The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 50 Preparing to Blast the Mountain

"What!" Terry said in surprise.

"I advise you not to, there are too many enemies over there." Hicks said calmly.

"It's okay, my fighting method is to just rush over."

Tu Yan said with an indifferent expression.

Terry laughed heartily after hearing this. "Okay! I like warriors like you, so I wish you a safe journey!"

Terry let out a low roar.

It was as if the old phlegm that had not been coughed up for several days was fermenting and fermenting in the throat.

Then he bent down and made a sudden sprint.

He rushed towards the direction pointed by Tu Yan!

Its claws shine with silver-blue light and are extremely sharp!

"Liezhao Sa!"

The sharp claws intertwined and gathered into a powerful energy, flying forward.

When Tu Yan saw it, he also seized the opportunity and took out the "Fire Hell Motorcycle" from his space pocket.

The roaring sound of motorcycles echoed throughout the battlefield, attracting the attention of many people.

Sentences like "f*ck" and "so handsome" also followed one after another.

Tu Yan came to Terry and stopped deliberately.

"I'm going to detonate the mountains and kill these zombies with rocks. Watch my signal flare."

Tu Yan's so-called signal bomb was found on Nat's Eastern Army. It was actually a fireworks bomb.

The "chirp~bang" sound when it is launched is very attention-grabbing.

Before Terry could react, Tu Yan continued to drive away on the "Fire Hell Motorcycle".

After passing through the gap cleared by Terry, Tu Yan soon encountered a zombie siege.

But don’t be afraid!

Tu Yan tightened the accelerator and rushed straight over!

Many zombies saw this and tried to intercept it.

But they were all pierced by the sharp iron thorns on the front of the "Fire Hell Motorcycle"!

The front of the car was about half a meter long, and there were several iron thorns that made Tu Yan feel as if he had entered an uninhabited land.


Whoever is caught will be stabbed!

The scenery was incomparable for a while!

After stabbing ten zombies in a row, the speed of the 'Fire Hell Motorcycle' became slower and slower. When encountering a zombie, it could only use the front of the car to knock it away.

The motorcycle actually made a "puff, plop, plop" sound on its own.

The spikes on the front of the car are all retracted into the motorcycle.

The zombies that had been impaled earlier also staggered, hit the front of the car, fell to the ground, and were run over by the 'Fire Hell Motorcycle'.

Then the spike comes out of the body again!

It turns out that the spikes on the front of the 'Fire Hell Motorcycle' will automatically shrink after being pierced by enough people, so that they can be used repeatedly without having to get off the car to clean them.

9527 is indeed an artificial intelligence, and it is really thoughtful.

'Whoosh!' A bow and arrow shining with purple light flew towards Tu Yan, almost hitting him.

The one who was ready to make a sneak attack was the zombie elf not far away.

Tu Yan calmly took out the Desert Eagle with his left hand and continued to press the accelerator with his right hand.

One shot, another shot, and another shot.

The dull, roaring sound of the Desert Eagle was extremely harsh on the hot battlefield.

Many human species reacted and looked closely at Tu Yan, who was so cool that he was so cool.

"Is he dying? Can he be saved by rushing into the pile of zombies? He is a foolhardy man, but what happened to his pistol?"

Ao Fang slashed away the zombie human next to him with a sword and looked at Tu Yan with squinted eyes.

Tu Yan didn't know that he had attracted so much attention.

He was having a great time at this time.

In a short time, he was almost at the place he had agreed to in advance.

This time I was lucky, I didn't die even once.

This was mainly due to the recklessness of the 'Inferno Motorcycle' and the burst shooting of the 'Desert Eagle'.

Looking back.

The wall in the middle of the mountains is even more majestic.

Beneath the city wall, countless zombies were besieging them, while Nat's Eastern Army was desperately resisting.

Behind the zombie group, there were nearly a hundred zombie beasts, standing calmly on the spot.

As if waiting for something, no matter how fierce the battle in front of them was, they remained motionless.

Even when Tu Yan broke through the zombie encirclement with great arrogance, the zombies didn't even look at Tu Yan.

Tu Yan didn't have much time to deal with them and continued with his own affairs.

In front of him, there was a small mountain range that formed independently.

It looks very strange, with strange shapes on the mountainside and a lot of big rocks on the top of the mountain.

No wonder 9527 chose this mountain to detonate.

Tu Yan retracted the tires of the 'Fire Hell Motorcycle' and turned them into air propellers. With strong propulsion, he went directly up the mountain at a 70-degree angle!

Soon, he arrived at the pine tree he had promised before.

I got out of the car and started getting ready immediately.

‘Eternal Gasoline Barrel’!

Countless amounts of drinking water were poured directly into the bucket, and when poured out, it turned into gasoline.

One bucket, another bucket, and another bucket.

In order to ensure 100% success, Tu Yan directly filled twenty barrels!

Place them one by one under the roots of the pine tree.

He also made a 'heart-shaped' pattern in a playful manner.

Then there’s the ‘Clay Bomb’.

In order to get a more powerful explosion effect.

9527 also prepared the best location for placing clay bombs in advance.

Through satellite navigation, 9527 easily calculated the most vulnerable areas of the mountain range.

Now is the time to take things step by step.

Tu Yan completed all this quickly, and now he just needed a fire to completely ignite the explosion.

He took out the signal smoke bomb and was about to fire it to alert Terry.

An unexpected voice came from behind!

"Oh my, who did I think it was? It turned out to be a little mouse running in."

Tu Yan was so scared that cold sweats ran down his face. For some reason, this voice sounded like it came from the abyss of hell, which made Tu Yan shudder.

He slowly turned his head and saw only a ball of blue sticky substance, and the sticky substance continued to talk.

"This should be the bomb and gasoline of the earth. Are you going to detonate here, cause a landslide, and drown us alive?"

"Who are you?" Tu Yan took a deep breath and asked against the huge pressure.

"Me? Let me introduce myself, human species, I am the Twelve Generals of the Funeral Beast, Lord Du Shaliang, I am in a good mood today, let me show you my human form."

As soon as the voice fell, the sticky substance immediately boiled, as if the energy inside was accumulating.

As a blue light flashed by, the sticky substance disappeared, and a big beauty appeared out of thin air!

To be fair, Du Shaliang is the most beautiful and charming person of the opposite sex that Tu Yan has ever seen.

Even Lilith, the Flügel, who is known for her enchantment and charm, is not half as beautiful as Du Shaliang.

But in Tu Yan's heart, the most beautiful and charming person may be Heerlen.

Du Shaliang looks like an ordinary girl, but she is extremely beautiful, and her every move seems to be able to capture people's souls.

If she didn't have wings behind her, Tu Yan would definitely think she was a Flügel.

The dress is revealing, how revealing? Especially the kind of revealing that saves fabric for the country and the world.

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