The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 6 Let's die together

But when the inspection was halfway through, there was a burst of noise outside the door.

It turned out that Tu Yan also came to the door of the music classroom.

Along the way, he also discovered another secret.

That is, if you defeat zombie monsters that are three levels lower than your level, you can no longer get energy to upgrade yourself.

At this time, Tu Yan is already an eighth-level warrior.

His strength has reached an exaggerated thirty points.

Warrior: Tu Yan

Level: LV8

Strength: 30

Speed: 15

Defense: 2

Attribute points: 0

Ability: Death is like the wind, always with me, eye of the illustration.

Props: space backpack, Desert Eagle.

When he came to the door of the music classroom, he saw Li Lezhan surrounded by zombies.

At this time, he had been completely infected by the zombies, and he had become a zombie without any consciousness.

Along the way, Tu Yan discovered.

When zombies and zombies attack humans, if they are too hungry, they will eat them directly.

Even if they are full, they will continue to attack humans, but this time it is just to infect them.

The zombie army continues to grow.

But under the ability of "Death is like the wind, always with me".

As long as Tu Yan dies, he can be resurrected again, and there is no need to be afraid of zombie infection!

After swinging the prepared wooden stick and directly solving Li Lezhan's pitiful life.

Tu Yan began to clean up the zombies piled up at the door of the classroom.

The people of Feilong Camp were also attracted by Tu Yan's movements.

They watched the show through the glass at the door, and also alarmed the captain-Chen Feilong.

"Who is that thin boy? How can he fight so well? He killed the zombie with one stick?"

Chen Feilong asked in confusion. His level of capable warrior is ten, and his strength points are only eighteen.

But to be honest, he really can't be as strong as Tu Yan.

Tu Yan's performance is more like a crazy madman. After breaking the wooden stick, he directly rushed up with his fist.

It's like abandoning his own life.

Chen Feilong frowned, thinking in his heart.

The thin boy in front of him left a deep impression in his heart.

If he was allowed to join the Feilong Camp, he might become the host.

He didn't want to see this happen.

Besides, the eyes of the people watching the show around him were full of "admiration" and "dependence" when they looked at Tu Yan.

On the other side, Ling Ya, who had finished tidying up her clothes with a red face, also came to the gate.

When she saw the person at the door, she took a few steps back and said tremblingly. "Tu Tu Yan, how could he still be alive?"

"Do you know him?" The male dormitory manager asked.

"Yes, Tu Yan from Class 3, but he was eaten by zombies just now to protect me."

Ling Ya hurriedly pretended to be weak, trying to attract everyone's pity.

Many girls showed disdainful expressions. For the first time, they felt that this school beauty was actually a "green tea".

But the boys were different. They were the most susceptible to this.

Stimulated by male hormones, they all stood up and said they wanted to take good care of Lingya.

Tu Yan also quickly dealt with the zombies and saw Lingya inside through the glass.

He grinned.

At the same time, he knocked on the door of the classroom.

"People from Feilong Camp, is Brother Chen Feilong in there? I'm here to seek refuge with him."

Everyone looked at Chen Feilong in unison, with "expectations" and "desires" in their eyes.

Except Lingya.

She looked terrified, not knowing why Tu Yan could still survive.

But she knew that Tu Yan would never let her go!

Chen Feilong quickly captured Lingya's expression and knew that she must have had a grudge with Tu Yan.

Then he immediately made some decisions.

"Everyone, don't worry, I'll see if he has any wounds on his body first, and please protect Lingya, male compatriots, I think this Tu Yan must not be a good person."

This sentence stirred up a thousand waves.

Many boys saw Lingya's trembling expression and thought that Tu Yan had done something to Lingya.

The sharp eyes staring at Tu Yan became more fierce under the protection of the door.

"Classmate, you..."

Chen Feilong took a closer look.

Tu Yan looked like he had walked out of a pool of blood.

The clothes on his body were tattered, and his thin skin could be seen in several places.

It was as if he had experienced a brutal battle.


In this situation, no matter who said that Tu Yan was not infected by zombies, Chen Feilong did not believe it!

"Classmate, it's a pity that you have been infected. Please go somewhere else."

Chen Feilong's words dispelled the fantasy of other people in Feilong Camp.

Other people also discovered this problem.

No matter how strong you are, you will lose everything if you are infected!

"No, it's just that I have been stained with too much blood of my compatriots." Tu Yan explained.

"I'm very sorry, but for the sake of others, Feilong Camp does not welcome you!"

The door gave Chen Feilong great courage, enough for him to speak in this tone.

"Oh, forget it."

After saying that, Tu Yan left without looking back.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then, under Chen Feilong's arrangement, they introduced themselves and had a brief chat.

About an hour later, there was a noisy sound at the door, which seemed to be the sound of an electric drill.

Someone was drilling the wall with an electric drill!

Everyone went over to take a look.

It was Tu Yan!

Tu Yan had tried it just now, and the door of this classroom was sealed tightly.

If he used the "death stacking" to force it open, he would probably die several times.

The price he paid was the pain that kept stacking!

Tu Yan didn't know if he could bear such pain.

What if he could be resurrected? How could he take revenge if he fainted from the pain!

So he returned to the school's electrician's room.

He collected some useful tools there and put them all in the "space backpack".

Then he walked back to the Feilong Camp, took out the electric drill, and started to destroy it.

"Tu Yan! What do you want to do!" Chen Feilong roared. He already knew Tu Yan's name from Lingya.

"Open the door, or we will die together."

Tu Yan's cold voice sounded, and this voice was mixed with the noisy sound of the electric drill and was extremely clear.

"Fuck, what the hell do you want to do!" Chen Feilong roared.

This noisy sound attracted the attention of many zombies.

They were attacking in groups towards the Flying Dragon Camp.

Everyone in the classroom was panicking. They wanted to rush out and pin Tu Yan to the ground.

But seeing that Tu Yan was still trying to get out, many people suggested.

Since he had been away for an hour and was not infected, he should not have been bitten by the zombies, right?

The situation was urgent and there was no time to think too much.

Chen Feilong cursed while opening the door to let Tu Yan in.

After quickly closing the door, Chen Feilong kicked Tu Yan away with one foot.

‘Crack’ ‘Crack’.

Chen Feilong kicked Tu Yan and broke his bones!

Poor Tu Yan, his defense points were only two points. Anyone who came here could cause him great damage.

“Fuck! Fuck you, it hurts me to death!” Tu Yan screamed in pain.

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