"Why?" Tu Yan asked confused.

He didn't understand why Mark was so excited.

During the day they met, Mark gave him the impression of being calm and calm.

Only when I see medical-related knowledge, I will be extremely excited.

"There is a mourning beast and twelve generals there!"

Mark said excitedly.

"What! Twelve generals of mourning beasts!"

Tu Yan swallowed his saliva. The shock that the twelve generals 'Du Shaliang' brought to Tu Yan still remained in his heart.

At that time, Tu Yan had tried his best, but still couldn't defeat Du Shaliang.

"Is it Du Shaliang?" Tu Yan asked with twitching corners of his mouth.

"No, I have met Du Shaliang. The twelve generals guarding the Twin Stars TV Tower are definitely not Du Shaliang, but so what! As long as they are twelve generals, they are extremely terrifying existences!"

Mark said excitedly.

Immediately, Mark also talked about the Twin Towers in detail.

It turned out that Mark had also left the hospital in search of food.

But being unfamiliar with Quan'an Mansion and the earth, Mark quickly got lost in the streets.

He didn't know where to go to find food.

So aimlessly, he walked to the Twin Towers!

At that time, a huge black shadow slid across the sky, causing Mark to freeze on the spot.

That sense of power, that sense of compulsion, that kind of world-destroying energy!

It could only be the Twelve Generals of the Mourning Beast!

"I saw Dussarian's true form on the Savage Star, so the creature flying in the air is definitely not Dussarian."

After hearing what Mark said, Tu Yan swallowed.

If there really are twelve generals over there at the Twin Towers.

Do you still want to go?

At this time, Tu Yan kept asking about his heart.


You can’t die anyway!

What are you afraid of!

"It's okay! I can't die! And I have death superposition. The more I die, the stronger I will be!"

Tu Yan looked at Mark with extremely firm eyes. If he looked carefully, he could see that red fireworks seemed to be glowing in Tu Yan's black pupils!

As if feeling Tu Yan's courage, the little lizard that was drinking porridge let out a dragon roar!

"Haha. Okay! When I was on the Savage Star, I asked to fight again and again! But none of my compatriots agreed with me. Brother Tu Yan, you are the first one to agree with my medical skills! I will give you this life Come on, let’s go to the Twelve General’s lair together!”

Mark seemed to be ignited by Tu Yan's emotions. His posture didn't look like a doctor at all, but more like a warrior!

"No, just let Tu Yan take the field for the battle. Mark, you just need to follow Tu Yan and prepare to use your superb medical skills as backup."

9527 still analyzed calmly.

At the same time, they snapped their fingers and a map projection appeared in front of them.

"This is the Gemini map. I will explain it roughly so that you two can understand it. Then Mark, go to bed immediately after listening. At noon, it is time to take action."

Afterwards, 9527 began to explain the structure of Gemini.

In order to facilitate Mark, an orc, it also used some relatively simple terms to explain what elevators, fire hydrants, basements, etc. are.

After explaining it in detail, Mark quickly went to take a rest.

By noon, everything was ready.

Mark also put on a 'full body armor'.

Now that he is out and about, Tu Yan naturally has stock of body armor.

When he handed the body armor to Mark, for some reason, Tu Yan's back appeared in Tu Yan's mind.

He pursed his lips and made a decision silently.

That is this kind of complete body armor. He can only give it to individuals in the future and cannot give it to other groups.

He wanted to save it until the next time he saw Heerlen, so that he could give it to her 'Guardian Alliance'.

Riding on the Flame Hell motorcycle, one person, one beast, one dragon and one AI, galloped towards the center of Quan'an Mansion.

After driving for almost half an hour, 9527 Tu Yan quickly stopped the car.

"We can almost only get here. There are ruins in front of us. We are fighting alone. It is best to only face the twelve generals. It will be bad if we attract too many zombies and beasts."

At 9527's signal, Tu Yan and Mark also bent down and walked carefully towards the direction of the Twin Stars TV Tower.

They happened to come to Quan'an Avenue.

Quan'an Avenue is the main road of the entire Quan'an Prefecture.

It runs straight across from south to north.

It can be said that it runs through the entire Quan'an Mansion.

The Twin Stars TV Tower happens to be in the center, on Quan'an Avenue.

Looking straight along this avenue, the Twin Towers are right in front of you!

The Twin Towers, as the name suggests, are landmark buildings composed of two towers.

It is about 999 meters high, but only half of its height is left at this time.

Because its two spires were cut off and fell to the ground without anyone handling them.

In this apocalyptic world, many buildings have experienced this situation.

It was like a ruin.

Tu Yan squinted his eyes and looked at the Twin Stars TV Tower from a distance.

He also felt a powerful force inside, which was very similar to Du Shaliang.

Perhaps because of his contact with Du Shaliang, he was very familiar with this feeling.

But this power seems to be a bit weaker than Dussaliang.

Just as Tu Yan was thinking about it, Mark pulled his clothes and whispered.

"Hey, Tu Yan, there seem to be a few zombies on the second floor over there."

Mark pointed to the commercial building next to him. Although the foundation of this commercial building was not damaged much, it was also constantly emitting black smoke.


Tu Yan nodded silently, took out the Desert Eagle and a black silencer from the space backpack!

This silencer was specially developed by 9527.

It is much more useful than other silencers on Earth.

Not only does it increase the damage a little, but it also eliminates 90% of the sound!

After installing the silencer on the Desert Eagle, Tu Yan turned around and said to Mark.

"Mark, look."




Fire three shots in a row.

Every shot hit the head.

Zombies? Die!

Although the Desert Eagle no longer has the sense of security of the past 'bang'.

But that 'biu' 'biu' was full of maturity and peace of mind.

Then Tu Yan handed the Desert Eagle to the white fox Mark.

After all, as an orc, Mark was really bad at long-range combat, and he was always immersed in books, so he was not very good at close combat.

Tu Yan had to teach Mark how to use firearms with great patience.

After firing dozens of shots, Mark gradually became proficient.

When Mark used the Desert Eagle to headshot an orc zombie for the first time, he whispered excitedly.

"Tu Yan, over there! There seem to be a few people!" The direction Mark pointed was exactly under the Twin Towers!

"What?" Tu Yan also looked over.

When he saw who was coming, Tu Yan just wanted to curse in his heart, "Fuck you".

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