In order to save Heerlen's energy, 9527 specially used such simple words to convey information to the outside world.

Looking from a distance, you can barely see this sentence.

In order to keep the flame longer, Heerlen controlled his magic output.

These flames are basically harmless, so they can last longer.

Under the guidance of 9527, Heerlen also specially added some explosion effects so that he could use sound to attract attention.

The sound intervals are based on standard Morse code.

The meaning conveyed is ‘Unite and fight the enemy together. You can come here or go to support. ’

Fortunately, Heerlan's control of magic is already very precise.

After the release is complete, you don't need to continue to do it, you can also do other things by yourself.

Just wait until the flame text message and proceed.

The three people who looked up at the results couldn't help but look at the projection villain '9527' on the ground.

"By the way, why couldn't the three of us have thought of it?" Tu Yan complained from the side.

"Because of the inertial thinking, this is the world of science, and Ms. Heerlen comes from the world of magic."

"Actually, humans can do it now. If a warrior's ability is to control flames, that's also possible."

Yue Zhiming felt a little ashamed when he heard this.

There are indeed some people in the soldier camp who have the ability to control fire.

But he didn't think of this method.

"There's no need to feel ashamed. After all, you are all human and have limitations."

Although 9527 was trying to comfort him, there was a disdain for the human species between the lines.

It’s truly artificial intelligence.

At this time, there was a burst of dust not far away.

'boom! ’ a sound.

It turned out to be a small lizard.

The little lizard saw 9527 from a distance and thought it was a toy, so he rushed over.

But 9527 is a projection and has no entity. The little lizard naturally eats a dog and eats shit, ah, no, a dragon eats shit.

The little lizard stood up quickly and looked at 9527 curiously.

But what it didn't know was that 9527 was also looking at it curiously. At this time, 9527 just wanted to control the scalpel and dissect the little lizard to see the structure inside.

Tu Yan also saw 9527's plan, picked up the little lizard, and said to 9527.


9527 said nothing after seeing this.

Then Tu Yan asked the little lizard to fill its stomach. It was the main contributor today and could eat whatever it wanted.

After a tiring day, everyone dispersed early to rest.

As if tireless, 9527 proposed to put the motorcycle Tu Yan was riding into the space backpack, saying that it would be transformed.

Tu Yan also obeyed the instructions obediently. After hastily finishing his dinner, he fell asleep.

After this incident, Heerlen became a lot more rational and made better progress in managing the soldier camp.

Not only did he promote a few good soldiers, but he also trusted Yue Zhiming.

And those citizen ladies who had been bullied and insulted by Kong Hongcai finally woke up from that nightmare.

When Heerlen found out about this, he went to find those ladies and sincerely apologized to them.

Yue Zhiming has also been busy with Heerlen.

Seeing Heerlen do this, Yue Zhiming couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.

It was as if he was watching his daughter, who was "better than his master", grow up and mature.

The night, illuminated by the flame text, no longer looked so dark, and everything seemed to be slowly getting better.

Early the next morning, Tu Yan, who had fallen into a drowsy state, was awakened by a rapid knock on the door.

"Tu Yan! Tu Yan!"

"Don't make any noise. I still want to sleep."

Tu Yan turned over and continued to sleep, with his thigh still resting on the little lizard.

Yesterday, after knowing that the little lizard was a female dragon, Tu Yan specially prepared a small nest for the little lizard to sleep separately.

But the little lizard seemed to be entangled with Tu Yan and would rather die than surrender, so they continued to sleep in the same bed, one person and one dragon.

"come out!"

With an angry scolding, the entire tent Tu Yan was in was pulled up!

Tu Yan, who was hit by the dazzling light, stood up in pain and stared at the person who disturbed his sweet dream so early in the morning.


"Crazy bitch, what are you doing again!"

"Oh, believe it or not, I will send you on your way right now?" Heerlun pretended to be ready to send Tu Yan to his death.

"Hey, let's have breakfast first. I'm not ready yet. What's wrong? I'm in such a hurry."

"People from other camps have responded to us." 9527's voice came from behind Heerlen.

"Hey, 9527, why did you go to Heerlen?"

Tu Yan looked at Heerlen in confusion because she was wearing the headset where 9527 data was stored.

"You sleep like a pig, don't I have to do anything?" 9527 mocked.

"Uh" When 9527 said this, Tu Yan had no choice but to laugh helplessly.

"Hurry up, 9527 has been busy for a long time." Heerlen put the tent back up.

Tu Yan also quickly got up to change his clothes and walked straight to the conference room.

Heerlen also specially brought a breakfast and waited for him there.

After Tu Yan arrived, Yue Zhiming also analyzed the reply signal he had just received.

It turned out that in the early hours of this morning, in the east, there was also a flame text shining in the sky.

Morse code was also used to add more information.

All the content was pieced together, and it was this paragraph.

"Hello, this is the 'old city wall site' in the eastern suburbs. We are the Nat East Army, the Nat East Army, requesting support! Requesting support! A large group of zombie troops appeared in the east, it is the 'zombie tide'!"

"Nat East Army?" Tu Yan glanced at Yue Zhiming.

Yue Zhiming also understood what Tu Yan meant and explained.

Indeed, there are soldiers stationed in Nat City, but the only troops are in the southern suburbs.

And this so-called 'Nat East Army' is not an orthodox force that existed before the catastrophe.

It should be a force spontaneously organized by the survivors.

"So, are you struggling to decide whether to go or not?" Tu Yan looked around and understood their doubts.

In addition to Heerlen and Yue Zhiming, there were several other soldiers in important positions in this conference room.

"Well, we are allies, even though you are alone, we should ask for your opinion."

"What do you two mean?"

"Go." Yue Zhiming said decisively.

"No." Heerlen added.

Both of them had their own reasons and insistence, but for some reason, their tone was like they were speaking in a script, not from the heart.

Tu Yan shrugged his shoulders after hearing this, and looked at the two of them as if they were idiots.

"Go, what are you afraid of? If it's a Hongmen Banquet, just kill them."

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