicked Mei Lin away impatiently.

"Go away! You stinky woman, you are so unlucky. Don't think I will protect you."

Fat Tiger continued to move forward, while Mei Lin behind him shouted.

Because several zombies surrounded her and ate up Mei Lin!

Listening to Mei Lin's wailing, Fat Tiger didn't feel any guilt at all.

Instead, I was very grateful to Mei Lin, because she was the queen, and several zombies were attracted to her.

This made Fat Tiger's pressure drop instantly.

"Meilin, Meilin, you didn't die unjustly. If you want to blame, just blame Tu Yan. Hey, I've left the green hills intact. Don't worry about running out of firewood. Just wait for me!"

Just when Fat Tiger was thinking this.

There was another gunshot from behind!

The bullet seemed to have eyes, passing through the layers of zombies and hitting Fat Tiger's other thigh!

Tu Yan shook his hands and took the Desert Eagle back.


"I just don't want to dirty my hands. Do you really think I will let you go?"

Murder and heart-wrenching!

It turns out that Tu Yan had no intention of letting them go from the beginning!

The reason why they were hit on their legs was to restrict their movements.

Give them a little more hope and let them mistakenly think they have a chance to escape!

But I'm so sorry!

All this is false!

Tu Yan was slightly shocked by the way Mei Lin died, but he didn't expect that Fat Tiger would use her as bait.

Fat Tiger is really a ruthless man.

And his performance also forced Tu Yan to shoot the other leg.

Completely incapacitating him

"Fuck! Tu Yan! I'm not done with you! Ah! Help!"

Both legs were shot, and Fat Tiger was unable to get back up.

In an instant, Raku was hunted down by the zombies!

Perhaps these zombies have been coveting Fat Tiger for a long time, after all, they have been guarding this classroom for the past few days.

Now that Fat Tiger is finally caught, it’s good to keep his body intact!

After Tu Yan was sure that the self-inflicted couple were dead, he returned to the classroom and looked through the food supplies.

A whole box of bread, several bags of ham sausage, plus two boxes of mineral water!


Tu Yan hasn't drank water for a day and a night!

You may be able to live for three days and three nights without eating, but you will definitely not live long without drinking water!

Previously, it was entirely driven by the thought of revenge that he supported himself to come to Fat Tiger's side.

Now that the dust had settled, Tu Yan also relaxed, sat on the ground, and started "eating and drinking".

Then he counted them and found that the supplies could last for a week, so he put them in his backpack.

Then, Tu Yan got up and left.

As for Fat Tiger's two younger brothers?

Let them fend for themselves.

Tu Yan already understood that in this doomsday, no one can be trusted except himself!

The enemies are not only zombies and beasts, but also humans!

And Tu Yan's next target is the school beauty Ling Ya!

It was she who attacked Tu Yan when Tu Yan was protecting her, making him a bait!

"Hehe, love me? I want to see how you love me!"

When he thought of Ling Ya's words "I love you forever" after she shook Tu Yan off, Tu Yan felt uncomfortable and nauseous.

He couldn't help but think of the saying "licking a dog licking a dog, nothing left".

Driven by such a belief, he decided to torture Ling Ya after catching her!

At this moment, there was some movement outside the window.

Tu Yan looked out the window.

He saw that some zombies had gathered on the playground at some point.

At this time, they were besieging a person!

The person was standing on a small fortress made up of several desks.

Tu Yan knew him, it was Chen Longfei, who was considered a celebrity at Kefei University.

Not only was he a rich second-generation, but he was also a sports student.

Chen Feilong was standing at the highest point, and the zombies below were trying to approach him like perverts.

But the zombies were exhausted from climbing the stairs, so how could they climb onto the table?

Chen Longfei cleared his throat, picked up the loud speaker and spoke loudly.

"Dear students, teachers! I am Chen Longfei!"

"I have formed the 'Longfei Camp' with others. If possible, please come to the music classroom! If you need us to rescue you, please shout out loud!"

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