The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 93 Margaret joins the gang

"Tu Yan. I'm sorry for my attitude towards you just now."

"I know, it's my fault for not telling you in advance, but if I tell the truth, Master Zhou will definitely not help me with his character."

Margaret also sneered when she heard the words "Master Zhou" in the audience.

"General Long, please don't think that Master Zhou is a good person. You just don't know how many of us from the Mesbon Alliance he has captured behind his back to be his bed partner."

"This! Is this true!"

Long Zhihua asked seriously.

"Only a serious and honest person like you doesn't know about this."

"Lady Margaret, I'm so sorry."

"It's none of your business, just think about the finishing touches."

Seeing that the communication could continue, Tu Yan told everyone about the current situation.

Including the destruction of surviving personnel, transmission equipment, and anti-drug cleaning.

"Kang Du Qing! Wait! My life was saved by Kang Du Qing? No wonder. I thought it was a dream that I turned into a zombie."

Margaret said with a frown.

"Yes, when Mark wakes up, go and thank him properly."

"Then Tu Yan, what are you going to do next?" Long Zhihua nodded beside him, also praising the timely appearance of this 'Anti-Du Qing'.

It's a pity that only three bottles can be produced every day, and they must be used within one hour of the 'Zombie Transformation'. Otherwise, this anti-toxic cleanser will definitely become a weapon that can reverse the situation of the world war!

"Me? You might as well discuss with Margaret how to rebuild Quan'an Mansion. At least there will be no new mourning beasts in Quan'an Mansion. Next, you only need to guard against external mourning beasts."

"Yes." Long Zhihua nodded.

Judging from his pensive look, he seemed to be ready to take on the responsibility of managing Quan'an Mansion.

The eyes that were still hidden in the shadows gradually became brighter.

Tu Yan nodded after seeing this.

Seeing such a change in Long Zhihua, he finally felt at ease.

What are you doing to calm down? If the group is leaderless, it will be possible to slaughter the owner of Zhouzhuang.


Unexpectedly, Margaret shook her head directly after hearing Tu Yan's words.

"Well, General Long is a gentleman. He just doesn't know about Master Zhou's dirty deeds. Before big things happen, he still has principles and knows Quan'an Mansion very well."

Tu Yan quickly persuaded.

"No, what I mean is, let General Long take charge of the entire Quan'an Mansion, including the Mesibon Alliance."

Then Margaret looked at Tu Yan.

"Tu Yan, I want to know your plans. Where are you going?"

"Me? Let's go to the end of the world with my sword. 9527 said that they hacked the system of the transmission device and got a lot of information. I want to follow the clues and find the next device and get it together."

"Yes! This is what I want! I've always felt that we have to take the initiative! We can't be passive defensive, Tu Yan, I've decided to mess with you!"

Margaret said excitedly.

"Huh? Where are your Mesibon Alliance people?" Tu Yan asked with the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Give it to Tianshui Villa. I believe General Long will make good arrangements for my friends. The entire Quan'an Mansion is entrusted to General Long."

Tu Yan originally wanted to reject Margaret.

After all, he was taking a girl with him on the road, and she was still the kind of Flügel who was as beautiful as an enchantress, with seduction in her bones.

If you think about it with your toes, you will know that it is a very troublesome thing.

But there was no trace of temptation in Margaret's blinking eyes, only the purest persistence.

"Oh, okay. But let's talk first! Everything that happens on the road is my decision. You must obey my command."

Seeing this, Tu Yan could only nod in agreement.

"Yes, Lord Hero! Hahahaha."

Margaret laughed heartily.

9527 also spoke at the right time.

"Tu Yan, you can rest in Quan'an Mansion these days, and then we will leave for another city."

"Oh? Do you have a goal?"

"Well, there are three such teleportation devices in the Yanlong Empire alone. Now that we have destroyed one, let's destroy the remaining two together."

"Okay, got it."

Tu Yan nodded.

Afterwards, Long Zhihua and Margaret continued to stay in the tent and continue to rest.

Tu Yan, on the other hand, took Margaret's token and went to the Mesibon Alliance to explain some things.

When he arrived at the fountain square, he was pulled aside by a guard.

"Tu Yan. Lord Tu Yan, it's not good. Master Zhou Zhuang."

"What's up with him?"

"Dead! He's dead!"

"Oh? What then?"

Upon hearing the news of Master Zhou's death, Tu Yan was very calm, as if an ant had died.

"Uh" The guard was also frightened by Tu Yan's calmness.

"Go tell General Long Zhihua. He will be the new owner of Tianshui Villa in the future, but this Tianshui Villa may have been renamed. This name, tsk tsk, no matter how many times I hear it, I still find it unpleasant."

After Tu Yan said this, he walked towards Master Zhou.

It was impossible to see how the tightly tied Master Zhou died.

It may be that the wound was burned and not treated.

Or they were directly scorched to death by the scorching sun.

No matter what the reason was, Tu Yan didn't want to know.

He just looked at the corpse in front of him extremely calmly.

After lighting up the cigarette and taking a heavy puff, Tu Yan muttered to himself.

"Master Zhou, no, City Master Zhou, I've seen you on TV before. After all, you are the city lord of the entire Quan'an Mansion."

"But this world is broken, broken, completely broken."

Tu Yan placed the unburned cigarette butt at Master Zhou's feet, and then left.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The entire Quan'an Mansion gradually returned to normal.

Tianshui Villa and Mesibon Alliance also merged smoothly.

The name of the new survivor camp is ‘Hero’s Mansion’.

Tu Yan originally shook his head wildly and rejected the name.

It was obvious at first glance that Margaret meant this kind of naked compliment.

But in the end, due to Long Zhihua’s insistence, the name ‘Heroes’ Mansion’ was adopted.

And after a day and night of dormancy, Mark also woke up.

After waking up, he quickly started the operation on Margaret, although the wings were tightly tied and needed some time to repair.

But it's no big deal.

Then for the rest of the time, he stayed in the medical research room, and even 9527 hung out with him all day long.

Finally, when I was about to leave.

Mark waved his hand and took out nine syringes of 'Anti-Duqing'.

He solemnly handed it to Long Zhihua, who was in a wheelchair.

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