Tu Yan had no time to react.

He always felt as if there was a living creature around him, but his attention was also attracted by the zombie.

That's why he was attacked by the black shadow.

"Huh? Such weak defense? Tell me, boy, who are you?" The black shadow was strong, but wearing a black cloak, and there was no way to know his specific identity.

"Brother, I was stabbed by you. I was almost dead, and you still asked me"

Tu Yan said weakly.

"Then go to hell, I don't care which territory you are from, this is my territory!"

Then the cloaked man pulled the short knife horizontally and pulled it out!

If there was a surgeon present at this time, he would definitely admire the cloaked man's familiarity with the human body structure.

Because the place where the short knife in the cloaked man's hand was inserted, the direction of the horizontal pull was exactly the aorta of the heart!

With this knife, within five seconds, he will definitely die due to excessive bleeding!

After doing all this, the cloaked man came to the zombie in front of him.

With a precise cut, the zombie's head was cut off directly!

"Stinky zombie, what if you crush my potion later!"

"Heh, young man" After dealing with the zombie, the cloaked man returned to Tu Yan again, squatted down, and said while looking at Tu Yan's body.

"You can only blame me for breaking into my territory, although I have been watching you when you came in."

The cloaked man sighed, as if he didn't want to kill Tu Yan, but it was really a decision he couldn't make.

At this moment!

Just when the cloaked man was endlessly sad!

Tu Yan suddenly stood up, took advantage of the cloaked man's unpreparedness, and took his knife and put it on his neck!

"How is it possible! Why didn't you die!" The cloaked man looked at Tu Yan, who suddenly came to life, as if he was looking at a ghost.

"With that little attack, can you defeat me?" Tu Yan sneered.

"No! In terms of the amount of blood loss of your human race, you will definitely die just now!"

The cloaked man said with full confidence.

"Human race?" Tu Yan frowned slightly. Generally speaking, only other races would call human race "you". Could it be that the cloaked man in front of him is not a human?

Tu Yan thought of this, holding the knife in his right hand to continue threatening the cloaked man, and then lifted the cloak with his left hand.

"Uh, beastman? Why are you beastmen here?" Tu Yan asked in confusion.

In Tu Yan's impression, beastmen are all rough and rough, how could they come to the hospital.

The beastman in front of him is a fox head with white hair, a white fox man!

"Hehe, why can't beastmen appear here, young man, before I die, can you tell me why you can't die!" The white fox man stared at Tu Yan indifferently.

"Uh, I told you, that amount of bleeding is not enough to kill you." Tu Yan explained again.

Of course Tu Yan died, but he was resurrected again.

But he couldn't explain his ability as a warrior to someone who didn't know his roots.

Besides, this white fox man didn't say anything when he met him, and stabbed him with a knife!

If Tu Yan hadn't wanted to keep him to ask about vitamins A and D. And type O blood, he would have killed him with a knife!

"Impossible! The knife I stabbed at you just now has already stabbed your aorta, blood vessels, and heart! No matter how high your defense is, you will definitely die!"

The white fox man insisted on his own opinion, as if he had forgotten the knife Tu Yan had put on his neck.

"Uh, you beastmen know the body structure of human race so well?"

Tu Yan was very confused. His death just now was indeed caused by heavy bleeding.

But the one in front of him is not a human surgeon, he is an beastman from another planet!

"Hehe, not only human race, but also the seven major races, and even the body structure of the zombies. I also know a lot! I am the greatest priest on the Savage Star!"


"In the words of your Earth, it is a doctor, and an all-round doctor. I know all the internal and external medicine of Western medicine and the physical therapy of Chinese medicine!"

Tu Yan twitched the corner of his mouth. He couldn't believe what the white fox man in front of him said, so he asked.

"Um, dragon species, you know? What's their average body temperature? Oh, body temperature is that..."

Tu Yan was worried that the beastmen would not understand the definition of 'body temperature', and was about to explain it.

The white fox spoke first.

"According to your Earth, it is Celsius, and for humans, it is 36.6 degrees Celsius, and for dragon species, I converted it to 49.5 degrees Celsius."

Tu Yan was stunned when he said this.

The white fox measured the same temperature as Tu Yan at the beginning, and was even more accurate than Tu Yan to one decimal point!

"Well, if a dragon species is now hot all over and the temperature is 55 degrees Celsius, what happened?"

Tu Yan tried to tell the little lizard's situation to see if the 'priest' in front of him was really a 'doctor'.

"It's similar to the fever of Earth species, but there are still some differences. At this time, bloodletting is done first, and then treatment is done."

"What if vitamin A, D and type O blood are used?"

"Vitamin A? Oh! It's written in the book I just saw. I don't recommend doing this. Although it will get better, it will take a long time."

After all, 9527 is just an artificial intelligence, which requires a lot of data for calculation, and it does not have the data of the dragon species on hand.

For the little lizard, the only option is to ‘give it a try’.

So the treatment plan is naturally not as detailed and thoughtful as the white fox man who claims to be an ‘all-round doctor’.

“Can you treat it? I have a dragon cub with a fever here. Can you help me take a look?”

At this point, Tu Yan also put down the short knife in his hand and looked at the white fox man sincerely.

After saying this.

The white fox man was stunned in place.

His face was full of disbelief, as if Tu Yan was playing a huge joke.

“Are you sure about this?”

The white fox man, who was originally fluent and confident, seemed to be timid, and his tone was soft, even with a hint of fear, suspicion, and terror.

Tu Yan, who was too excited, did not notice the white fox man’s inappropriateness, and nodded quickly.

"Let's go now without further delay?"

"Wait, I still have a lot of things to get in this hospital, books, medicines and the like."

"No problem, I'll help you, I have a space backpack."

Then they were busy and chatting.

During the chat, we learned that this white fox man had been staying here since he traveled to Earth.

He was originally a priest, and was very interested in places like hospitals. He read all kinds of medical books here crazily. He was also a genius, and he learned everything by himself.

He absorbed all the medical knowledge on Earth into his brain.

As for why he wanted to kill Tu Yan as soon as he met?

Because for the white fox man, this hospital was his territory, and Tu Yan's entry was already an act of invasion.

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