Tu Yan's death reward today.

It said that a group of elite zombie beasts appeared.

And the one leading them was Du Shaliang!

Others also saw Tu Yan's reaction.

They hurriedly asked what happened.

But Tu Yan was also at a loss, and he couldn't explain his pain.

In the end, under Terry's command, important combat personnel gathered one after another and prepared to hold a combat meeting.

And Heerlen quietly came to Tu Yan's side.

"Why do I feel that it was brought by your death reward?"

"I think so too..."

"Then you should prepare to fight for your life." Heerlen complained.

"Is Du Shaliang that strong?" Tu Yan asked back.

"It was her who killed the strongest warrior of our elves in seconds."

"Okay, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Tu Yan also knew that he was in the wrong, so he had to gather together for a meeting.

The content of the meeting? Of course, how to fight!

Not to mention Hicks, who mixed races from four planes.

Just Terry, he faced Du Shaliang when he was on his planet "Barbarian Star", but he didn't surrender!

Now it's just a change of battlefield, just fight again!

But Terry still talked about Du Shaliang's strength, mainly to give everyone some confidence.

In an impassioned speech, everyone cheered!

But such a passionate and touching scene made someone not far away burst into laughter.

"Ahahahaha, I'm dying of laughter, look."

I saw Du Shaliang sitting on a creature that looked like a rhinoceros, looking towards the wall.

This creature that looked like a rhinoceros was called Rhinoceros Ox Huang.

Its body size was similar to that of an ordinary rhinoceros, about the size of a small car.

But its color was black all over, and there were signs of decay all over its body.

Like a quagmire, it also grew a pair of black wings and floated in the air.

"Lord Du Shaliang, is this why you haven't attacked yet?"

The Rhinoceros Ox Huang asked.

This was indeed the case.

The gravel and soil annihilated most of the zombies, and the zombie army remained motionless.

And the war was inexplicably suspended.

"Don't you know that I like this the most?"

"They must be very nervous at this time, not knowing when we will attack."

"We don't know when their doomsday will come."

"We can only boost morale like this over and over again, but is it useful? Do they dare to attack?"

"Ahahaha, the prey is the most delicious when it is played with like this before eating."

Du Shaliang squinted his eyes and observed the situation over there.

There was endless ridicule for the Natdong Army in his tone.

Seeing this, the rhinoceros horn bull was also helpless to shake his head. His master had so many quirks.

Rhinoceros horn bull was a mid-level zombie, so he could also speak and think.

The powerful ones could also transform into human form.

The difference from the high-level zombie "Du Shaliang" may be the insurmountable gap in strength.

"Tsk... why does that person's back look familiar?"

Du Shaliang's eyes were fixed on Tu Yan, and he kept searching for memories of this person in his mind.

But he couldn't remember it.

"Forget it, let's continue teasing the prey. How long will it take to be hungry before you can eat more, hahahaha."

Du Shaliang turned over deliberately, and the temptation of spring came over him with every move.

The Natdong Army didn't know this. After boosting their morale, they also took their posts step by step, preparing to resist the attack of the zombies.

Tu Yan held a cigarette in his mouth, leaning against the wall, looking at the zombie corpses under the wall, and the zombie army not far away.

"9527, why don't you say they attack?" Tu Yan asked as if talking to himself.

"Would you rush to step on the ant nest in front of you?"

"Uh" Tu Yan twitched the corner of his mouth.

"I suggest you go back and bring the giant dragon here first. If possible, bring more people."

"If the east wall is broken, the whole Nat City will be in big trouble."

"Yeah, I think so too. I'll go talk to them."

When they arrived at the temporary meeting tent, only Terry, Ao Fang, Hicks and Heerlen were discussing things.

"Hey, I'm going back to the soldiers' camp first." Tu Yan stretched and interrupted Heerlen's conversation.

Heerlen also nodded. Although her thoughts were interrupted, she had some friendship with Tu Yan after all, so she didn't take these trivial matters too seriously.

But all of this was seen by Ao Fang.

In the previous battle, Tu Yan can be said to be a great hero, and then he brought important information.

He also has a cool motorcycle.

All of this is like seeing a thorn in Ao Fang's proud self-esteem.

He does not allow other human species to be stronger than him, more perfect than him, and more eye-catching than him.

"Tu Yan, what's your attitude? Didn't you see we were in a meeting? Don't you like to wander around doing nothing?" Ao Fang snorted and said disdainfully.

"Oh, just now? I was just looking at which mountain range to blow up." Tu Yan said with a smile.

"Heh" Ao Fang was speechless and couldn't find any words to refute.

"Terry, Hicks, I'm leaving first, bye." Tu Yan waved his hand and made a gesture to leave.

They also waved to Tu Yan.

But Ao Fang still refused to give in.

"Heh, you're going out at night. You're a deserter."

"Ao Fang!" Terry frowned and stopped Ao Fang's aggressive words.

"That's right. After seeing the Twelve Generals, you found that you couldn't beat them, so you planned to escape? Haha, you are really a scum of the human race."

"Oh, you're done? Then I'm leaving?" Tu Yan yawned and looked up at the sky.

The gradually dark sky was filled with stars, revealing a little mystery and tranquility.

Then he took out the 'Yanyu Motorcycle' and left without looking back.

Terry looked at Tu Yan's back as he left, shook his head, turned around and said to Ao Fang.

"Ao Fang, how can you say that? Why are you targeting Tu Yan so much?"

"Terry, have I known you for a long time, or has he known you for a long time? I can tell at a glance that he must be scared and ran away." Ao Fang said angrily.

Then he secretly glanced at Heerlen, wanting to see what Heerlen's expression was.

But unfortunately, Heerlen was in a trance, her mind was full of how to defeat Du Shaliang, and she had no idea what was happening in front of her.

And Heerlen's absent-minded look made Ao Fang mistakenly think that it was support and encouragement for what he had just done.

"Miss Heerlen, believe me, I, Ao Fang, will definitely protect you well."

Seizing the opportunity and showing courtesy have always been the highest rule for Ao Fang to pick up girls.

'Ah? Oh, thank you. ' Heerlen answered blankly.

The meeting ended unhappily, and everyone had their own calculations in their hearts.

As for Ao Fang? He had only one thought in his mind.

'Oh, the twelve generals? Du Shaliang? Look, I will lead dozens of elite soldiers to pin her to the ground and kill her! '

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