The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 43 Information conveyed to the outside world

"The ability of a warrior is immortality."

"Oh immortality! Damn. Your ability is too strong."

"It's okay." Tu Yan shrugged.

Yue Zhiming looked at Tu Yan as if he was an idiot who didn't know how to appreciate his blessings.

"No wonder you have so many strength points... Why don't you add all your strength points?"

"Yes, you can try to punch him and die immediately, don't hesitate."

Heerlen smiled beside him.

"You ungrateful woman." Tu Yan rolled his eyes at her.

Then he clicked his headphones and let 9527 project onto the desktop.

"Although there are no survivors in the research institute's harvest this time... this humanoid projection is artificial intelligence, the most precious thing of the research institute."

"I have a name, my name is 9527." 9527 said lightly.

"Hello, Major General Yue Zhiming."

"Do you know me?"

"Professor Chen has already stored the information of all the important people in Nat City in my system data."

Yue Zhiming suddenly realized it after hearing this. "Professor Chen? Is that Mr. Chen? No wonder... I heard from the general before that the research institute is making a big move."

"So that big move is you, artificial intelligence? 9527?"

"Yes, but Professor Chen has died. He temporarily ordered me to follow Tu Yan and save the world."


Yue Zhiming also became interested. In such a doomsday, what can a small artificial intelligence do?

"Then let's explain the situation now."

After that, the big screen in the conference room suddenly lit up.

There was also a projection on it, which was a satellite map of Nat City.

"Although there is no electromagnetic wave, it does not affect my operation."

9527 said here, looking at Yue Zhiming's confused expression.

He also explained about electromagnetic waves, speed control, and the fact that his material is alien, so he is not affected.

"Anyway, this is the map projected from my memory. Unfortunately, both the monitors and satellites are in strike mode, so there is no way to detect the enemy in this way."

"Look at the map. According to the energy test, there are three places with the most survivors in Nat City."

"One is this, the soldier camp in the southern suburbs. There are trees here, which is relatively easy to defend."

"The other is the old city wall in the eastern suburbs. The ten-meter-high city wall can be said to be easy to defend and difficult to attack."

"The last one is the city hall building."

"There are also some scattered places where survivors gather."

"Now there are several options. One, defend the soldier camp."

"Two, send elite troops to contact them and expand their strength."

"No matter what option you choose, you have to try to delay it for a month."

Tu Yan and Heerlen looked at the map while listening to 9527's explanation.

As a major general, Yue Zhiming has long memorized the terrain of Nat City.

But college student Tu Yan did not, and Heerlen in the alien world was the same.

Through this map, the two of them have a clearer understanding of Nat City.

Then 9527 called up the map of the surrounding cities and explained them to Tu Yan one by one.

"By the way, Ms. Heerlen." 9527 paused in his endless explanation and asked Heerlen.

"According to what you said, the first plane world invaded by the Zombie Beasts was the God Species, followed by the Dragon Species, the Skywing Species, the Demon Species, the Elf Species, and the Demon Species, and finally the Earth Species."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Then how long did you stay in the plane of the beastmen? When you came to Earth, how much damage had the Savage Planet suffered?"

9527 asked a series of questions that stunned Heerlen.

She thought about it carefully and told 9527 about it.

After staying on the Savage Planet for about three months, the entire Savage Planet was completely invaded by the Zombie Beasts.

Similarly, the hometown of Heerlen was the same.


9527 fell silent, and then continued.

"Anyway, make a choice, to find other survivors or stay where you are."

The projection of 9527 looked at Heerlen.

And Heerlen also looked at Tu Yan.

"Why are you looking at me?" Tu Yan looked helpless.

"Give me a suggestion." Heerlen blinked.

"Give me a ghost, we are allies, not together."

"Then where are you going? Stay here or go out to find other survivors."

"Wandering around, traveling around."

After saying this, Tu Yan looked at the map in silence.

He locked his eyes on the surrounding cities of Nat City.

"Oh? Not staying here?" Heerlen's tone was vaguely reluctant.

"No, my goal is the sea of ​​stars, I want to go to other cities to have a look."

Tu Yan said a choice that 9527 had not analyzed.

Nat City? The current Nat City is too small for Tu Yan.

Only the "sea of ​​stars" is Tu Yan's direction.

"Heerlen, my advice to you is to stay alive, that's the most important thing."

"As for whether to contact people in other camps, it's up to you. Be careful, they may be friends or enemies!"

Heerlen nodded.

She also understood this truth. In this world, there is no friendship, only interests.

If you help him today, he may strangle you to death for a sip of water tomorrow!

"I still want to try. It would be good to find the elves as soon as possible and enhance my strength."

Tu Yan saw that Heerlen had made a decision and said nothing more.

He just postponed the plan of "wandering" in his heart, at least until the soldiers' camp was in safe contact with other surviving camps.

Then Tu Yan discussed with Yue Zhiming how to convey more and more accurate information.

"Morse code" 9527 suddenly said.

"By the way! It is indeed possible to use Morse code. Morse code can transmit information without electromagnetic waves!"

Yue Zhiming also reacted.

"It is indeed coaxing." Tu Yan nodded.

"Morse code? What is it?" Heerlen looked puzzled.

Then Yue Zhiming explained to Heerlen.

The most important thing is how to make the transmission of information full of rhythm through means.

Each rhythm represents a different meaning.

Words can be expressed through these.

"In fact, it is not that troublesome. Ms. Heerlen should be able to accurately control fire magic, right?" 9527 said again.

"Sure." Heerlen nodded.

"Then you can just use fire magic towards the sky, and then weave it into words."

When 9527 said this, the three people present were stunned.

Indeed, this method is the simplest and most efficient.

But they have never thought about it.

Then, under the instruction of 9527, Heerlen came to the open space and used fire magic towards the sky.

Under precise control, these flames merged into a sentence.

"In the south, in the soldier camp, there are thousands of citizens and hundreds of soldiers."

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