It turned out that there was also a group of people not far away.

It was the group of young masters of Tianshui Villa, and the bald man from before was also among them.

There were about a dozen of them, walking struttingly on the avenue, as if they were not afraid of the zombie attacks.

When Tu Yan saw the young village master, he even touched the 'Barrett's Black Cati Flame' in his space backpack.

I plan to kill the young village owner with just one shot!

Now that he was no longer at Tianshui Villa and came to the outside world, Tu Yan, who got the chance, planned to tease the young owner of the village.

Just as Tu Yan was thinking about how to teach the young village owner a lesson.

The voice of 9527 came.

"I don't recommend taking the initiative to provoke him. We don't know if there are any minions of Tianshui Villa nearby. It would be a very bad thing for us if we alert him."

When Tu Yan heard this, he took a deep breath, pursed his lips, and finally made a decision.

"Okay, Mark, let's take a detour. If they dare to come and provoke us, they will be killed without mercy!"

After saying that, Tu Yan took Mark and rushed into a nearby building.

Inside is a messy living room, which looks like it should be a commercial building.

There were several mourning beasts in front of him, Tu Yan said softly

‘I can’t see you! ’

All the mournful beasts fell down, and stars were spinning on their heads.

Forced silence and dizziness for three seconds!

This is a terrible ability.

The Desert Eagle in Mark's hand also fired seven bullets quickly.

Coupled with the violent hammering of the Tuyan mace.

These mournful beasts were quickly dealt with.

"Let's go! Let's climb the stairs!"

Tu Yan took Mark to the area on the tenth floor.

The ruins and gravel along the way could not stop Tu Yan and Mark's footsteps.

"Okay, let's jump over here and walk about five buildings. It should be fine."

Tu Yan pointed in the direction of the window.

The distance between this building and the building opposite is almost twenty meters.

If it was Tu Yan in the past, he would not have had such courage, because it was simply impossible to do it!

But with the attributes of a capable warrior, Tu Yan only felt like a little superman!

His speed value is already thirty-five points!

Now it’s up to Mark.

Mark squinted his eyes and estimated the success rate of jumping from this window to the other side.

"OK, no problem."

Just do it.

Tu Yan was the first. He took dozens of steps back, then accelerated and rushed over!

Jump over it!

Just like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate!

‘Boom’ sound!

Landed successfully?

How can it be.

Tu Yan jumped from the window on the tenth floor, and following the gravity, he only reached the window on the ninth floor.

Fortunately, Tu Yan reacted quickly and quickly stretched out his hand to grab the window.

"Tu Yan, just climb up to the rooftop, stand high and see far, so I can collect data."

9527 suddenly reminded.

"Then I can't go inside and climb the stairs?" Tu Yan looked up and found that this building rarely had more than twenty floors.

Want to climb up the outer wall yourself?

It will be very tiring.

"Okay, but I'm worried that there will be people from Tianshui Villa inside."

"OK, fine."

Then, Tu Yan looked back at Mark and typed a code word with his fingers, indicating that he was going to climb up now.

Let Mark stay in this building and see if he can go up the stairs.

The two made an appointment to meet on the rooftop.

In this way, Tu Yan was like Spider-Man, using his strong biceps to climb hard.

The gaps in bricks, the edges of windows, and even smooth surfaces are all Tu Yan's footholds.

Fortunately, Tu Yan's power points were very terrifying.

He even doubted that he could completely break away from gravity and use the power of his feet to walk directly up!

That’s right! Walk up like it's 90 degrees perpendicular to the ground!

‘Stop daydreaming, the power to escape gravity exists, but it is not something you can have now. ’

9527 seemed to see Tu Yan’s lust.

Interrupting him expressionlessly.

"Okay." Tu Yan had no choice but to continue climbing up like a gecko.

It took ten minutes.

Tu Yan finally reached the rooftop on the 20th floor, out of breath.

"You use your sniper rifle's magnifying glass to stare at the Twin Towers."

"Let me look around."

After that, 9527, who turned into a blue projection villain, started walking around along the rooftop wall.

It was as if he could see through all the arrangements with his fiery eyes.

And Mark also came to the rooftop of the building opposite.

Back up to boost, accelerate and run, and jump!

As a beastman, Mark's physical fitness is much better than that of Tu Yan, a human race, even if he doesn't exercise or fight regularly.

At least Mark wasn't as embarrassed as Tu Yan. He jumped to the rooftop very smoothly.

Tu Yan carefully held the sniper rifle's magnifying glass as a telescope.

Go through all the suspicious places one by one.

Like a qualified sniper.

After a while, 9527 had figured out the situation nearby.

"Okay, come here."

Tu Yan and Mark also put down what they were doing and came to 9527.

9527 also created another satellite simulation map.

"This is not good. There must be something weird going on in the Twin Towers."

"The closer we get to the Twin Towers, the more zombies there will be."

"There is no way to sneak in."

"Forget it. I don't know if Tianshui Villa has any plans. Their large troops are also nearby, and they also have uniform uniforms."

"But there is another force. Their clothes are very different from Tianshui Villa, and most of them are not human."

"It should be the survivor camp north of Quan'an Mansion."

"The most important thing is that there seems to be a dispute between the two large camps in the north and the east. There have been several fights!"

When 9527 finished speaking, Tu Yan also frowned and carefully analyzed the information in its words.

"In other words, there is a conflict between the two camps, and zombies and beasts are also distributed in layers?"

"Yes, let's change our tactics. The possibility of sneaking in is already very low. Let's see if we can use these two camps."


"Yes, let these two camps be used as bait to trigger a war, and we can sneak in! Even if it doesn't work, it can help us attract some firepower."

"Then what should we do?" Tu Yan suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Information, and fast!" Then 9527 looked at Tu Yan.

"Huh? Information, I can understand this, but it's fast."

"Heerlen is not here, can't you take the initiative? Mark, come on, push Tu Yan down!"

9527 needs more information, as soon as possible.

Naturally, there was no time for Tu Yan to climb down layer by layer.

"I will do it myself!"

Tu Yan said angrily, he knew this would definitely happen!

Opening his arms and standing on the rooftop more than 20 stories high, Tu Yan closed his eyes in fear and jumped to feel the speed of the wind!

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