The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 60: A set of operations as fierce as a tiger

Tu Yan's lips were pale, but he still pressed his lips tightly.

After coughing a few times, he stretched out his left hand and pulled the switch cord of the death chainsaw on his right hand.

The "rumbling" sound of the chainsaw was masked by the screams of the rhinoceros.

But the people nearby only heard the sound of the chainsaw that sounded like the whisper of death!

"Up, 9527!\

,""Okay, although I can't completely analyze it, the weakness of the rhinoceros is the rhino horn!"

"Although that is the hardest part, as long as it can be cut off, the rhinoceros will definitely die!"


Tu Yan, who was about to launch an attack, suddenly stopped.

"Well, how do I get up there?"

"Fire Hell Motorcycle, you died too many times and your brain became stupid?" 9527's tone revealed an impatient tone.

"Oh fine."

Hell motorcycle!

Just when people nearby were wondering why Tu Yan took out a motorcycle, his next performance shocked everyone.

When you get on a motorcycle, the tires of the motorcycle disappear and turn into steam.

With Tu Yan's control, the Flame Prison Motorcycle formed a ninety-degree right angle with the ground.

Tighten the accelerator, release the handbrake, and the Flame Hell Motorcycle goes "buzz~buzz~buzz" and rushes towards the sky!

"In a vertical situation, the Flame Hell Motorcycle should be able to fly to about fifteen meters, but it may not be able to reach its head and be ready to land."

"Damn, you didn't fucking tell me earlier!"

Before he could say anything, the Flame Prison Motorcycle used its super propulsion force to reach the 'fifteen meters height' mentioned by 9527 in an instant.

Tu Yan was about to fall slowly due to gravity.

So he quickly threw away the Flame Hell Motorcycle and used his bouncing power to jump onto Rhinohorn Niuhuang's back.

Although Rhinohorn Niuhuang felt like there was something on his back.

But it didn't intend to bother with it either.

Because it has come to the wall.

Now all it takes is a little acceleration to break through this abominable wall in front of us!

But the severe pain came again!

I saw Tu Yan yelling, "Those below! Get out of the way!"

Then he raised the death chainsaw and cut it down hard!

Although it couldn't penetrate Rhinoceros Huang's thick skin, the chainsaw was still turning.

Tu Yan tried his best and finally inserted the chainsaw completely!

Suddenly blood splattered and flesh and blood were blurred!

Rhinoceros Huang roared in pain, staggered, and almost fell over.

In a panic, they also trampled to death several mourning beasts and several Nath Eastern soldiers.

Tu Yan held on to the Death God's chainsaw tightly to avoid being thrown off by Rhinohorn Niuhuang.

After the rhinoceros famine subsided, Tu Yan continued to move forward.

But he only felt a cold sensation on his back and a heartbreaking pain.

He looked back in disbelief.

It turned out to be a bird beast with wings.

Mourning Beast: Two-winged Beast

Level: 20

Strength: 75

HP: 6000

Defense: 35

Speed: 60

Skills: Flying Sting, Frost Missile

Belongs to: Mourning Beast

Status: Source of infection

Although it is a bird with wings, its head is more like a fish head.

But its mouth was still pointed, and it was precisely because of this long, pointed mouth that it gave Tu Yan a chill.

Although he was attacked by surprise, Tu Yan was still very lucky.

After all, this two-winged beast killed itself directly so that it would not be infected into a zombie.

Resurrected again, plus the time when he was trampled to death by the rhinoceros just now.

Tu Yan had died six times during this period.

This was also the first time Tu Yan died so many times.

I originally thought I would pass out because I couldn't bear the pain.

But maybe because his level as a warrior has improved, the number of deaths he can accept has gradually increased.

But pain is unavoidable no matter how many times we go together!

The resurrected Tu Yan took out the Desert Eagle and fired seven shots in succession, killing the two-winged beast directly.

The two-winged beast was still confused before dying.

His sharp mouth pierced a hole in this human species.

How could he kill him so vividly in the blink of an eye?

When Tu Yan saw that the two-winged beast was lifeless, he put the Desert Eagle's gun to his mouth.

Handsome blew away the white smoke that appeared from the hot muzzle.

Then he bent down, lowered his center of gravity, and continued walking on Rhinoceros Huang's back.

Slowly move forward towards the head and neck of Rhinohorn Niuhuang.

He was also merciless, turning on the death chainsaw, placing the chainsaw on the back of the rhinoceros, and dragging the chainsaw forward.

Although it can't break its defense, it's good to be able to disgust it.

After walking a few steps, Tu Yan climbed over several folds of skin and came to the head of Rhinohorn Niu Huang.

At the same time, I also saw the walled platform not far away, and I could even see the frightened expressions on the platform!

The giant horn of Rhinoceros Wilderness is already close at hand, and is about to smash the wall!

When Tu Yan saw this, he quickly accelerated and ran, jumped into the air with a big jump!

Many people on the platform saw Tu Yan's leap.

Heerlen also saw it.

She had just felt Rhinoceros Niuhuang's heavy breathing, and was being controlled by huge fear.

Seeing the flying Tu Yan, his eyes lit up, as if stars appeared.

Tu Yan shouted loudly, held the Death Chainsaw tightly in his right hand, and took out several clay bombs with his left hand.

Throwing it with his left hand first, all the clay bombs were stuck on the huge rhinoceros horn!

Then he grabbed the handle of the Death Chainsaw with his left hand.

Flipping in the air!

The extremely high strength points created a miracle!

He used all his strength to push his body down, ignoring gravity, and did a somersault in the air!

"Cheat! Rotating chainsaw blade!"

Like a rolling spiked iron ball, the "buzzing" sound of the chainsaw also turned into the low hum of the god of death in this roll!


Hard-to-hard! Strong-to-strong!

Fire splashed!

The Death Chainsaw rarely paused, and Tu Yan also stopped flipping, just standing there.

The previous clay bombs also played a role, and exploded with a rumble!

Although the giant horn could not be completely destroyed, the damage was real! The five-meter-long and three-meter-thick rhino horn had a few cracks!

"Ouch! Ahhhh! Who is it!"

Rhinoceros Niu Huang cried in pain and fell to the ground, directly crushing a zombie and drowning a beastman.

Rhinoceros Niu Huang shook his head wildly, and Tu Yan, who had no foothold, was thrown down directly!

He quickly flipped his body in the air and threw the Death Chainsaw.

He took out a long, black and thick weapon.

It was Barrett's Black Katie Flame!

At the same time, Tu Yan was also falling to the ground quickly!

"9527, coordinates." Tu Yan turned his back to the ground, his whole body was horizontal with the ground, and the muzzle was aimed at the rhino horn.

"Directly in front, slightly southeast." 9527 analyzed calmly.

" it." Tu Yan took a deep breath and shouted while falling at high speed.

"Flame Roar!"

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