The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 92 Entrusted by Long Zhihua

"How did you do it?"

Tu Yan stretched his neck and asked excitedly.

"After Fei Yan died, the protective cover of the transmission device disappeared, but after my calculation, with your strength, you still can't destroy it."

"Then I hacked into the system inside. How should I put it? If this group of zombies has its own planet, then I can only say that their technological level is about the same as that of the earth in the 18th century."

9527 said sarcastically, as if the group of zombies was like kindergarten students in front of 9527.

"It was easy to hack in, and I got a lot of information."

"Not bad, but it's a pity that you don't have to eat, otherwise I must prepare a hearty meal for you!"

Tu Yan laughed heartily.

Margaret is fine now, and she also got the 'Anti-Toxin Qing'. The transmission device is also broken.

This time, the battle of Quan'an Prefecture can be said to be fruitful.

But when Tu Yan looked at the ruins of the city next to him, he couldn't help but sigh deeply.

"How many people will be sacrificed to drive all the zombies out of the earth?"

"Forget it, let's find a place to stay first. Hey, people from Tianshui Villa, help us lead the way."

Tu Yan stood up and stretched his hands and feet.

Let the guards of the owner of Zhou Villa lead the way.

As for the tied up owner of Zhou Villa, Tu Yan planned to wait until Margaret woke up before making a decision.

These guards also helped to support Mark who was sleeping.

As for Margaret? Of course, Tu Yan carried her on his back. He was very worried about the group of guards with lustful eyes.

Walking along.

The pits and potholes were all ruins.

It was full of smoke and only a few people were still walking around, looking like they were looking for something.

The war had been over for a day and a night, but no one had been able to organize and lead any post-war affairs.

Tu Yan came to the office of Tianshui Villa with a heavy heart.

Thinking back, I came here directly when I arrived at Quan'an Mansion.

Unexpectedly, things have changed.

So many things have happened in just a few days.

"Where is Long Zhihua?"

Tu Yan asked the guard who was narrating.

"Report to the lord, in the medical tent over there."

"Okay, find a place for this orc to sleep, and then stand Master Zhou here, let him also experience the feeling of being exposed to the sun."

Then, Tu Yan carried Margaret on his back and came to Long Zhihua's separate tent.

Just after putting Margaret on the bed next to Long Zhihua, Long Zhihua woke up unexpectedly.

"Water, give me water." Long Zhihua murmured.

"Come, General Long Zhihua."

Tu Yan carefully took the straw and inserted it into the water cup.

It was convenient for Long Zhihua to drink directly.

"Well, thank you, Tu Yan?"

After drinking some hot water, Long Zhihua obviously got better.

He even sat up on the bed and looked at Tu Yan.

"Yes, it's real."

"I didn't expect you to be alive."

Long Zhihua sighed, no one knew whether his tone was filled with joy of reunion or condemnation of Tu Yan for destroying his hometown.

"Don't talk nonsense, what is 1+1?" Tu Yan suddenly asked.

"2, I'm still awake." Long Zhihua also answered soberly.

"Well, anyway, most people are dead. Master Zhou caught me just now and wanted to kill me, but unfortunately I killed him in return."

"Now I tied him up and put him next to the fountain. There are only dozens of people left in Tianshui Villa and hundreds of people left in Meisibang Alliance."

"This is the current situation, Long Zhihua, take the responsibility of leading Tianshui Villa."

After saying this, Tu Yan stood up and bowed heavily to Long Zhihua.

"Tu Yan, this, you, ah, actually I don't know how to face you, so many of my brothers, all died there because of you, they are all dead!"

At first, Long Zhihua just said calmly, but his emotions fluctuated more and more violently.

In the end, he was already glaring at Tu Yan.

Before Tu Yan explained.

A weak voice sounded next to him.

"Hehe, that's why I don't like human race"

It turned out that Margaret woke up.

At this time, her face was pale, but her eyes were full of disdain for Long Zhihua.

"Oh? I guess you are the leader of the Meisibang Alliance? Skywing species, Margaret?" Seeing that there were other people, Long Zhihua also put aside his hatred for Tu Yan.

"That's right, human race, thank Tu Yan, hehe. Ah hahaha, hahahaha"

Margaret suddenly laughed wildly.

After a violent cough, Margaret finally recovered, and after Tu Yan handed her warm water, she continued.

"The human race over there."

"He has a name, his name is Long Zhihua, and he is a general."

"Huh? General? Bullshit! What a bullshit general! He doesn't understand right from wrong! Tianshui Villa was defeated because of that owner Zhou!"

"Long Zhihua! Listen to me! Tu Yan! He is a hero, a great hero!"

"He has done what many planes can't do! Do you know the twelve zombies!"

Margaret stared at Long Zhihua, her eyes full of the four words "frog in the well".

"Are you talking about the twelve zombies? I heard about it from friends of other races a few days ago."

"Then do you know who our opponent is? It's the members of the Twelve Generals! Fei Yan!"

"This is the victory of all our planes! All races! Death? Haha. In my hometown, tens of thousands! Hundreds of thousands! Millions of compatriots died! None of them could kill one of the Twelve Generals!"

Speaking of this, Margaret burst into tears!

Then she trembled and sat up on the bed, making a kneeling gesture.

Seeing this, Tu Yan hurried forward to stop her.

What's the situation?

"Tu Yan! Please accept my bow! You deserve it!"

Tu Yan was also stunned by Margaret's spirit.

After she kowtowed several times, she reacted.

"Margaret. Why are you doing this? The zombies are our common enemies."

"Fei Yan. In my hometown, thousands of compatriots of the Skywing species were eaten by Fei Yan. I am the only one in my family who escaped."

Hearing Margaret say this, Tu Yan could only sigh and said nothing more.

"So, General Long Zhihua, please pay attention. The one in front of you is a hero, a real hero!"

Long Zhihua also swallowed his saliva after hearing the news that the twelve generals were defeated.

At first, he thought that the bat was Tu Yan's helper, or Tu Yan had provoked a powerful opponent somewhere and used Tianshui Villa as a scapegoat.

Unexpectedly, they were dealing with the twelve generals at the beginning.

"Long Zhihua, please take the responsibility of leading Tianshui Villa and continue to protect Quan'an Mansion."

Tu Yan said solemnly.

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