As the saying goes, one layer stirs up a thousand waves!

Chen Feilong shouted this.

There were several people nearby who heard it.

Like sparrows, a reply echoed around the place.

Chen Feilong also quickly took out a piece of paper and wrote down the locations of those who called for help.

Tu Yan, on the other hand, observed Chen Feilong calmly.

He didn't believe that Chen Feilong was the kind of person who would be the savior. Besides, it was really irrational to do such a thing at this juncture.

But Tu Yan then thought about it, maybe Banhua Lingya was in the so-called 'Long Fei Camp'.

Having a destination is better than wandering around blindly. After making up his mind, Tu Yan set off for the music classroom.

As for Chen Feilong, after working for a while.

A golden ball of light appeared on his body.

It turned out that he was releasing his 'power' as a warrior.

‘Golden Bell’!

It can protect living bodies within the range. Its durability is based on the user's level, and its defense power is increased to ten times according to the current level.

Chen Feilong passed through this 'golden bell'.

After passing through layers of zombies, we reached the highest point of the playground.

Now he once again relies on the ability of the 'Golden Bell',

After squeezing through the siege of zombies, I returned to the music classroom.

This golden bell lasted for about half a minute.

When the golden bell disappeared, Chen Feilong ran away and barely returned to the base camp.

When he came to the music classroom out of breath, he looked at his companions in front of him and smiled.

"Okay, get ready to welcome the people who come to our Feilong Camp." Chen Feilong said.

On the side, a girl wearing scantily clad clothes clung to Chen Feilong and spoke in a controlled tone.

"Brother Feilong, why on earth do you want others to come over? Wouldn't it be better for us to be together?"

"How can you, a big-breasted and brainless person like you, understand?" Chen Feilong also used his hands to verify the 'big' he said, while explaining with a lewd smile.

"You are all my good companions." Chen Feilong looked at the others.

There are a total of nine people in this music classroom including Chen Feilong, five boys and four girls.

But in the corner, there's another creature covered by a curtain.

She was breathing slightly, and the curtains were rising and falling with each other.

Chen Feilong continued.

"I asked others to come to the 'Flying Dragon Camp' just to get more resources and bait."

"We can't always stay here, right? If we want to get out of Keli University, bait is essential."

Chen Feilong said with a smile.

But there was one more thing he didn't say to the group of friends in front of him.

That is, in his heart, these eight people in front of him are also bait to him!

Even in extreme times, it’s food!

"I knew Brother Feilong was the best to us, hee hee." The big-haired girl next to Chen Feilong said coquettishly.

Chen Feilong only felt nauseated, if it weren't for the wonderful touch brought by the 'big skin'.

He wished he could feed her to the zombies.

"Brother Feilong, shall we deal with her?" The girl pointed to the curtain cloth in the corner and asked.

"Of course, wait until she wakes up and ask what happened."

"Well, I also want to ask her what's going on with those ears. Cosplayers don't have such strong ears. She really thinks she's an elf."

The girl said jealously.

"Okay, I only have you in my heart. You will know when she wakes up."

Chen Feilong showed a standard 'fake smile'.

Of course he hoped that the girl cosplayed as an elf would wake up soon.

When I first picked her up, I was attracted by her beautiful figure, cold white skin, and charming appearance.

Coupled with her retro, cool dress and pointed ears.

It's like an elf in an anime.

I just don't know what happened, she has been in a coma.

Moreover, its long pointed ears cannot be pulled out no matter how hard it is handled, as if they are real.

Chen Feilong, who adhered to the principle of 'live, don't die', temporarily suppressed the desire in his heart and waited for the mysterious girl to wake up.

Just like that, the nine people from Feilong Camp began to sit together.

Waiting for other survivors to join.

At the same time, I was looking forward to the arrival of a few strange warriors or "combatants" who had awakened special abilities.

The reality was not as Feilongying thought.

Most of the people who come to Feilong Camp for help are female students and elderly school workers.

A small number of boys are also thin and weak, and their awakened 'warrior' abilities are also very poor.

The only thing that can cause all the boys in Feilong Camp to cheer is the arrival of the school beauty Lingya.

It is said that Lingya can't help but be beautiful, and her family is a rich second generation.

On weekdays, all the boys who pursue her line up at the school gate.

It's just that she pretends to be noble, and no one can look down upon her.

Even Chen Feilong's passionate pursuit was repeatedly rejected by her.

When Chen Feilong saw Lingya.

A smile appeared.

I thought in my heart, 'Hehe, Lingya, Lingya, you are not mine this time? In such an apocalyptic world, just succumb to my strength, hahaha. ’

Just when Chen Feilong was happily cultivating feelings with Lingya.

Cries for help came from outside the gate, which was guarded by wooden bars.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be sophomore Li Lezhan.

"Feilong Camp! Help me, Brother Feilong, I am Li Lezhan!"

Li Lezhan was a fat man, and he was knocking on the classroom door desperately.

When one of the boys in Feilong Camp walked up to open the door.

Chen Feilong stopped him.

"Stop! Don't let him in!"

The boy looked at Chen Feilong in confusion.

Chen Feilong was so angry that he kicked the boy away.

"You want to die! He was bitten by a zombie, and he will become a zombie in a while!"

Chen Feilong said excitedly.

At this time, the people in Longfei Camp reacted.

It turned out that Li Lezhan had wounds bitten by zombies.

He was not far from being infected!

"Ah no! No! No! This is from falling, not from being bitten by zombies!"

Li Lezhan said excitedly under the zombies behind him.

But at this time, no one would believe it!

Separated by a door!

A group of people who had occasionally met in the same school before now showed a look of disdain, wishing Li Lezhan would leave quickly.

Chen Feilong also sneered. Then he turned and looked at the newcomers who had just joined the Feilong Camp.

"Well, for everyone's safety, as the captain of the Feilong Camp, I must check your bodies to ensure your injuries, and I must also know the abilities of your "capable warriors."

Then, this inspection with Chen Feilong's selfish inspection began in the corner.

Originally, this task could be handed over to others casually.

But because of Lingya's arrival, he decided to go on stage himself.

Because the inspection requires taking off clothes, and even touching them.

When he thought of this, Chen Feilong showed a lewd smile.

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