The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 51 The Twelve Generals of the Funeral Beast! Du Shaliang!

The most eye-catching thing is her angelic hell makeup.

If I have to describe it, it's super punk makeup.

In her blood-red eyes, it seems as if the entire universe lives.

In her cherry mouth, there are two sharp fangs, just like a vampire.

"Zang beast? How can a zombie talk? And you look too much like a human."

Tu Yan slowly stepped back and squinted at Du Shaliang.

"Kneel down!" Du Shaliang stretched out his hand and aimed at Tu Yan. With a little force, a huge gravity pressed on Tu Yan.

Tu Yan couldn't hold on and knelt heavily on the ground!

"You are just a human, you should kneel down and talk to me." Du Shaliang's tone was cruel and murderous, as if Tu Yan in front of him was no different from an ant.

"I'm in a good mood today. Although you, a little mouse, want to blow up the mountain, as a reward for your courage, I'll tell you why."

"The zombies you have seen are only low-level zombies. They only have the consciousness of attack and simple wisdom. As one of the twelve zombie generals, I am at the top of all plane creatures."

"In addition to their own bodies, high-level zombies can also be transformed into various creatures. It mainly depends on which plane world we are in at the time."

"Okay, are you ready to accept death?"

After saying all this, Du Shaliang looked down at Tu Yan, and that look was like looking at a dead person!

"What is your purpose!"

Tu Yan raised his head and glared at Du Shaliang.

"Purpose? Haha, do you have a purpose to step on an ant to death?"

"Haha. Ahahahaha, you invaders, wait! Our Earth will never surrender!"

Tu Yan said viciously with all his strength.

"Then please behave yourself in hell." Du Shaliang smiled evilly, one of her fangs pressed on her cherry lips, looking extremely tempting.

Then, she raised her hand to end Tu Yan's life.


"What? Beg for mercy?" Du Shaliang also put down her hand directly, wanting to see what Tu Yan could do.

"My actions are controlled by you, can't we have a fair duel?"

"Okay." After saying that, Du Shaliang also waved his hand and removed the gravity on Tu Yan.

At the same time, Tu Yan also took action!

He rushed towards Du Shaliang, and the 'Death Chainsaw' in his hand was also raised high, pretending to cut the beauty in front of him directly!

Is it useful? No use!

Du Shaliang smiled slightly, flicked his fingers easily, and shook Tu Yan away directly!

Because the gap between the two is too obvious!

Tu Yan had already used the 'Eye of the Illustrated Book' to check it.

Zombie: Du Shaliang

Level: 80 (Human Form)

Strength: ???

HP: ???

Defense: ???

Speed: ???

Skills: ???

Belongs to: Twelve Zombie Generals, high-level Zombie. All twelve generals are high-level Zombie. They have their own consciousness and wisdom, and command the middle-level Zombie and low-level Zombie. They are the strongest twelve Zombie.

Status: Infection Source

All question marks.

The general information of the Twelve Zombie Generals that can be known is that Du Shaliang's level is LV80!

Tu Yan is only LV20 now, a full 60-level gap. How to fight? How to play?

Tu Yan knows this very well. It is impossible to defeat Du Shaliang at this stage. He just needs to complete his goal.

Goal? Explosion?

These two words flashed through Tu Yan's mind, and he immediately seemed to have figured something out and raised his spirits.

"Hey, Du Shaliang, I'm running away. If you dare, come and chase me. If you catch me, I'll give you a good beating."

Tu Yan showed a lewd smile, and that smile made people want to beat him up!

When has Du Shaliang, one of the twelve generals of the dead beast, ever encountered such a situation?

"Go to hell! Human race!"

Du Shaliang swooped down and came to Tu Yan in a flash.

Tu Yan didn't have any reaction time. His eyes didn't have time to control his hands. Fortunately, under conditioned reflex, his right hand was raised behind him!

They were very close. People who didn't know from a distance thought they were going to kiss.

Tu Yan could even see his own reflection in Du Shaliang's deep eyes.

"By the way, my name is Tu Yan, and I'm the one who will save the earth." Tu Yan said this sentence unexpectedly in the bald head of life and death.

The moment Du Shaliang's extremely sharp nails touched Tu Yan's chest!




‘Boom boom!’!

Big explosion!

The flames that shot up into the sky completely submerged the small mountain range!

Those who were still fighting nearby looked at the explosion not far away in disbelief, not knowing what had happened.

“Everyone! Retreat! Immediately! Now! Immediately!”

Terry was the first to react and quickly issued an order.

He remembered the words that Tu Yan had specifically told him before he left.

But he waited and waited but didn’t see Tu Yan’s signal flare, so he couldn’t help but get worried.

Just as he was thinking this, the explosion happened.

“Fuck you Tu Yan, where’s the signal flare? Bullshit! Fortunately, I’ve been paying attention to you, otherwise I’d be killed by you.”

Terry cursed and arranged for the retreat of the personnel.

Heerlen, who was standing by the wall, saw what happened.

So he immediately organized the nearby elves and quickly performed the levitation technique to let the melee personnel below come up.

"What is Tu Yan doing? He suddenly did this without notifying us in advance."

Heerlen complained as he looked at the gravel that was roaring down not far away.

Tu Yan certainly wanted to use flares in advance, but the situation at that time did not allow it.

Before he was killed by Du Shaliang, he fired a shot in the direction of the oil barrel by subconscious reaction.

The dull sound of the bullet was fired.

Then the oil barrel and clay bomb exploded one after another.

Tu Yan and Du Shaliang were drowned in the explosion.

Tu Yan originally wanted to use this big explosion to get rid of Du Shaliang.

But unfortunately, Du Shaliang was only slightly injured.

After being blasted more than ten meters away by the strong explosion, Du Shaliang stabilized her body and flew to the mid-air.

Although her life was not in danger, she was in a mess. Her already exposed clothes were now missing pieces.

There were black spots on her pale skin, and her face was even a little burned.

"Tu Yan? Haha, I remember your name."

Du Shaliang said viciously in the air.

She didn't expect Tu Yan to do such a shocking thing, detonating the bomb with the determination to die, and perishing with her.

And she had never been so embarrassed in her experience of fighting in so many planes.

"What a pity. You were also shattered in this explosion. It's a pity that I can't seek revenge on you."

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