"Fuck you, Tu Yan, are you crazy! Are you sick? What will we do if the door is destroyed by you!"

Chen Feilong raised his fist and hit Tu Yan in the face!

A ‘click’!

The bones in half of Tu Yan's face were shattered!

Chen Feilong looked at his fist with a little fear.

He didn't understand why he was already so powerful. His fists and feet could hit Tu Yan to pieces every time.

After a while, Chen Feilong understood.

The person in front of me must have put all his attribute points into his strength without fear of death!

Otherwise, it would have been impossible to kill all the zombies just now!

"Trash, you have such little defense, how dare you play with me?" Chen Feilong said sarcastically.

Everyone also supported Chen Feilong's violence. After all, what Tu Yan did just now was too dangerous.

But Tu Yan's bursts of sneer made everyone present feel chilled.

"Hehehe, I told you to let me in, but you just didn't listen. People from Feilong Camp, listen to me and hand over Lingya."

Tu Yan stood up with difficulty and looked coldly at Ling Ya who was hiding behind everyone.

"What the hell, are you still so stubborn?" Chen Feilong picked up the bat next to him and prepared to hit him.

But he was stopped by the people on the side. If the bat fell, Tu Yan would definitely die.

kill? How dare they, the students and teachers in the college, do this!

"Lingya, didn't you just say you would love me forever? Why are you standing behind someone else now?" Tu Yan said sarcastically.

"No, no, please save me. I don't know if Tu Yan is possessed. When he was protecting me just now, he still did that kind of thing to me."

Lingya cried.

Tu Yan looked at Feilongying's disgusted eyes and understood what had happened.

Presumably Lingya relied on her charming appearance and pretentious actions to lead everyone to think that Tu Yan was the heinous person.

But who knows, the person who is really gentle on the surface and always smiling is the person who hides the knife behind his back!

Tu Yan just wanted to laugh at this moment, all of this was like a farce, and he didn't want to go on like this.

"Go to hell, trash."

Tu Yan endured the severe pain and with a quick step, he dodged past the Feilong campers standing in front of Lingya.


As fast as a professional sprinter's approach!

No one among the students at Keli University could match Tu Yan's speed at this time!

After all, with fifteen points of speed blessing, it is far beyond what the group of greedy and fearful people in front of me can match!

Tu Yan walked around behind Lingya and grabbed the back of her head with one hand!

With a strong force, it was slammed to the ground like hitting something!

His strength was so great that he even smashed the floor tiles!

"Haha, you just relied on your beauty, and now I've disfigured you! Let's see what you do!" Tu Yan said fiercely.

Everyone also reacted at this time and rushed over to avenge Lingya.

Tu Yan stood motionless, showing a contemptuous smile.

Lingya on the ground made a sound like a 'monster'!

"Tu Yan!" Lingya's strength suddenly became extremely huge, and she pushed Tu Yan away with all her strength.

"You forced me to do this. I didn't want to use this ability in the first place. It's too ugly. It's all your fault. Anyone who sees me like this will definitely die!"

At this time, Lingya's appearance changed drastically!

Except for the bloody injuries when her face hit the ground, her entire face turned extremely yellow, like a huge ugly old aunt!

At the same time, two small horns grew on both sides of her forehead.

Not only that, she exuded a chilling aura, and everyone present couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

"This is exactly my ability as a warrior, uglification and improvement."

When Ling Ya awakened her ability as a warrior, she couldn't help but curse.

This ability is very simple. It can make one's appearance look extremely ugly in an instant, but its overall strength can be increased several times!

And this multiple is still related to men!

As long as a man is kissed by him, no matter which part of his body he kisses, it can be converted into elegant energy!

The price is temporary incapacity!

I saw that all the men present in Feilong Camp were paralyzed on the ground!

Lingya, who looks harmless to humans and animals on the surface, has been preparing her way out early in the morning!

After turning into this ugly girl, she had no intention of surviving!

Whoever is present must die!

"Oh, you are such a disgusting woman. You always pretend to be weak, but in the end you are stabbed in the back."

Tu Yan sneered.

Not only Tu Yan thought so, but also Feilongying, who was on Lingya's side at the beginning, also thought so.

Although the boys have lost their mobility.

But the girls didn't. They looked at what was happening in front of them in great panic.

They came to the door and looked at the zombies banging on the door and the murderous 'Ugly Girl Lingya' in the classroom.

Dilemma, either way is death!

"So what, I put on such a good disguise, but you ruined it!" Lingya said fiercely, looking at Tu Yan as if he were looking at a dead person.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. Go to hell, Lingya."

Tu Yan smiled and took out the prepared Desert Eagle!

He originally wanted to torture Lingya slowly, but he didn't expect Lingya to have a backup plan.

At this time, Lingya was much stronger than Tu Yan under the ability of "Ugly Girl Enhancement".

Now we should take the most direct approach!


A gunshot!

A gunpowder smoke!

Tu Yan hit Lingya's right leg, and then fired three more shots!

Hit the other three limbs respectively!


Lingya rolled over and over in pain on the ground.

The miserable screams echoed throughout the music classroom!

It also woke up the person in the corner who was covered by the curtains!

The girl who was rescued by the Flying Dragon Camp and seemed to be cosplaying as an elf!

Tu Yan sneered. "Haha, you didn't expect it, I have a gun!"

"Ah! Ah, Tu Yan! I, I want! I want to kill you!"

Lingya struggled to move towards Tu Yan, trying to kill Tu Yan with her last strength!

But Tu Yan didn't give her this opportunity. He stood up behind him and ran forward a few steps with a helper.

He suddenly raised his right leg and kicked Lingya's ugly face!

'Bang'! 'Crack'!

Lingya's head tilted 90 degrees to the side, and her entire cervical vertebrae were broken!

Lingya, dead!

With Lingya's death, her ability to 'ugly enhance' also disappeared.

The boys in Longfei Camp also regained consciousness. They felt disgusted when they saw Lingya lying on the ground.

Not only was she 'ugly', but she was also going to use them.

And Chen Feilong was like a demon. After regaining consciousness, he rushed towards Tu Yan, ready to teach him a lesson!

However, a fierce light came from the corner!

"God-killing Explosive Arrow!"

The girl who cosplayed as an elf was completely awake. The first thing she did when she woke up was to take out her bow and arrow and release a powerful skill!

The target was everyone present!

"This plane is called Earth? Are these all human? Haha."

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