
A loud bang!

The roar of Barrett's Black Cati Flame shook the valley!

But this golden-orange bullet did not penetrate the rhino horn directly, it was just embedded in it!

But then a red bow and arrow shot out from the wall platform!

After turning a corner in the air, he flew towards the direction of the bullet!

It turns out to be Heerlen!

Everyone on the walled platform was concerned about Tu Yan falling from the sky.

But only Heerlen knew that it didn't matter if Tu Yan fell to his death, after seeing him take out his sniper rifle.

It is also the "bow fighting technique" that can be used to control the direction with quick eyesight and quick hands!

As the saying goes, men and women match each other and work is not tiring!

With the help of bows and arrows, bullets flowed in!

It exploded right in the middle of the giant horn!

He even blew up half of Rhinoceros Niuhuang’s face!

Tu Yan also accelerated his falling speed under the powerful recoil of the sniper rifle.

He landed with a "boom" and broke several bones.

I don’t know if it’s because of the 60% increase in all attributes, but Tu Yan’s poor 2-point defense is bolstered by “death superposition”.

It actually protected Tu Yan from falling to death.

And what happened to the rhinoceros whose entire giant horn was blown away?

The miserable screams were deafening.

Staggering back a few steps, Rhinohorn Niuhuang's huge body hit the ground.

It was a pity that the dozens of mourning beasts next to it were crushed to death.

Tu Yan has also been promoted to two levels in a row. It seems that this rhino horn has completely ended his life.

Tu Yan endured the severe pain and stood up.

At this moment, he felt extremely warm all over.

A halo of light enveloped him.

It turned out that Heerlen, who was on the wall platform, saw that Tu Yan was not dead, so he quickly used the floating technique to make Tu Yan lift up to the platform.

After crossing the fence, several medical staff quickly took over Tu Yan and prepared to treat him.

But Tu Yan quickly stretched out his hand and said loudly, "No! It's been six times! It hurts too much!"

The medical staff around him were stunned, but Heerlen, who had already picked up the knife next to him, nodded.

She also knew what Tu Yan meant and quickly put down the knife.

Let the medical staff help Tu Yan to go for treatment.

All races on the platform looked at Tu Yan with great admiration and gratitude.

I don’t know who started it, but a cry of “Long live Tu Yan” rang out.

With one call and a hundred responses, everyone cheered "Long live Tu Yan".

Tu Yan also blushed rarely. He had never seen such a scene of stars holding the moon.

Tu Yan, who was helped to the side, also accepted the treatment with peace of mind.

The long-range troops on the platform also continued to launch attacks under the command of Heerlen.

The balance on the battlefield gradually tilted towards Nat's Eastern Army.

After all... this time the Legion of Shou Beasts can be said to be a typical representative of fighting in a nest.

First, Du Shaliang used his strongest skills on Tu Yan in order to eliminate the root cause.

And in the annihilation of this "Heaven and Earth Killing Wave", hundreds of mourning beasts all died!

The rhinoceros was killed and fell heavily to the ground, killing dozens of other beasts.

If calculated carefully, the number of beasts killed by Nat's Eastern Army may not be as many as those of the two "double warriors" above.

The death of Rhinoceros became a turning point in the war.

All the melee personnel also launched attacks on the surviving mourning beasts under Terry's cheers.

The fighting continued until the sun set that afternoon.

After Hicks sprayed out 'Toxin Bite', the last mournful beast finally fell to the ground and died.

Cheers of victory broke out.

All races could not help but hug each other, celebrating this hard-won victory together.

The twin snake demon Hicks slid towards the silver werewolf Terry with a sad look on his face.

He was still looking depressed at first, but when he saw the crowd cheering for victory, his mood gradually became heightened.

"Hey, Terry, can I give you a hug?" Hicks asked lightly.

Terry seemed to have noticed something.

He looked at the bloody fighting comrade in front of him with some regret and distress, and stretched out his thick arm.

"Come on, you stinking snake, is it great to have two heads? It's not like you don't have hands to hug."

After saying that, Terry hugged Hicks tightly.

The twin snake demon Hicks was also wrapped around Terry, with tears oozing out of his cold eyes.

"Thanks, stinky werewolf, I'll leave the monsters here to you."

"Yeah." Terry, who was like a big man, also shed hot tears.

Then he took a deep breath, suppressed his grief, stretched out his claws and ended Hicks' life!

It turned out that Hicks had broken his defense during the battle with the mourning beasts and had wounds on his body.

At the same time, he was also infected with the virus that turned him into a zombie.

After ending the life of the last lost beast, Hicks noticed that mutations began to appear in his body.

Soon, he will become a walking zombie.

He didn't want to end his sentence like this, nor did he want to turn into a zombie and attack his former companions.

Although he is a cold-blooded animal, he still cherishes the memory of fighting with his comrades.

So he found the silver werewolf Terry, and Terry also discovered the vision from his expression.

For the sake of the overall situation, he had no choice but to kill.

After burying Hicks properly, Terry also gathered the melee forces on the ground.

Then, with the help of the elves on the wall, he slowly returned to the wall platform with the help of levitation.

Although the Natdong Army won this battle, the casualties were very huge.

Especially the beastmen, demons and humans who were melee fighters.

More than a hundred people went to the expedition, but only dozens of people came back.

Although the long-range troops were in a better situation, they also suffered nearly half of the casualties.

The main reason was the massacre caused by the infection of zombies and the appearance of zombies in their companions.

The joy after the victory was not too strong. Everyone basically had a sad face, after all, the loss was too heavy.

There is still a more interesting phenomenon.

That is, the casualties of the soldier camp brought by Tu Yan and Heerlen will not be too tragic.

It’s not because the soldier camp is greedy for life and afraid of death.

It’s because of the ‘full set of bulletproof vests’ provided by Tu Yan!

Not only does it increase the defense points, but it can also be immune to a fatal infection.

After a few days of preparation, Tu Yan also has dozens of these "bulletproof vests".

It is also thanks to the role of boxing gloves and bulletproof vests that the survival rate of the human race in the soldier camp is so high.

Terry also discovered this strange point when he was repairing the troops.

But he also knew that the human race in the soldier camp was very brave and good at fighting, but why was the casualty rate so low?

Just when he was puzzled.

A voice came from behind him.

"Terry, cooperate."

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