With a sneer, Du Shaliang looked in the direction of the landslide.

After confirming that it was mainly hitting the siege zombies and the zombie army behind would not be affected, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she accelerated suddenly and flew towards the direction where the gravel and soil fell.

Trying to use her own strength to minimize the damage.

"Forget it, it's better to save some strength and don't try too hard."

Du Shaliang stood in front of the zombie army.

While trying to save physical strength, he launched various abilities to attack the gravel.

But even so, there were batches of gravel and soil that hit the zombie army hard, and the scene was extremely cruel.

I saw a huge boulder with some mud and dead leaves hit several zombies directly.

Instantly crushed into dry meat paste!

It seemed that the screams of the zombies could still be heard, and it could be seen how painful it was at that time.

After the big stone hit the ground, it did not stop, but jumped several times and hit the zombies in front one by one.

The poor zombies, completely unaware of the danger, could only act foolishly according to instinct, constantly attacking the wall without any idea of ​​dodging.

The stones came the fastest because of their weight.

The next was the mud.

Piles of mud swept towards the ground like an avalanche and waves!

Drowned the zombies closest to them!

The people of the Natdong Army were on the platform of the wall, watching what was happening in front of them foolishly.

The scene was like a real apocalyptic disaster.

After a while, the zombies below had been wiped out.

Looking around, the ground was either smashed to pieces or annihilated and suffocated.

And what happened to Tu Yan, the instigator of all this?

He almost couldn't be resurrected!

This time it was really a close call!

It turned out that after the explosion, when the Eternal Immortality was activated.

Tu Yan found that his body was basically blown to pieces, with only a few intact body parts left.

When Tu Yan's "eternal immortality" ability is activated, the only limitation is the intact body parts.

If all parts of Tu Yan's body are blown into powder, he will never be able to revive again!

Fortunately, his palm is still intact and can be resurrected through the palm.

Otherwise, Tu Yan will be in big trouble this time.

At that critical moment, Tu Yan also had no time to react, after all, his opponent Du Shaliang was too fast.

After being resurrected, Tu Yan stood on the ruins on the mountainside, looking at the heroism he had achieved.

"It's a pity that the group of zombies is too far away, and it can't be affected? Alas... Hey, 9527, are you there?"

"Zi... yes."

"Did you see the twelve zombies?"

"Well, I'm analyzing her data. Don't contact her anymore. You are definitely not her opponent now."

"I also wish I could stay away from her. Alas, let's talk about it later."

Tu Yan shook his head and sighed.

He dared not be so arrogant on his return trip this time.

If he continued to ride the "Yanyu Motorcycle", he would be caught by Du Shaliang who was nowhere to be found, and that would be the end of him.

Tu Yan carefully followed the gravel edge, relying on the cover of the woods.

He trotted all the way and worked hard towards the wall.

After running breathlessly for more than half an hour, Tu Yan arrived next to the city wall.

He did not encounter any enemies after bypassing the zombie army, and there were pieces of gravel and corpses at the foot of the wall.

It was more concealed and convenient for Tu Yan to hide.

Then, he seized the opportunity and took the "Yanyu Motorcycle" out of the space backpack.

With one throttle, the tire turned into steam and flew directly up along the wall!

The roaring sound was particularly harsh, and Du Shaliang, who was resting the zombie army not far away, also noticed it.

"What is that? That back... Why is it so familiar..."

Du Shaliang still maintained his human form, squinting his eyes and staring at the "Yanyu Motorcycle".

Tu Yan seemed to feel that a dazzling gaze from behind was staring at him, and his hair stood up.

After jumping up, he did not reach the platform in a cool way, and quickly put away the Yanyu motorcycle.

He lay down suddenly, leaning against the wall, hiding his body through the obstacles.

"Tu Yan, are you a dog? Why are you lying like a dog?"

Ao Fang happened to be nearby, and after hearing the roar of the motorcycle, he came over to check.

He didn't expect that it was Tu Yan who caused all this commotion.

He is handsome, but why is he suddenly like a dog?

Ao Fang thought that his limelight was taken away, but now that such a thing happened, it is natural to make fun of it.

Tu Yan shook his head vigorously, squinting his eyes and staring at Ao Fang, and the murderous aura in him needs no further expression.

"You!" Ao Fang stared back.

At this time, other people also came over, and Ao Fang could no longer continue to be angry.

Heerlen laughed and walked over, squatting down to touch Tu Yan's head.

"Good dog, good dog, what are you doing? Ahahaha."

Although they were both called dogs, Tu Yan's attitude towards Ao Fang and Heerlen was completely different.

Tu Yan pouted and rolled his eyes at Heerlen.

After realizing that the fierce murderous aura just now had disappeared, he slowly sat up.

"Heerlen, Terry, Hicks."

Tu Yan looked at the elves, beastmen, and demons in front of him.

He asked earnestly.

"What are the Twelve Generals of the Zang Beasts? And who is Du Shaliang?"

Tu Yan said lightly, but the three tigers were shocked, and their faces were full of disbelief!

"What! Du Shaliang!"

The three said in unison.

Their emotions were almost the same, disgust, hatred, and... fear!

"You saw her!" Terry asked loudly, as if he wanted to use the volume to cover up his trembling!

"Yes, it was a close call."

Seeing the shock on the faces of the three people in front of him, Tu Yan had to change his tone to a teasing tone.

"The Twelve Generals are the most powerful existences among the Zang Beasts. They can simulate the creatures of any plane they go to."

Hicks, who has experienced the most planes, spoke first.

Although he is a cold-blooded twin snake demon, his tone is also a little trembling.

"They are extremely powerful, and their every move has the power to destroy the world."

"Does that mean there are eleven more as strong as Du Shaliang?" Tu Yan swallowed his saliva.

Heerlen sighed and nodded helplessly.

His face was dead.

"But it shouldn't be, whether it's my world, Savage Star, or Tarit Continent."

"The Twelve Generals of the Zombie Beasts would not appear so early."

Hicks expressed his doubts in confusion.


"My plane is called Monster Planet, and the Twelve Generals of the Zombie Beasts also appeared one and a half months later."

"You also know that the orcs are from Savage Star, and the Twelve Generals appeared two months later." Terry said.

"My world is also one and a half months later." After Heerlen finished speaking, he seemed to think of something and looked straight at Tu Yan.

"Uh... No way..."

Tu Yan also remembered why the Twelve Generals, who were supposed to be impossible to appear so early, appeared.

It was all caused by his death reward!

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