After hearing this explanation, Tu Yan was helpless. Fortunately, he was immortal.

He could not die, so he had a chance to have a good talk with the white fox who was killing people.

After Tu Yan entered the hospital, the white fox had been secretly observing him.

The white fox would not fight a battle without confidence. He was very clever to hide in the dark, waiting for Tu Yan to use his ability as a warrior.

After encountering zombies, the ability to control the situation of "I can't see you" was naturally thought to be Tu Yan's ability by the white fox.

So he attacked Tu Yan at that time!

"So why didn't you die from excessive bleeding just now?" Mark stopped his action and asked Tu Yan.

Mark was the name of the white fox.

"Well, I'll tell you when the little lizard is saved." Tu Yan said with a smile.

At this time, he just wanted to save the little lizard first.

He also knew that if he told Mark about his immortal body, Mark would definitely ask to dissect himself at the first time!

"Okay then." Mark could only shrug his shoulders and agree.

Mark had already taken off his cloak.

When Tu Yan saw Mark's body, he didn't really believe that he was a beastman.

He had also seen many beastmen, and Mark was the thinnest one he had ever seen.

If Mark hadn't said it, he might have thought Mark was a cosplay of a human.

With white fur all over his body, Mark didn't have the cunning impression of a fox.

Instead, he had an inexplicable and unfathomable feeling.

He also wore a single lens on his neck, like a magnifying glass.

He was also dressed very simply, and in a white coat, he looked like a doctor on Earth.

The most peculiar thing was his tail. Originally, a fox only had one tail, but he had three white fluffy tails.

Tu Yan also persisted for a long time before he controlled himself from touching Mark's tail.

After a long time of cleaning up, the two of them finished cleaning up.

It was already midnight.

Tu Yan didn't say anything. He quickly took out the Yanyu motorcycle, handed the motorcycle helmet to Mark, and then stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards 9527 and the little lizard.

Humans often have an illusion.

That is, when going to a place, it is very slow, but when coming back, it is very fast.

In a short while, Tu Yan arrived at the original place.

After putting away the Yanyu motorcycle, Mark grabbed Tu Yan's clothes.

"That. Tu Yan, can I tell you a story while walking?" Mark's voice trembled a little.


"The story is like this."

Once upon a time.

There was an unsociable beastman on the Savage Star.

Other beastmen's daily life is exercise, fighting, and hunting.

Reading? Learning? Knowledge?

These do not exist.

But it is such a beastman. His favorite time every day is reading books, picking herbs, and even taking out a sharp knife to dissect the bodies of various prey.

Therefore, he was excluded everywhere on the Savage Star.

No orcs were willing to play with him.

He could only stay in his home all day, constantly studying various corpses and herbs.

When one day, the zombies invaded and the planes merged.

The beastmen rose up to resist for their homes.

But under the powerful zombies, they were defeated step by step.

And this orc who liked reading and dissecting corpses volunteered to contribute to his country and his planet.

But no one cared about him, they all thought that this orc had no fighting power.

In the end, this orc could only become a corpse collector.

It was during this time that he came into contact with corpses of many races.

He had nothing to do and was not reused, so he had to continue to immerse himself in the fun of dissecting corpses and getting more medical knowledge.

And he also accidentally crossed to the earth again.

"So, this beastman is you? Mark."

Tu Yan asked after listening to Mark's story patiently.

"How do you know this?"

"Even if you are an orc doctor, you are still an orc. Your mind is too straightforward. I know your story is about yourself."

"Oh, is that so?"

"So, what do you want to express?"

"Well, brother Tu Yan, I really have no experience in treating others, and my compatriots have always looked down on me. Even rejected me."

At this point, Mark's throat trembled. That memory hit his confidence many times.

"I don't know if I am just talking on paper, and I don't know if I can save the life of a giant dragon."

Hearing this, Tu Yan turned around and blocked Mark's way forward.

He patted Mark's shoulders heavily with both hands.

He said earnestly.

"Mark, this is Earth, and this may be the only plane that can accept you."

"Here, knowledge is the most important thing. We will respect anyone who knows medicine."

"Everything has a first time. Just go and treat it. No matter what, I believe in you."

Tu Yan's tone was extremely sincere.

He knew that what Mark needed most at this time was encouragement.

Sure enough, after hearing Tu Yan's words, Mark's expression improved a lot.

The two of them also came to the tent.

After a brief introduction, Mark and 9527 also got to know each other.

9527 was still cautious. It had obtained the blood DNA of the little lizard, so it asked Mark some questions about the dragon species.

After confirming that it was fine, it agreed to let Mark treat the little lizard.

The treatment process was nothing more than bleeding the little lizard, and then feeding the little lizard some highly toxic items such as arsenic and red-crowned cranes!

Originally, Tu Yan was still confused.

But after hearing what Mark said, 9527 actually showed an expression of enlightenment.

Then a white fox and an artificial intelligence actually left Tu Yan aside and talked to themselves.

Tu Yan was still listening to their conversation, but gradually found that it was all profound professional terms, such as heart bridge, kidney problems, etc.

He became more and more sleepy as he listened, just like listening to the math teacher's lecture in elementary school, and fell asleep directly.

When he woke up again, it was already the next morning.

Then Mark and 9527 were still chatting!

"Well, you guys don't sleep?" Tu Yan shook his head.

"Master Mark, he's awake, you can try."

9527 actually spoke to Mark in a very respectful tone!

Before Tu Yan could react to what the word "try" meant.

Mark moved and rushed towards Tu Yan. With a knife, he cut off one of Tu Yan's arms!

Then he stabbed horizontally, hitting his heart!

"Fuck you"

After saying this, Tu Yan closed his eyes and died again.

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